Double penetration - anyone else HATE it?


are you talking to me?
georges said:
Hello to everyone, I am just passing by. Nothing wrong with DP, like everything else. It is a matter of like and if the woman is consenting and enjoys it.
Big Hello to Miss Brittany that I considerate as one of the best super pornstars of the 90's :bowdown: Your performances in "Hard Core Beginners #11", "Portrait of Pain" and "Scandal" are not to be forgotten.

regards to all and have a nice day

georges:) ;)

welcome georges!:wave2:
it's been a long time i haven't read any post of you...
hope you have a great life...:hatsoff:
pitino said:
welcome georges!:wave2:
it's been a long time i haven't read any post of you...
hope you have a great life...:hatsoff:
thanks for the welcome :hatsoff: I am doing ok.
for me it depends on the girl and the context of it. but generally no.
Personally I like it. Watching it that is, I've never experienced it but given the chance with the right people I'd be all for it. It just seems to add to the horny 'atmosphere' having a couple of guys there, or even more and the girl getting more pleasure is certainly not a bad thing so yeah, I like it. :)
I'm a big fan of DVDA, the best damn band I've ever heard!
I don't care too much for it because the dp scene is usually 4-5 minutes of two guys asses. I want to see the girl and when two guys have to get so close together, they pretty much block her out of the shot.

If the thread starter was referring to actually being in a dp, I can't say I've ever done it (or would ever want to).
Well, this thread makes me laugth a little because most guy's say their not really into dp. They don't really care for it and don't want to see another mans dick. Well, everytime i've stumble on two clients wanting to fuck me and sucked at the same time,,,i've said that for some433%$/ dollars extra they"d get me for a dp. the guy,s always say,,,not really into that stuff and then i just challenge them with ( put-up or shut up ) I'll get cowgirl on one guy,,,turn my head and say to the other guy ( just don't fucking stand their,,nail my fucking ass real good and make me cum ) . Bottom line is that guy's can say all they want, but when put into that situation and having the chance looking at a nasty bitch getting nailed and wanting some more meat into her ass,,,guy's get on the band wagon and will fuck like energizer fucking bunnys until the jobs done.
Guy's,,,you migth not be into that stuff, but when faced with the situation,you'll put up your cock into a pussy or ass even do another guy,s their because you'll want that whore to cum sensles and from all directions.
I've seen and lived it and guy's just can't resist because there cocks take over when they get horny to a certain point. There's a point of no return for cocks and thats one of them. ;)
I love doing them, love watching them. There's never been an issue of "accidentally" grabbing the other guy's ass, or worrying about accidentally (oh no!) bumping up against the other guy. I don't suffer much A.D.D. during sexual encounters- it's far to easy to concentrate on the girl, and I'm not worried I'll suddenly go gay if my thigh happens to brush the other guy's thigh.

hedonis said:
I love doing them, love watching them. There's never been an issue of "accidentally" grabbing the other guy's ass, or worrying about accidentally (oh no!) bumping up against the other guy. I don't suffer much A.D.D. during sexual encounters- it's far to easy to concentrate on the girl, and I'm not worried I'll suddenly go gay if my thigh happens to brush the other guy's thigh.


Very good. Even when I lick them dry after a good dp,,,i,ll get on my knees like a good little whore and take those cocks with my two hands and has i'm licking them dry into my mouth there actually cock to cock in my mouth and guy,s don't think about gay stuff or,,ho my god my cock is touching is. There like,,what a fucking slut. Guy"'s are in the moment and they just had a great experience dp'ing a slutty nasty whore. It,s easy to say no or never but when put into the moment,,,guy,s will nail a womans pussy or ass even with another guy present. Thats just nature taking it's course :rolleyes:
The HOT about DP:

1. A woman can get so sexually aroused that a single cock is not enough and she needs more than one. (I think it's hot when they do "Airtight Skiing" -- a cock in the puss, one in the ass, one in the mouth, thereby making her airtight and then one in each hand which she's stroking like she's crosscountry skiing.) :D

