Dragon Ball Z

Any Dragon Ball Z fans here?
I am/was a fan of the series until it got too corny and predictable (GT series)
I have the videogames and also collected the stickers. Yeah,I know,the movie sucked. :(
However I got the animated movies like the Brolly version. That was bad ass.
I love the storyline in Dragon Ball Z. It's always some 'end of the world' crap and everyone have to get together and defeat the bad guys and save the planet. You cant get anymore epic in a cartoon than that.
I hate Goku however. It sucks that he is always the one saving the day, they make him out to be unbeatable and shit. My favorite character is Vegeta.
That guy is sooooo bad ass. He doesnt give a fuck what you think about him,and he will kick your ass just for looking at him the wrong way.:thefinger
Dragon Ball Z has the most intensifying fighting scenes ever in a cartoon broadcast on prime time tv(cartoon network)
The fighting scenes were so hardcore that Cartoon network had to take it off toonami which was airing it in the afternoon and replace it on Saturdays at nights. Man that cartoon action scenes rocked.:thumbsup:
Favorite episodes were the Buu saga. When Vegata and Goku had to fuse together. That shit was way cool.
I'm a fan too and myy favorite characters are Vegeta and Picollo
You seem to quite like the Buu part. I Don't. Too me, it' just goes too far...
About Goku, I don't really like him but I'm not a hater. Ok, its irritating to always having him saving the world. But here's the hero. Heroes character are often boring, badass are often better characters

About the storyline, maybe you already know it but, at first, Dargon Ball/Dragon Ball Z's end should have been the death of Freeza (and Goku). But the ToeI (producer of the cartoon) and Shueisha (publisher of the manga) asked Toriyama to continue...

You live in the US, am I wrong ? Be cause, there's one thing I'd like to know, it's about Kame-Sennin : the japanese version of the anime show him as a fucking perv reading adult agazines and always looking for a moment he could touch Bulma's boobs or ass. In France, the translation and the dubbing totally erased that, making him red comics, etc...
How was the american translation and dubbing about that ?

Anotherquestion : What do you think about Dragon Ball, not Z, just the 1st part, the meetings with Bulma, Kurilin, Kame-Sennin, Yamcha, Tien, and the fights against Picollo, Tien, Garlic, Tao-Paï, Paï, the Red Ribbon Army, etc... ?
I used to be into it, but then it just got too much for me. That said i loved the Buu saga as well. I had no desire to see live action movie. Even w/ the lovely Jamie Chung, it looked filth!
It does take an interesting approach to the standard serial where a hero would fight a new villain every week, and instead devote long story arcs to a fight with a single villain. the movies are kinda like that and I don't think they are as good as the show.

It does work, but it is still pretty redundant. I was just thinking that the show Neon Genesis Evangelion, which does use a more traditional serialized format of one villain per episode; the entire series is only 24 episodes. As compared with DBZ where it's like 60 episodes or more to defeat majin boo. the whole series is like 300 episodes.

As far as the American versions and content goes, pretty much all of the nudity, sexual innuendos and most of the more overt violence (gore) was edited out of the original TV broadcasts. For the VHS release it came in edited and uncut editions. The DVDs restore it back to the original footage, but the voice dubbing is still toned down a bit for content like less sexuality from master Roshi and most of the harsher language. Although the show was never really explicit as fas as that goes, just things like "hell" and "damn". stuff like that.
Any Dragon Ball Z fans here?
I am/was a fan of the series until it got too corny and predictable (GT series)
I have the videogames and also collected the stickers. Yeah,I know,the movie sucked. :(
However I got the animated movies like the Brolly version. That was bad ass.
I love the storyline in Dragon Ball Z. It's always some 'end of the world' crap and everyone have to get together and defeat the bad guys and save the planet. You cant get anymore epic in a cartoon than that.
I hate Goku however. It sucks that he is always the one saving the day, they make him out to be unbeatable and shit. My favorite character is Vegeta.
That guy is sooooo bad ass. He doesnt give a fuck what you think about him,and he will kick your ass just for looking at him the wrong way.:thefinger
Dragon Ball Z has the most intensifying fighting scenes ever in a cartoon broadcast on prime time tv(cartoon network)
The fighting scenes were so hardcore that Cartoon network had to take it off toonami which was airing it in the afternoon and replace it on Saturdays at nights. Man that cartoon action scenes rocked.:thumbsup:
Favorite episodes were the Buu saga. When Vegata and Goku had to fuse together. That shit was way cool.

Yes I also like this anime (japanese word for cartoon), The first time I saw DBZ it was in 1987 in a french youth tv show called "Club Dorothée". Ask Johan he will confirm ;). I think it is the anime that revealed japanimation all over the world!

