that i just fucked my girlfriend and made her squirt 3, count 'em, THREEE times!
whos the man? oh ya baby
whos the man? oh ya baby
unfortunately i fell short of the mighty mighty Towlie. after i nutted on her tits i had to use my shirt to wipe up all the numerous fluid that were present.
that i just fucked my girlfriend and made her squirt 3, count 'em, THREEE times! who's the man? oh ya baby
its just spit, trust me a woman can not have that many orgasms ive beenwatching porn for a while i've seen the way they stop at two.
look at from my point of view. too much hot sause makes a not so good stew. might as well keep stirring the pot.
its true even studies haven proven oral sex to a woman collects siliva and instad of an orgasm it is just a pussy fart with spit. this take about a months time depending on the sloppyness either way.