Edible insects (and arachnids) - in pictures


Special Operations FOX-HOUND


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Nope not a good idea they could be pregnent insects that you eat and then your screwed.
Well, if you sissies ever needed to eat bugs for some reason...to psych yourself past the thought of doing it just think to yourself or prepare your mind that you're eating potato chips, grapes and/or walnuts.

(It's allllll psych....why do you think people gladly consume milk from a cow but would think thrice about drinking human breast milk? Seems backwards doesn't it?? But the average mind is conditioned for one and not the other.)

But taking my method, you'll graduate and be a successful bug-eater before you know it.:) Bon apetite.:hatsoff:


Closed Account
Dont see the problem with eating insects, tried them in China and Korea and its not bad, besides, its not that different from eating other meats, its just that the source looks slightly different.
omg ! some amazing creatures ! nice post mrt :goodpost:
Oh, get over yourselves, people. Insects are basically the same thing as cows or chickens, they just come in a different presentation. Actually, with all the genetic engineering cows and chickens are subjected to these days, insects might be healthier.

I tried a few kinds of bugs when I lived in Mexico. I had roasted crickets with salt, lemon, and powdered chili. That wasn't too bad. Mezcal, the relative of tequila that features the worm swimming in it, is traditionally served with "worm salt," which is ground cactus worms, salt, and powdered chili. One delicacy that I never got to try were escamoles, which are cooked ant eggs. I heard those are good, but they're really expensive, and it's hard to find a place that makes them anymore.
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Closed Account
See people, me and GSB agree here, hark and hear the angels sing and all that crap....

It´s really just protein in a different container.

Besides... I got a friend in the finnish version of the special forces... going camping with that dude.... lets put it like this, there aint no food packed before going out.


Eaten scorpions, crickets, ants and several types of worms.

None of them tasted good, but none of them tasted bad either... Only ate them to say I'd done it, to be honest.


Closed Account
It's all in the mind. We for example eat shrimps or horse meat or... but there are places in the world where they would have the same discusted reaction to it. A few months ago I red in a newspaper we consume about 0.5kg of insects a year without knowing it. The most creapy thing I remembered about that article was the fact that at night when we are asleep sometimes small insects and spiders do crawl into our mouth and we just swallow without knowing it. And our food is full of insects: E120, remains of insects in sauces, pizza, chocolate, vegetables, ...

So I wouldn't mind trying it if I had the chance. But NOT arachnids, I hate spiders.
^ A lobster is basically the same thing as a cockroach. How many people do you know that would eat a lobster? How many people do you know that would eat a cockroach? ;)