End The Violence [in Video Games].


This, if anything, will cause even more piracy to happen. People will go out of their way to get their consoles sorted so as they can play illegal copies as well as legit copies. Now if it caught on over seas [The UK and US for example] then we would be up shit creek without a paddle. For the world of gaming [and the world it's self] would be a sad place with just Nintendo games and consoles out there. FUCK THAT SHIT. I would rather stick two pencils up my nose and then headbutt a table than play a Nintendo game. I'd rather jump off of the top of the Empire State Building and hope to catch my eye lid on a rusty nail on the way down than play a Nintendo console.

What do you guys think of this article?. Should we be worried? or should we just laugh it off as Germany already are too hard on movies and games as it is. Is this just the Jerries going Politically Correct?. Are they blowing things way out of proportion?. Your views please.
Why do they want violent videogames to get banned? It seems like they would want them to stay that way whenever their kids act up they could blame it on the videogames and not their bad parenting.:dunno:
1st, the Internet, 2nd the Internet, 3d, V Games, ....blame it on the technology and we have "Mr Messenger: Shoot Me!!" :rolleyes:

We'll never have a problem with this in the U.S. It's always been made very clear that blood and gore is perfectly acceptable in any form.

Now...if there happens to be a bare boobie in the game somewhere...LOOK OUT!!!

Reminds me of: Video Nasties and Certification..... Please!!!
"For a normally functioning, non-sociopathic gamer, shooting a zombie on a television screen should not, does not, and will not directly manifest the desire to shoot a living person with a real gun.

Having said that, it's important to note some things. First, it's assumed that the person (typically a child or adolescent, as there's never any upheaval about adult violence being contributed to video games) is of a sound state of mind; no violent tendencies, psychotic reactions, Schizotypal qualities present.

Second, that person (child or adolescent) is being taught the sanctity of life. This is not a call for a religious upbringing, simply instruction calling for "golden rule" type morality. Third, if a person (child or adolescent) has any of these qualities, such as violent or psychotic tendencies, there should be an observatory system in place by which any type of violent, graphic or malicious content is strictly forbidden.

Blaming a violent episode of a violent person on a violent video game is akin to blaming the supermarket for stocking the drunk driver's beer. It's logically incoherent and nothing more than a way of shifting the blame away from where it should be: the parents.

If children and adolescents are having violent episodes, the responsibility lies on the parents to monitor their children's actions. Parents who blame video games for their children's actions are making a clear statement of non-interest in their children's recreation. The simple truth is that parents need to be more involved in their children's lives.

A violent person will be violent whether or not violent video games are introduced into his or her life. It's chemical, simply that person's personality. For every violent person who plays violent video games, there are innumerable calm, well-adjusted people who also play violent video games.

The Grand Theft Auto is typically targeted as the holy grail of violent video games by those who wish to make that link. The game is pure, unadulterated, sensationalized violence-for-violence's sake. And that is exactly the point. It is a game made to offer release. It is not intended as an instruction manual on how to become a drug lord or mass murderer. Anyone who uses video games as such is obviously the victim of much deeper-seeded problems, be they inter- or intrapersonal.

The shooters at the Columbine incident played Doom, even "honed" their skills using first-person shooters. Jeffrey Dahmer tortured and killed animals as a child. If Jeffrey Dahmer had had a drug-kill-eat-your-victims video game upon which to "hone" his skill, he most likely would have. The result? Absolutely no difference: a killer, no matter the "education."

Violent video games do not cause violent behavior. They may exacerbate it in people with already-present violent tendencies, but other factors, like abuse and neglect, contribute to a person's inherent tendency toward violence in ways that playing a video game can hardly compare. The time, money and energy devoted to restricting and researching violence in video games would be much better served going to educating parents about how to provide a safe, loving environment to their children.

It is true that desensitization can and does occur when violence is pervasive in a media-driven culture. This, however, does not excuse parents, teachers and anyone who serves as a mentor to children from the responsibility of being involved in their lives.

Violence has been a constant in human history. Video games, content notwithstanding, should hardly be at the top of the priority list in terms of changing this."
These idiots who play the game and then want to go and do it in real life ruin it for the none-psycho people who enjoy a bit of violence-packed gaming. The governments around the world just believe that we are all going to do this once we've played some violent computer games.

