Engagement Rings - For Both Sides?

Engagement Ring Equality?

  • Yay

    Votes: 7 70.0%
  • Nay

    Votes: 3 30.0%
  • Can't decide

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
I just watched this video, and the question surprised me, and I was surprised that this is not standard. If one side wears an engagement ring, the other should wear one, too.

What do you think? I cpnsider that an equality issue, and if the woman signals "I am taken", the man must be so fair to do so, too.


Torn & Frayed.
I did, and I still have mine.

All I have to do now is find another woman who has a March birthday...:D
No for me. I am married and wear a wedding band. I got my wife a nice ring when we got engaged that she likes to show off and gets compliments on. I'd rather have my wife spend her money on more practical things than get me an engagement ring.

Is a jewelry store a sponsor of that talking broads talking their opinionated opinions talking talk show?
If I ever get married I am NOT going to wear a ring. The few times I wear my Class ring it is uncomfy because way back when I dislocated that finger and the "knuckle" is larger than my finger below it so getting a ring on - and off - is hard. When I wear a ring my skin tends to get very dry and colored. I also like doing athletic stuff and the ring can cause problems

I don't need a ring to let the World know I love my wife (If I was married). And for some women hooking up with a married guy is great because they know he sleeps with 1 woman so they can fool around and know he is disease free
To me it would be a personal choice about jewelry and some culture. I don't wear any jewelry, never have and now that I carry a cell phone don't wear a watch either. My Father never wore jewelry (rarely carried a watch.) I don't remember either of my Grandfathers having rings too, and one side had been loaded at one point (pre-crash). My mother was liberated and way ahead of her time but still liked her antique jewelry ;)
I could understand wedding rings which people expect to last a lifetime (yeh sure:) but engagement rings which will only be worn a few months makes no sense at all unless you're so rich that cost/practicality means nothing.
Nope... I rely on my freedom to not wear jewelry... They do not fit my style and I don't like the feeling of wearing uncomfortable chains... Ladies are free to wear their shiny jewelry, if they so desire, but I prefer my engagement ring in a form of soft... warm... and moist ring of love around my cock. Then I don't mind wearing that ring as often as the bride wishes and that really gives a part of her literally and gives much more meaning than those silly little jewelries...
I am Swedish, so: YES! OF COURSE. Over here, engagement is the exchange of rings. One for him and one for her.

In a traditional Swedish wedding, the bride and groom walk together to the altar. None of this SHIT with the father handing over the bride to the groom.

För alla svenskar som läser det här så är det där med att pappan leder dottern till altaret ett hollywoodpåfund som inte har något i vår kultur att göra.