Emirates Airbus A380 - interior pics


there's beds, showers, the entertainment system lets you watch the flight you're on from several different on-board cams (could be interesting when you are crashing :D)...


the article makes the mistake of calling airbus french, it's a multi-national consortium, and until we invade france again i guess they're a part of it.:thefinger


Lost at Birth
wow thats just....well lets just say it blows away my weekly trips on Southwestern and American Airlines
Those extra showers will come in handy when the terrorists need to freshen up after a hard day of hijacking.


Closed Account
The best oil money can buy, so far. I wouldn't mind flying in it just for the socks, and the restrooms, and the couch, and the food, and the on board TV, and comfortable flight.
Basically this plane is for persons 5'10"/200lbs or smaller....

The seats can be folded out to a full-length coach and if you are 6 and half feet high it won’t be a problem to stretch your legs.
That's Russian for "you could fit comfortably even if you were 6'6"." :hatsoff:


Is somewhere outhere.
I could have with one of those coming back from Australia last year instead
of sitting across from a sceaming kid for 20 hours.

I'm sure Al-Queda had planted her there :mad:


What no Gold toliet seat. I REFUSE to fly in anything that does not have a gold toilet seat.


Postal Paranoiac
Okay. But can I get an upgrade if I use my Frequent Flier miles?
Looks kinda cramped. If you traveling with wife/girlfriend, how she gonna give you a handjob under the blanket if she so far away?
^Given the state or airtravel today (in the U.S. anyway) that's debatable! My fear about air travel is boarding a plane and then sitting on the plane, grounded, maybe 10 ft from the terminal for hours...and hours...and hours....and hours....

Atleast that would never happen with Greyhound!
^I hope to never be on a plane that long. What could be more miserable :rolleyes: ?

Sitting for 3 hours between a screaming kid that shat himself an hour ago and one of those "people-persons" that doesn't understand the subtle hint you're trying to give him when you put on your headphones, open your book, and turn the other way to avoid him, yet continues trying to engage you in conversation. See? I knew I could make your trip better. :hatsoff: