Ex-NFL superstar Terrel Owens friendless, nearly broke


Here's the full article.


Here's a snippet from the article.

Terrell Owens made more than $80 mil in his career, but now he's struggling to make ends meet And on top of that, he's battling in court with four women to whom he pays a total of $44,600 a month in child support for his four children, ages 5 to 12.

$10,000/per in child support? Holy shit! What? Do the freaking kids wear Gucci Velcro shoes and play video games on diamond encrusted X-Boxes? Those payments seem a little excessive to me. Not that I give a shit about T.O., but damn, he's getting the raw end of that deal.

There should be a professional athletes' hand-book that stresses condom use and abstinence as tools to achieve and maintain financial stability.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
When it comes down to it, he's in this position because of his own decisions in life. Nobody forced him to make those investments, nobody forced him to buy all of those properties, and nobody forced him alienate every single person he's ever met. He has nobody else to point the finger at other than himself. But he'll never admit that he's to blame for his own lot in life.

All the being said, I feel for him. He is still a person. And as I've mentioned here before, I had the pleasure of meeting Terrell when he was playing with the 49ers. He was then and still is the most personable professional athlete that I've ever met. He was completely at ease talking with me and joking around even though he had never met me. We talked for about ten minutes about all kind of topics. That encounter stuck with me, and I always revert back to it whenever I hear something negative about him. He puts up a very tough, stand-offish exterior, but he can be polite and friendly when he wants to.


Pucker Up Butter Cup.
Awww somebody call the wahmbulance, fuck this guy, if he's that stupid to burn through his millions already then he deserves it, plus its karma for being a self-righteous douchebag

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
He signed with an Arena football team a couple days ago. That just makes me fucking giggle every time I think about it.
Is child support a percentage of your annual salary or something? If he's paying 10 grand per month, do his payments go down when he has to get a real job? Couldn't the guy get a job commentating somewhere? WTF T.O??


FreeOnes Lifetime Member
Terrell Owens is his own worst enemy. He blew it with the 49ers, blew it with the Eagles, blew it with the Cowboys, blew it with the Bills, and blew it with the Bengals. No one should have compassion for him.

The amount of child support he has to pay sounds familiar. Same old same old. It sounds just like Andre Rison's story... Rison has eight children with five different women.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
I even cited my source... Wikipedia would be so happy. :D
Its rather sad and a shame to see this happen to a guy that was lighting up the NFL with TDs just a few years ago. I actually thought he would make it with the Cowboys and they were certainly a treat to watch when he was there and had he not blew it by trying to be the center of attention, and accepted a smaller role with them he would have been fine to retire as a Dallas Cowboy. Do I have sympathy? Yes, I do. Sure, he's gone through a few NFL teams and some arguments along the way, but I still enjoy him as a player and I just wish he would have played with Dallas longer and been happier to accept a smaller role there or elsewhere. But Terrell has to look at himself and realize a lot of that was his fault and some of it was circumstances and time will heal all wounds. Terrell just needs something to do that will help him and some friends to spend time with as well, I just hope he can cope with this rut he's gotten himself into.