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Donald Trump's mad genius driving the leftwing media cray cray

Mad genius of Trump drives schoolmarms of political press crazy

By Charles Hurt - The Washington Times - Thursday, June 29, 2017

Oh, the mad genius of Donald Trump!

On the cusp of one of the biggest victories of his administration, cracking down on illegal aliens who commit vicious crimes inside our country, President Trump took to Twitter.

“I heard poorly rated @Morning_Joe speaks badly of me (don’t watch anymore). Then how come low I.Q. Crazy Mika, along with Psycho Joe, came to Mar-a-Lago 3 nights in a row around New Year's Eve, and insisted on joining me. She was bleeding badly from a face-lift. I said no!”

he only thing missing from this electronic presidential address was the Marine Band playing “Hail to the Chief.”

She was bleeding badly. Face-lift. Low I.Q. Psycho Joe.

It is all so delicious. Mercilessly inventive. Joyously vicious. Like an entire season of pro wrestling drama, all sewn up into two little Twitter messages.

The Trump presidency is a little like having a dog. Every day that passes, you love the dog more and more until it seems impossible to love her any more.

But — sadly — every day also brings that nagging dread that one day she will be gone, seven times sooner than she should. What will we do when it is all over? There will never be another dog like her (sad face).

Of course, the puritanical schoolmarms of the political press went absolutely bonkers over Mr. Trump’s broadside of their fellow travelers. They scolded him that his Twitter missives were beneath the office of the president.

Really, you mean like molesting an intern in the Oval Office? “Presidential” like that?

MSNBC — the afterthought cable channel that airs “Morning Joe” — responded on Twitter: “It’s a sad day for America when the president spends his time bullying, lying and spewing petty personal attacks instead of doing his job.”

But the funny thing about it is that nobody actually disproved anything that Mr. Trump alleged. Just like Russia and obstruction of justice and everything else, there is not one single shred of evidence that Mr. Trump is not 100 percent in the right.

“The Amazon Post” — the paper-of-record for Never Trumpers — rushed to the defense of Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough with a laughably illogical and twisted explanation.

“The notion that Brzezinski and Scarborough were desperate to hang out with Trump on New Year's Eve but were rebuffed seems dubious, at best,” reporter Callum Borchers wrote on the paper’s website.

“For one thing, the New York Times spotted the co-hosts at Trump’s New Year's Eve party at Mar-a-Lago.”

So, wait a minute? The proof that Mr. Trump is lying about Ms. Brzezinski and Mr. Scarborough slumming around Mar-a-Lago around New Year's Eve is that — well — Ms. Brzezinski and Mr. Scarborough were slumming around Mar-a-Lago around New Year's Eve?

Oof. Mr. Borchers probably learned this in journalism school. He should have gone to logic school instead.

But the correspondent was still not finished changing diapers for Ms. Brzezinski and Mr. Scarborough.

“For another,” Mr. Borchers writes, “Scarborough followed the report of their appearance [of Brzezinski and Scarborough slumming around Mar-a-Lago around New Year's Eve] by angrily protesting any suggestion that he and Brzezinski were trying to cozy up to the president-elect.”

Let’s put this in terms the young reporter might understand: O-M-G.

Then Mr. Borchers goes on to accuse Mr. Trump of a “blatantly sexist attack” on Ms. Brzezinski because the president called her “unintelligent.”

Whoa! You mean that accusing someone of being “low I.Q.” is the equivalent of calling them female?

You might want to get a little “woke” to modern times.

Ms. Brzezinski (that would be she of “low I.Q.” and “crazy”), meanwhile, proved herself entirely worthy of Mr. Trump’s tirade by attacking the size of his manhood on Twitter.

I wish I were making that up, but that is what she did.

She posted a picture of a Cheerios box with a small child reaching a tiny finger out for a little toasted Cheerio. The box reads: “Made for Little Hands.”

Get it?

