DVD creating software

Hopefully someone will be able to point me in the right direction here.

I'm looking for a preferably free download on a good DVD creating program. Windows video editor used to be decent enough, but as with all things Windose, they changed and fucked it up royally. The one there now is complete shite.

I've went looking for other programs, but I keep hitting the "Free, but with big assed watermarks" software or they want to add shit to my PC that I'm not touching with a really big stick.

I'm looking for something that will let me add videos, create a menu and burn it to either a DVD or create an ISO for later. It doesn't need lots of bells and whistles, just work and let me create working DVD's.


Expect Nothing and Appreciate Everything
I would recommend Cyberlink Power Director/Producer myself...you might be able to find an older version on amazon/ebay for a little bit of money ;)


Do not approach, call 911
What's a DVD? Do you really mean just a free video editor? Does anybody watch things on disc anymore?
I still watch movies on VHS to piss off media elitists.
I dug out a free encoder that doesn't stick shit at the front of the menu or stick a watermark on the encoded video, job done.

I still watch DVD's, I don't stream everything.
I can go out, spend cash buying a DVD and watch it without the date, time and what it is being automatically logged so whatever streaming service I'm using can "enhance" my viewing experience.
And best of all, it's completely offline.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
"Any Video Converter Professional" is mine.
Tried many. Never really found a happy medium between "Does one thing STUPIDLY well" (like Mediacoder does for anything A/V, then convert to DVD_VIDEO file structure.. then burn as this, change that to 2352, make sure the DVD4 bitrate isnt too high, did you remember to turn off hardcoding subtitles? etc etc)
And "tries to do everything. But not to your liking, and you have a lot more burning errors using THIS app, instead of.. THAT app.. (DVD Fab 9)