Only a few nudes, but still nice.
why did they release her?
Dave Meltzer of The Wrestling Observer broke the story last week that Shelly Martinez (best known as former ECW Vixen "Ariel") has agreed to do a porn movie for "Platinum Jewel", porn star Jewel De'Nyle's production company.
Since then, there's been a ton of speculation and misinformation about what Shelly Martinez' future holds.
According to pornstar Jewel De’Nyle, Shelly has agreed to star in a "solo fetish film" for Platinum Jewel - De’Nyle’s production company.
Jewel De'Nyle stated that Shelly Martinez was not up for a hardcore movie, but might be willing “to do a solo Bettie Page fetish type movie just starring her doing different set ups with stockings, boots, heels, whips etc.”
More recently, De'Nyle confirmed: "I landed Shelly Martinez so I’m happy with this she will be doing a solo fetish type movie for me."
Shelly Martinez broke her silence yesterday with a blog entry on her official MySpace page. "Porn Rumors: There is a HUGE difference between porn and Bettie Page fetish style shoots that is all I have to say"
Shelly Martinez will be at TNA's Bound For Glory PPV this weekend and will wrestle in the Women's Gauntlet Match to crown TNA's first "Knockout Champion".
Nice findThere's pics at