I'm a fan too and myy favorite characters are Vegeta and Picollo
You seem to quite like the Buu part. I Don't. Too me, it' just goes too far...
About Goku, I don't really like him but I'm not a hater. Ok, its irritating to always having him saving the world. But here's the hero. Heroes character are often boring, badass are often better characters

About the storyline, maybe you already know it but, at first, Dargon Ball/Dragon Ball Z's end should have been the death of Freeza (and Goku). But the ToeI (producer of the cartoon) and Shueisha (publisher of the manga) asked Toriyama to continue...

You live in the US, am I wrong ? Be cause, there's one thing I'd like to know, it's about Kame-Sennin : the japanese version of the anime show him as a fucking perv reading adult agazines and always looking for a moment he could touch Bulma's boobs or ass. In France, the translation and the dubbing totally erased that, making him red comics, etc...
How was the american translation and dubbing about that ?

Anotherquestion : What do you think about Dragon Ball, not Z, just the 1st part, the meetings with Bulma, Kurilin, Kame-Sennin, Yamcha, Tien, and the fights against Picollo, Tien, Garlic, Tao-Paï, Paï, the Red Ribbon Army, etc... ?

Answer to your last question; yep Dragon Ball was more funny !

Nice thread, by the way ! Hope it will last for a long time ! :thumbsup:
I watched it a few time because some friends of mine were into it a few years ago. But I could never see what they thought was so special about.
Yes I also like this anime (japanese word for cartoon), The first time I saw DBZ it was in 1987 in a french youth tv show called "Club Dorothée". Ask Johan he will confirm ;). I think it is the anime that revealed japanimation all over the world!

really? because it didn't come out in Japan until 1989. :dunno: Maybe you are thinking of the first part Dragon Ball, which came out in japan in 1986.
Yes I also like this anime (japanese word for cartoon), The first time I saw DBZ it was in 1987 in a french youth tv show called "Club Dorothée". Ask Johan he will confirm ;). I think it is the anime that revealed japanimation all over the world!
I think Saint Seiya make it too. It was prior to Dragon Ball Z (but same time than Dragon Ball) and it was huge...

I'm more a Saint Seiya fan than a Dragon Ball./Dragon Ball Z fan
I'm a fan too and myy favorite characters are Vegeta and Picollo
You seem to quite like the Buu part. I Don't. Too me, it' just goes too far...
About Goku, I don't really like him but I'm not a hater. Ok, its irritating to always having him saving the world. But here's the hero. Heroes character are often boring, badass are often better characters

About the storyline, maybe you already know it but, at first, Dargon Ball/Dragon Ball Z's end should have been the death of Freeza (and Goku). But the ToeI (producer of the cartoon) and Shueisha (publisher of the manga) asked Toriyama to continue...

You live in the US, am I wrong ? Be cause, there's one thing I'd like to know, it's about Kame-Sennin : the japanese version of the anime show him as a fucking perv reading adult agazines and always looking for a moment he could touch Bulma's boobs or ass. In France, the translation and the dubbing totally erased that, making him red comics, etc...
How was the american translation and dubbing about that ?

Anotherquestion : What do you think about Dragon Ball, not Z, just the 1st part, the meetings with Bulma, Kurilin, Kame-Sennin, Yamcha, Tien, and the fights against Picollo, Tien, Garlic, Tao-Paï, Paï, the Red Ribbon Army, etc... ?

Well someone already answered the question about it being edited and censored.

as for the other question, I like Dragon Ball to a certain extent. That's the version where Goku was a kid. It was funny and not action pack in my opinion.
It was more of a kid cartoon. The reason why I love the Z series is cuz of Vegeta. From the moment I saw him and the Ginyu Force my interest immediately sparked. Plus I loved Bulma and seeing Trunks come from the future as his son and him not knowing about him was very very awesome storytelling.
That's the reason why the movie from the start would not has and does not interest me,it does not have Vegeta in it.
Yes I also like this anime (japanese word for cartoon), The first time I saw DBZ it was in 1987 in a french youth tv show called "Club Dorothée". Ask Johan he will confirm ;). I think it is the anime that revealed japanimation all over the world!

Answer to your last question; yep Dragon Ball was more funny !

Nice thread, by the way ! Hope it will last for a long time ! :thumbsup:

really? because it didn't come out in Japan until 1989. :dunno: Maybe you are thinking of the first part Dragon Ball, which came out in japan in 1986.

I had no idea either. I thought the comic book came out around that time.:dunno:
the manga ran from 1984-1995.

For whatever reason they decided to split it up into two series for the TV show. The third TV series, Dragon Ball GT, was not based on previously published material. Thats probably why it wasn't very good.
I used to dig it as a kid, but It just seemed to drag onso I got bored after seeing the same shit for 600 episodes before anything happens with the story