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Earth population 'exceeds limits'

BBC News Article

There are already too many people living on Planet Earth, according to one of most influential science advisors in the US government.

Nina Fedoroff told the BBC One Planet programme that humans had exceeded the Earth's "limits of sustainability".

Dr Fedoroff has been the science and technology advisor to the US secretary of state since 2007, initially working with Condoleezza Rice.

Under the new Obama administration, she now advises Hillary Clinton.

"We need to continue to decrease the growth rate of the global population; the planet can't support many more people," Dr Fedoroff said, stressing the need for humans to become much better at managing "wild lands", and in particular water supplies.

Pressed on whether she thought the world population was simply too high, Dr Fedoroff replied: "There are probably already too many people on the planet."

GM Foods 'needed'

A National Medal of Science laureate (America's highest science award), the professor of molecular biology believes part of that better land management must include the use of genetically modified foods.

"We have six-and-a-half-billion people on the planet, going rapidly towards seven.

"We're going to need a lot of inventiveness about how we use water and grow crops," she told the BBC.

We accept exactly the same technology (as GM food) in medicine, and yet in producing food we want to go back to the 19th Century."

Dr Fedoroff, who wrote a book about GM Foods in 2004, believes critics of genetically modified maize, corn and rice are living in bygone times.

"We wouldn't think of going to our doctor and saying 'Treat me the way doctors treated people in the 19th Century', and yet that's what we're demanding in food production."

In a wide ranging interview, Dr Fedoroff was asked if the US accepted its responsibility to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide, the gas thought to be driving human-induced climate change. "Yes, and going forward, we just have to be more realistic about our contribution and decrease it - and I think you'll see that happening."

And asked if America would sign up to legally binding targets on carbon emissions - something the world's biggest economy has been reluctant to do in the past - the professor was equally clear. "I think we'll have to do that eventually - and the sooner the better."

Rediculous. They only come out from under their rocks when Dems are in power, and this one made the same declaration during the '90s. But her armageddon prophecy was silent for 8 years, but now HERE SHE IS!
The population explosion in the last 150 years which was from a time that the population of the planet had never exceeded 1 billion to now approaching 7 billion and predicted to be 9 billion by 2050 (we will never see that though most experts say) is the underlying factor for almost all the other problems in the world today, like climate change etc.Let me put it this way, its not so much how dirty humans (especially in the west) lifestyles are and how much resources we consume its how many humans there are being dirty and consuming resources.Planet could maybe sustain a couple billion living and having the impact we do but 6 billion as the article says is just unsustainable.This is not new news ,it has been known and talked about for decades.
I have posted about this subject many times as it is IMO the most important issue of our time for our future survival.As I said earlier climate change and everything else are just symptoms of this underlining cause.Until we do something about controlling population we have really no chance of doing anything about those other dilemas.
This site goes into tons of detail and facts on the issue.

What amazes me is he adverts weve all seen "in this time youve finished reading this/watching this (insert number) people will have died" . If you put them all together it would suggest millions dying each day, where is this surplus population coming from, it must be one hell of an exchange rate of born - dying. This is why I get angry when you see teens pushing around their bastard offspring, they were never wanted, planned for or can even be adequately cared for. A vicious cycle really, bad enough when that happens in places of higher quality of life (supposedly) versus places like africa where a family has 10 kids and then has to watch them all starve and die.

Mankind is doomed and I believe has set itself on he road to extinction, between disease and the world as it is, climate change, wars etc, we're fucled basically. Makes you ask the question, do we deserve to make it in the end anyway? Right now, I dont think so.
I've talked before about the actual population numbers, i don't feel like saying it again.

I will say that population is not the problem, and population density is not even the problem. If you evenly distributed the population across the inhabitable regions of the planet then it would be cozier than most people have it now by choice. For instance the state of New York is almost half the size of Wyoming, but has a population nearly 40 times as high!

The real problem is people consume resources faster than they can be replenished (if at all, in some cases). While we have the innovation and foresight to overcome that factor, current technologies cannot provide for it and too many narrow-minded people seem bent on trying to keep it that way and impede progress. Unfortunately the only thing that can be done for the immediate future that alleviates the problem would be an overall downgrade in technology until, if ever, sufficiently advanced systems are invented and able to be implemented - which a lot of people don't like even more than the former suggestion.

Sadly we all know that the comforts of the powerful few outweigh the concerns for the betterment of mankind and they would rather stupidly hold onto them at all costs, even when it will it ultimately come back to hurt them.
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Yes just what we needed, more Paris Hilton worshipers!!!!

Let the pandemics begin...