Such classy people. And they have been a respected part of the establishment for years. Donald Trump just got here.

Oh, one last thing. What about the bloody face-lift? No one seems to be addressing the issue of her traipsing around Mar-a-Lago bleeding from a face-lift.

Either way, Mika, you should ask for your money back.


I understand the argument that the President should be above all this. That he shouldn't stoop to the media's personal attacks. But these two loons - Morning Joe and his fiancee Buffalo Bill had it coming. Sure they get elevated to the national spotlight by this but also to national ridicule.

that bleeding facelift though.
I used to like it when Sheriff Mika was a girl Friday for the 9 a.m. MSNBC show. She was always clutching a clipboard to try and make it look like she knew what she was doing.

If Mika had a brain she be out in the middle of the street playing with it.

She and Scarborough are crazier than shithouse rats.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Just listen to republicans go mental because they lied to themselves about Trump chamnging his well-known ways after becoming president, but he wrecks and wrecks the look of what is yet left of the GOP publicly. "Mad Genius"? LOL. He is a madman, all right, but he is no way a genius.

LOL @ mad genius
He's a fucking child!
A child who's very adept at getting attention, but a child nontheless.

And who cares if it's debatable that part of his tweet is true or not? (I can about guarandamnteeyou the bleeding part isn't - as if a female public figure would be seen at a major party bleeding from a face-lift??? Not in a million freaking years). It's still just middle school bullshit. A complete embarrassment. Jesus try to rise above it, Donnie. You're the fucking president of the united states. They're 2 broadcasters at a second or third rate network.
Plus she was hardly the first to make an allusion to his hand size. He actually (and it's still surreal envisioning it) addressed it - assuring us that everything was just fine down there - during a nationally televised presidential debate :facepalm: :1orglaugh

Obama spent eight years being constantly called out for being an anti-american, non-citizen, terrorist-sympathizing muslim marxist (not to mention all the racial shit and comments about he and his wife's appearance) and rarely lost his cool.
In contrast someone makes a cheeky comment about Trump's small hands and he has a freaking public meltdown. Somebody has GOT to disable his Twitter access. Yeah he'll still be an incredibly thin-skinned, juvenile, egomaniacal asshole, but at least he'll be able to hide it better.
LOL @ mad genius
He's a fucking child!
A child who's very adept at getting attention, but a child nontheless.

And who cares if it's debatable that part of his tweet is true or not? (I can about guarandamnteeyou the bleeding part isn't - as if a female public figure would be seen at a major party bleeding from a face-lift??? Not in a million freaking years). It's still just middle school bullshit. A complete embarrassment. Jesus try to rise above it, Donnie. You're the fucking president of the united states. They're 2 broadcasters at a second or third rate network.
Plus she was hardly the first to make an allusion to his hand size. He actually (and it's still surreal envisioning it) addressed it - assuring us that everything was just fine down there - during a nationally televised presidential debate :facepalm: :1orglaugh

Obama spent eight years being constantly called out for being an anti-american, non-citizen, terrorist-sympathizing muslim marxist (not to mention all the racial shit and comments about he and his wife's appearance) and rarely lost his cool.
In contrast someone makes a cheeky comment about Trump's small hands and he has a freaking public meltdown. Somebody has GOT to disable his Twitter access. Yeah he'll still be an incredibly thin-skinned, juvenile, egomaniacal asshole, but at least he'll be able to hide it better.

Well..well..well, Trump can have his moments acting childish or we can have a vindictive asshole displaying anger and becoming indignant when being asked perhaps pointed but relevant questions.

It's good thing Obama didn't have a knife handy.

