Don't be surprised if Chauvin "walks.."

Saw this interesting Op-Ed piece on USA Today:

Key points:

1. Floyd had trouble breathing while in the police car; toxicology showed his level of fentanyl was roughly 4x the level where deaths have occurred (due to slowed or stopped breathing);
2. the autopsy revealed no physical evidence suggesting Floyd died of asphyxiation; and
3. the restraint using an officer’s knee on an uncooperative suspect was part of the training of officers.

Stay away from Minneapolis once the jury starts their deliberations.. It could get REAL ugly.
You can be he will get the best and most expensive lawyers his union and maybe the city can afford. Takes in Minneapolis will be going up next year. The fix is often in on cases like this. At least historically so.
Be equally unsurprised if it sparks civil unrest that makes what happened last year look pretty tame.

Key counter points:
1. Floyd said repeatedly he couldn't breathe.
2. Bystanders were shouting at chauvin that he couldn't breathe and to get off his neck.
3. chauvin was on Floyd's neck for 7 minutes and 46 seconds, which included almost 2 full minutes after Floyd became unresponsive.

chauvin had a duty of care. Once a person is in police custody, those police are responsible for that person's life.
Be equally unsurprised if it sparks civil unrest that makes what happened last year look pretty tame.

Key counter points:
1. Floyd said repeatedly he couldn't breathe.
2. Bystanders were shouting at chauvin that he couldn't breathe and to get off his neck.
3. chauvin was on Floyd's neck for 7 minutes and 46 seconds, which included almost 2 full minutes after Floyd became unresponsive.

chauvin had a duty of care. Once a person is in police custody, those police are responsible for that person's life.
Try not to fall into the trap of Common sense.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
Contributory negligence. He put himself in a bad position. Inflicting the death penalty was an excessive punishment. Just like the guy who died because he was selling contraband cigarettes.
I wonder if violent unrest would be avoid if he was at least convicted of the lesser charges like manslaughter, etc. A complete exoneration seems way too inappropriate (even with the points in the article) and would 100% result in violence. But if he's convicted and at least put away for a significant amount of time, I wonder if that would make a difference.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
I wonder if violent unrest would be avoid if he was at least convicted of the lesser charges like manslaughter, etc.
It depends on how cynical you want to be. If Minneapolis wanted to avoid immediate violence, they should have ended the trial in mid-winter. Nothing stops a good riot like a cold front.

This will be an interesting summer with the COVID restrictions being eased.


FreeOnes Lifetime Member
Stay away from Minneapolis once the jury starts their deliberations.. It could get REAL ugly.
If Derek Chauvin gets off, this will be just like what happened to Stacey Koon and those four other police officers after they were acquitted in the Rodney King trials in April 1992. So much rioting will occur. They'll burn down Minneapolis. Just like they did in Los Angeles.
I'm going to remain optimistic as I think the anti-racist and highly civilized peaceful protestors will voice their grievances with elegance, grace, and clarity like we were told they acted before. They won't even turn the volume of their car stereo past 3. I believe in due process for them too.
I saw this via Yahoo! News:

"The Hennepin County Medical Examiner concluded Floyd died of cardiac arrest from the restraint and neck compression, also noting that Floyd had heart disease and fentanyl in his system. An independent report commissioned by Floyd’s family, which will not be shown at trial, concluded that he died of strangulation from the pressure to his back and neck. Both reports determined Floyd’s death was a homicide."

Well - THAT certainly changes things. What I posted above - the County ME also ruling the death a homicide was NOT mentioned.
I saw this via Yahoo! News:

"The Hennepin County Medical Examiner concluded Floyd died of cardiac arrest from the restraint and neck compression, also noting that Floyd had heart disease and fentanyl in his system. An independent report commissioned by Floyd’s family, which will not be shown at trial, concluded that he died of strangulation from the pressure to his back and neck. Both reports determined Floyd’s death was a homicide."

Well - THAT certainly changes things. What I posted above - the County ME also ruling the death a homicide was NOT mentioned.
The only question is "Will it change things" Maybe
Judge Peter Cahill on Monday ruled that portions of video from Chauvin's body camera will be admitted as evidence and shown to the jury.
It still bugs me that juries aren't given a longer leash as to what they are allowed to see & consider. I get there are legal tests etc, but in terms of evidence like video, I feel that the default is that juries should be allowed to see it, regardless of who it benefits, unless there is a really, really good reason not to.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
The closing arguments will be Monday, then to the jury.

It's difficult to read what a jury may decide since it only takes one dissenting juror to prevent a conviction. A second-degree manslaughter conviction would be my guess. I don't see a jury being unanimous on the murder charges.
I agree with you about the murder. But now I'm starting to worry that this topic title is going to turn out true.

"Beyond a reasonable doubt" is a very high threshold, and the tox reports could be enough for that. All the training stuff doesn't really matter if you believe that the drugs/sickness were to primary factor.

"(1) by the person's culpable negligence whereby the person creates an unreasonable risk, and consciously takes chances of causing death or great bodily harm to another;"

I'm wondering if the jury will even go with this. The entire country is going to be on high alert next week.