To quote a brilliant person, "You know you can't take life to seriously, because you'll never get out alive." - Van Wilder


Re: Earth population 'exceeds limits'

Bullpuckey. Google Earth it across this here American continent and see for yourself. It's relatively deserted !

Take a look at most of the world outside of Europe and the UK for that matter :dunno:

"Exceeding limits" :rolleyes:
It's just more hysterical rubbish :updown:

I like the name change from Federov to Federoff. As if nobody would notice :rofl2: So she's of russian extraction
A commie enviro hysteric, no doubt ! :D

"Out Of Chaos Comes Order"
If you believe that there's too many people in the world, do the rest of us a favor and kill yourself, and I'm serious about it. Same thing if you believe that humans are harmful to the earth, if you kill yourself that would be one less human producing methane through farts and CO2 through breathing.
There was more people than the Earth could effectively feed way back over a decade ago already. This isn't news. The science of growing crops to get marginal incremental increases in it just isn't enough to keep up with population growth. It's pretty simple mathematics and common sense. None of that even counts the other stresses that humans put on their environment, like pollution, urban creep, draining of water tables, extinction of animals, deforestation, or increases in the gases that cause global warming. This isn’t stuff that takes a genius to figure out.
Couldn't have said it better if I tried, d-rock man.


With natural selection being replaced with life saving drugs, I'm not surprised.
Overpopulation problems? No problem! Let's just invade Iran and North Korea, and sit back and watch them take care of the overpopulation problem. :hatsoff:
We need to set up Moon and Mars colonies to balance human population on Earth or subsea colonies in quite deep oceans. Building floating cities in sky would be too costly.
We need to set up Moon and Mars colonies to balance human population on Earth or subsea colonies in quite deep oceans. Building floating cities in sky would be too costly.

Stephen Hawkings (the brilliant wheelchaired physicist) has talked about we need space colonies to insure the survival of the species given what may happen to planet earth.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
With natural selection being replaced with life saving drugs, I'm not surprised.

Yup. People live longer now, as opposed to hundreds of years ago. That's because of advances in medicinal technology. We figured out how to delay death, so of course our population is going to overcrowd the earth. It's not at that point yet, but it will be someday.


This is nothing more than a political ploy to prepare us first worlders for a reduction in stature. The collectivist - communists are on the march, no question and they're using enviro-wacko theories to enhance their ability to "relieve us" of the freedoms that we have taken for granted.

*Everything they throw at us is in the form of a guilt trip as they break down our spirit, attack religious faith, attack private enterprise, encourage revolution, encourage envy, foment fear, hysteria and uncertainty.

And you young un's think that you know it all simply because you have the internet at your desk.:1orglaugh OK doubters - Have you ever once read a chapter or much less, a paragraph in your high school or college education that critiqued the ideology of Communism ? Of course you haven't ! The idea that a teacher would make mention of communism in a negative context would be blasphemy ! as they continue impressing you with the virtues of the "potemkin village''. :rofl: Kill yourself ! Please !

*Communist Strategy for change
The population explosion in the last 150 years which was from a time that the population of the planet had never exceeded 1 billion to now approaching 7 billion and predicted to be 9 billion by 2050 (we will never see that though most experts say) is the underlying factor for almost all the other problems in the world today, like climate change etc.Let me put it this way, its not so much how dirty humans (especially in the west) lifestyles are and how much resources we consume its how many humans there are being dirty and consuming resources.Planet could maybe sustain a couple billion living and having the impact we do but 6 billion as the article says is just unsustainable.This is not new news ,it has been known and talked about for decades.
I have posted about this subject many times as it is IMO the most important issue of our time for our future survival.As I said earlier climate change and everything else are just symptoms of this underlining cause.Until we do something about controlling population we have really no chance of doing anything about those other dilemas.
This site goes into tons of detail and facts on the issue.


your an idiot, ill state my argument when im not so drunk, your obviously anglo and living in america and feeding off this bs that they are feeding you about climate change.

get any real professionals testimony and they will tell you that is all fiction. We have had excessive temperatures on both scales recorded thoughout the centuries. Its to do with the sun, nothing to do with out activities here on earth. yes we might log rain forests and such, but that has absolutely nothing to do with the UV rays which heat our planet. If you had any idea how much governments are profiting from this 'green' state of living. And how many people are dying because of it. China for example has closed much of its iron and coal plants because of this debacle, putting 1000's on the street. Its like burning your toast and blaming the bread for getting so hot.

Go do some homework before posting your Bullshit ideologies
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I don't really know that much about chemistry but if you have a CO2, an O2 and an O3 molecule and then a UV ray comes and splits them all apart, doesn't the bond favor CO over Co2, thus you are left with the three sets of bonded 02 molecules and the lone 0 bonding with the C?