Obama's behavior is and has been far more disturbing than anything Trump has done.
I wouldn't say Trump is a made genius. I would say he's geniusly mad. He is a genius at being mad. He is a genius when it comes to demagoguery. He is a genius when it comes to trick people to make them trust him only to fuck them with broken glass after
Plus she was hardly the first to make an allusion to his hand size. He actually (and it's still surreal envisioning it) addressed it - assuring us that everything was just fine down there - during a nationally televised presidential debate :facepalm: :1orglaugh

:1orglaugh good times. And that was when I still hated Trump. There will never be another like him. Like the OP's beloved pup analogy - 8 years is not long enough. and from what I understand, bloody Mika made the small hands jab after President Trump's tweet.

and just to enhance the mood or suppress everyone's appetite, here is Psycho Joe's music video which I guarandamntee is being played in a loop at some CIA black site to break some jihadist hard case.

"He hit my hands. Nobody has ever hit my hands. I have never heard of this. Look at those hands. Are they small hands?

And he referred to my hands—if they are small, something else must be small—I guarantee you there’s no problem. I guarantee you."

He never said "down there". That said, I was firmly in the Cruz Crew camp at that time and cringed when Trump went down that path.

Not because of the subject but rather one of the first lessons you learn as a kid is if another kid made fun of your appearance or anything about you, the best way to guarantee that it continues is to let them know that it bothered you.

Actually Marco Rubio was less presidential than Trump because he made the jab and a couple of days later he admitted it was childish after his poll numbers tanked.

My hands aren't huge but I play guitar and that is the reason I wish I had long fingers like Jeff Beck.

I enjoy dispelling the small hands myth to any woman that makes it an issue. It actually can work to your advantage.

:1orglaugh good times. And that was when I still hated Trump. There will never be another like him. Like the OP's beloved pup analogy - 8 years is not long enough. and from what I understand, bloody Mika made the small hands jab after President Trump's tweet.

and just to enhance the mood or suppress everyone's appetite, here is Psycho Joe's music video which I guarandamntee is being played in a loop at some CIA black site to break some jihadist hard case.


The fact that this is a DailyKos article instead of WND or InfoWars makes it especially delicious so I am just gonna leave it right here....



Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Guess who actually had a lot of surgery instead of Mika:

That ugly dog that is his "first daughter"

I heard she was bleeding very bad from her face lift...


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
I think Trump indeed IS a mad genius. He continues to wreck the republican platform and the party in itself, lowering the bar of thinkable worst deeds and words every day.

He always was a democrat, you remember that, don't you? You elected him and he tears down your side, until 2020, not even an Abraham Lincoln or Ronald Reagan can win for the GOP
Guess who actually had a lot of surgery instead of Mika:

That ugly dog that is his "first daughter"


So? Are there any reports of her subjecting the public to weeping bleeding surgical wounds?

:rofl: :1orglaugh

You Germans are like going to one of the freak shows at a county fair.

Entertaining but pathetic.
I think Trump indeed IS a mad genius. He continues to wreck the republican platform and the party in itself, lowering the bar of thinkable worst deeds and words every day.

He always was a democrat, you remember that, don't you? You elected him and he tears down your side, until 2020, not even an Abraham Lincoln or Ronald Reagan can win for the GOP

And Ronald Reagan was always a Democrat, until he wasn't. :1orglaugh

It has only been 8 months since you were making the predictions of Trump being crushed by Hillary.

That Russia collusion would finish him off.

Please keep making predictions and keep doing you.
He never said "down there". That said, I was firmly in the Cruz Crew camp at that time and cringed when Trump went down that path.

I didn't quote him as saying "down there" but we all knew what he was talking about. And yeah Rubio initiated the hands allusion (after being called "Little Marco" a whole bunch of times). The exchange made them both look like juvenile idiots.

As you noted, even as kids we learn how and why not to escalate a situation like that. To instead duke it out on national TV, during a presidential debate.... :facepalm:

Well..well..well, Trump can have his moments acting childish or we can have a vindictive asshole displaying anger and becoming indignant when being asked perhaps pointed but relevant questions.
It's good thing Obama didn't have a knife handy.

Hyperbole much? :)
This is the best you can come up with?
All he did was firmly state to the reporter that he wants and expects the opportunity to fully answer a question without being interrupted.

