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Recently an EU court decided individuals have the right to have Google remove links to material they find embarrassing.
I could see something like this being useful for those who were under 18 at the time of the Internet posting. Remove all those baby photos mom posted to Facebook, or the time you thought it would be funny to moon the camera. Under 18 makes since to me. Adults not so much, at least not without a strong review process, and maybe not even then. Plus if the EU decides corporations are individuals and have the same rights, whoa, set back and watch the insanity.
Some of the first requests so far:
A former politician running for office wants links to his previous behavior in office removed.
A convicted pedophile wants links related to his crimes removed.
A doctor wants negative reviews from his patients removed.
I don't know anything about about the court involved, but it seems like it is a case of a judge ruling on a technical issue they know nothing about.
I could see something like this being useful for those who were under 18 at the time of the Internet posting. Remove all those baby photos mom posted to Facebook, or the time you thought it would be funny to moon the camera. Under 18 makes since to me. Adults not so much, at least not without a strong review process, and maybe not even then. Plus if the EU decides corporations are individuals and have the same rights, whoa, set back and watch the insanity.
Some of the first requests so far:
A former politician running for office wants links to his previous behavior in office removed.
A convicted pedophile wants links related to his crimes removed.
A doctor wants negative reviews from his patients removed.
I don't know anything about about the court involved, but it seems like it is a case of a judge ruling on a technical issue they know nothing about.