2. A woman is sexually liberated enough to have and enjoy anal sex.

3. A woman is "using" men for her sexual gratification.

The COLD about DP:

1. Sweaty ballsacks in close proximity.

2. Hairy ballsacks in close proximity.

DP is just one way for a woman to be the sexually liberated dirty little slut we men secretly wish they all were.
Donkey Boy said:
The HOT about DP:

1. A woman can get so sexually aroused that a single cock is not enough and she needs more than one. (I think it's hot when they do "Airtight Skiing" -- a cock in the puss, one in the ass, one in the mouth, thereby making her airtight and then one in each hand which she's stroking like she's crosscountry skiing.) :D

2. A woman is sexually liberated enough to have and enjoy anal sex.

3. A woman is "using" men for her sexual gratification.

The COLD about DP:

1. Sweaty ballsacks in close proximity.

2. Hairy ballsacks in close proximity.

DP is just one way for a woman to be the sexually liberated dirty little slut we men secretly wish they all were.

Lots of woman are but don't show it witch is pretty silly in my book because they look out more for there image then their libido. The need is more important then what people are going to say. You can be a slut and nobody has to know. So a woman can have the image and her slutty side and it's the way it should be with all woman. Man would be in heaven and so would be the girls.Go Dp"'s Go
I accidently poked my girl in the rear when we were doin it a while back, and It hurt so bad that we had to stop, she said it felt like needles. I think it's revulting, and it opens the door to fagotry. Read JL's post from Stormfront:

You've seen lesbian porn mixed with hetero-oriented porn, but not homo porn mixed in, for the following reasons. My answers are not pretty:

1) The big custormers of porn are males, generally male sex-addicts. Male sex-addicts come to be aroused by females in almost any sexual situation at all.

2) Yet most of them still have an inner conscience about the possibility of the perversion of their male sex instinct, thus they avoid homo porn in the effort to forestall that corruption of themselves. Because they are not corrupted that badly yet, male homosexuality still repels them. They are like pumpkins rotting from within, but the shell is not rotted through yet. Their basic structure as heterosexuals is still intact. But they are slowly becoming perverted. They are trying to hold at least that shell, that form together. So they allow other perversions to creep in (anal sex by heteros is homo training camp), but try to avoid that last one.

Heat up the libido long enough, and it starts to warp and melt, as it were. Male sex addicts sense that they are becoming perverse in time. And they realize that faggotry would be the final corruption, because it represents a TOTAL subversion of the male creative principle; a COMPLETE misdirection of the male vital substance, and utter debasement. That shred of remaining conscience (the pumpkin shell) makes faggotry still repulsive to them, for yet a while.

3) Homo sex is frowned on more than lezbo sex because the human conscience knows that the abuse and wasting of the male creative material is a greater spiritual calamity and moral atrocity than females rubbing together, and

4) Male homo sex is resisted more because our racial awareness knows this: When the MALE becomes sexually perverted -- the MALE who must be a protector of everyone and who must be full of virtue to be a successful warrior -- then EVERYTHING'S FINISHED. That's the end of the line for that culture or civilization.

5) Finally, the male is supposed to be an ultimate refuge of rationality, law, and human order -- the final bastion of moral discipline. The female, at least in myth and racial memory, is weaker in the face of temptation and relies on some moral buttressing from the male. (Part of the fun of being female. No insult intended to any individual females here, who are all obviously exceptional women.) So the corruption of the male is instinctively seen as the greater calamity and final loss for all.

Soon you'll see homo porn mixed in more and more with 'standard' porn -- as more and more men become jaded, corrupted, and perverse -- in our time of The Great Pornography Scourge.

I can provide the link for that too if you want, but it's a white pride web-site, so many of you will not like it.

*edit* NO need for the url!
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