Didn't see any evidence at all of him publicly and pointedly insulting the person's IQ, his sanity, his honesty, his integrity, his program, or his appearance ala the vindictive adolescent currently (sometimes) residing in the White House.
He never said "down there". That said, I was firmly in the Cruz Crew camp at that time and cringed when Trump went down that path.

I didn't quote him as saying "down there" but we all knew what he was talking about. And yeah Rubio initiated the hands allusion (after being called "Little Marco" a whole bunch of times). The exchange made them both look like juvenile idiots.

As you noted, even as kids we learn how and why not to escalate a situation like that. To instead duke it out on national TV, during a presidential debate.... :facepalm:

Hyperbole much? :)
This is the best you can come up with?
All he did was firmly state to the reporter that he wants and expects the opportunity to fully answer a question without being interrupted.

Didn't see any evidence at all of him publicly and pointedly insulting the person's IQ, his sanity, his honesty, his integrity, his program, or his appearance ala the vindictive adolescent currently (sometimes) residing in the White House.

You. Have. Got. To. Be. Kidding. Me.

Interruptions? You mean like the way Lester Holt interrupted the president time after time after time?

And the thing is, Trump was still cordial to him far nicer than Obama was to this reporter.

Obama was downright hateful

Trump has his way of venting and Obama had his.

But Trump is no more childish than Obama each in their own way.

Trump has never had a reporter surveilled either.

James Rosen *cough* James Rosen.
"Mad genius"??? OK this is where you guys have lost me. And I am certain that BC and Edgy and others will call me all sorts of names and make all sorts of accusations but the inane twitter blabber that he has put forth over the past week or so in endless tweets that are way below the dignity of the office has pushed me over the edge. This guy has lost me. He apparently doesn't want to get anything done that a president should be doing. Instead, he's got time to make up some fucking cartoon to further inflame this idiotic feud he is involved in with the media?? That's just nuts. I would ground my teenage son for a month if he behaved in the manner in which Trump is. I'm sure he'll maintain the support of you hard-core addicts but if I am representative of the moderate swing voters who got him elected, I'm telling you he is losing us. Maybe not all at once and maybe not even all but slowly but surely and one by one he is losing us. This isn't the WWE or some fucking reality show and I take the office of the presidency and the duties that go with it very seriously. Apparently Trump doesn't. If those of you who think his recent behavior is good for the country I would have to question where your allegiance truly lie. Anyone with a modicum of care or concern for the country would have to take serious pause over some of his recent actions. We need someone to lead us and unite us and he's not doing either I am afraid. I'm off the Trump train unless or until he changes his approach to the office that he swore to execute. If this is the best of his ability, it is grossly inadequate I am afraid. There's too much at stake to turn a blind eye to this type of sophomoric behavior by the POTUS. He's become an embarrassment in the eyes of the whole world. Putin will eat him alive. We made a huge mistake. God help us.

OK. You hard-core Trump supporters can let me have it with both barrels. I don't give a shit.
Moderate swing voters did not elect Trump. Evangelicals, and blue collar Democrats especially from the rust belt elected him.

Romney owned the moderate swing voter and lost.

Trump never lost you.

You were never on board in the first place.

He parodied an event he was involved in.

If Obama had done something like that I would have probably laughed.

It has been 8 months of pound pound pound and trash trash trash him.

If he didn't fight back I'd be off of the Trump train.

The daily attacks on him are unprecedented.
Maybe thats all our President is good at.... going to war with the left media. This "genius" does not have a clue how he is going to handle the issues in the middle east and north korea. The toilet paper after wiping my ass looks better than the draft of the healthcare bill. and by the way...... how is Mexico going to pay for "the great wall"??? may be we need to outsource this job to China just as Ivanka Trump's clothing line is.

I wish Donald Trump would quit his office, stop using social media and go back to playing golf.