I play COD but i dont go round think everybodys hitler shooting them down and then using my forefinger to pretend i have a hitler tash. If violent games get banned, then eventually so will other games, then violent movies, then tv shows, then music until we have nothing left to do but sit around and watch Big Brother until our eyeballs fall out.

I hate this sort of shit!
Like another thread around here, this is an example of the pussyfication of America, hell, the pussyfication of all men. Trying to turn the government into our nanny telling us what we can play and what we can't. Okay, kids, don't play violent games until you can distinguish between reality and fantasy. If you can't distinguish between them, keep away from those games. But some of us around here are adults and have played violent video games since we can remember, and we can distinguish between fantasy and reality so we don't need big old government to tell us what to do with our free time.
I'm not a gamer and havent been for a long time. But violent video games have been around for a long time. This just spacks of a polotician jumping on the band wagon to blame anything to further his or her aganda. This is just like the story posted a while ago about a government (I think the Germans agains, but I'm not sure) looking into banning paint balling because the person who went to his school and shot the place up went paint balling once in a while. As I said placing blame where it neednt be.

Why is it when something similar to this happens parents or teachers or the state are never the ones to called to question the ways they are raising, teaching and motivating these children? It's because it's easier to blame video games, television, movies and music than it is to actually look inward.

But nothing changes, I'm sure the next time some troubled teen (or whoever) goes on a rampage they'll pick whatever they can find from the kids bedroom that they feel is some what violent and pounce on it.

How many of the people who watch violent movies, or listen to music with violent imagery or play games that are violent actually go on to commit such actions? I bet that figure is less than 1%. I'm just pulling that figure out of nowhere but I wouldnt be surprised if it is that low. So they are punishing 99% of the population who watch or play these things just to try to stop the 1% which is unfair and will not work because sick people have always been with us and they always will be.



But nothing changes, I'm sure the next time some troubled teen (or whoever) goes on a rampage they'll pick whatever they can find from the kids bedroom that they feel is some what violent and pounce on it.

A Marilyn Manson video game would be fucking peeeerfect for the job...
Like another thread around here, this is an example of the pussyfication of America, hell, the pussyfication of all men. Trying to turn the government into our nanny telling us what we can play and what we can't. Okay, kids, don't play violent games until you can distinguish between reality and fantasy. If you can't distinguish between them, keep away from those games. But some of us around here are adults and have played violent video games since we can remember, and we can distinguish between fantasy and reality so we don't need big old government to tell us what to do with our free time.

If parents actually cared about raising their kids, "the nanny state pussyfication" wouldn't be needed. :dunno: American parents are not interested in being involved with their kids. They are too interested in their own lives and jobs, basically. Hence the hiring of Nannies.

The American Gov't has tried a hands-off approach--coming up with the ratings system and assuming that Game retailers would *police* the sale of these games. But retailers don't give a shit. They just care about making money. Again, haha, the market fails the American consumer.

It is a fact that there is a link between violent video games and violent behavior. Hell, the American Military uses violent video games for "training" now. What does that tell you.....THEY'RE EFFECTIVE!
This is a really tired and pointless issue. I first saw the Nightmare on Elm Street and Friday the 13th movies when I was about 5. It didn't cause me to go out and start hacking people up once I reached adulthood. It just contributed to a rather large horror dvd collection :D
It looks like it's only happening in the UK. So the rest of us don't have to worry about it.:tongue:

It's actually "happening" in Germany. It's being reported/cited from Yahoo UK. Jerries = Germans (slang). Frank Sinatra would be proud at reading that :dunno:

And if you click on the link.. it reads "German Ministers"..blah blah blah...:wave2::glugglug::thumbsup:


If they took away my games Halo 3 or Runescape I'd dress up as a spartan from Halo and take down the enemies of violent games in a violent way. Just saying.


what the fuck you lookin at?
Lets just hope this doesn't catch on anywhere outside of germany. I tell you this much. Shit like this would NOT fly here in the states!
The problem is everyone in the world is getting way to soft, and need a something to blame for there own kids fuck ups and mistakes.