Exclusive Audio: In 1994, Obama Criticized Clinton's "Values" Pitch

In 1994, Obama Criticized Clinton's "Values" Pitch
1994 !
That's almost 20 years ago.
Within 20 years ago, people change and they change their minds.

Back in 1994, I can believe Clinto and Obama weren't good friends.
Back in 2008 I can believe the fact that Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama were were both running from Democrats primary elections could have put some conflicts between Barack and Bill.
But now, Hilary is in Barack's government and the two guys have settle their differences and are both working together to make the Democrats win.
Does anybody here really believe that Bill Clinton is going to actually vote FOR Obama? There is real hate between those two guys, despite the Academy Award worthy performance Bubba had in his speech.

I really don't understand why the polls got Obummer and Mr. Mittens close (regardless of who's above) in the swing states. Then I remember, same thing happened in 1980. I know, I was too little to pay attention but had to go and read some history about it, and the polls actually had Jimmy Carter blowing Reagan out of the water. Then, surprise!! Funny thing was reading some liberal comments from that time "but nobody I know voted for him" :( I guess their bubble got popped.

But we're not in 1980 anymore. American has been too pussified, Jersey Shored, reality showed, and American Idol-ized to have any semblance to the America in 1980. Back then, the public saw Carter was an awful president and voted him out, no mercy, America was a strong country that did not want to put up with twats like him. Nowadays, even if it were to be scientifically proven that Obama is an awful president, I have a feeling that the American voter has been too pussified, Jersey Shored, reality showed, and American Idol-ized to do the same today. The pursuit of happiness has now become the pursuit of celebrity.