Just some random thoughts on a topic that I have little interest in, but it's the
story du jour, so I can't avoid it (even on CNBC).
When one engages in unethical behavior (cheating on a spouse) and employs a girl half to a third ones age to pose as a girlfriend/mistress, does it really come as a surprise that the girl would also engage in unethical behavior (recording conversations that can later be used to extract money or harm the cheater) if things ever go sour? I mean, she's already helping a cheater cheat and taking money for it. No surprise to me. Another thought: why does Sterling's wife stay with him? The same reason Madoff's wife stayed with him, and a host of other women of that ilk hang onto their rich husbands: they love MONEY! Sterling is old and ugly. Sterling's wife is old and ugly (trying to hang onto her faded looks with all the plastic surgery that Beverly H!lls has to offer) and without him, she'd be on her own. She could probably enlist professional ambulance chaser, Gloria Allred, to get her some cash in a divorce. But then she'd probably lose whatever social position she has. Plus, she's apparently an old racist too. Birds of a feather...
Another side of this story that I find rather interesting, that I just read about, is that many Jewish groups are scrambling to put Donald Sterling (real name Donald Tokowitz) in the corner - although they once tried to keep his secret on the down low. At the urging of certain Jewish groups, the L.A. chapter of the NAACP was all set to run cover for the real estate man, who has apparently had a
long history of racist comments and actions (had just paid $2.73 million to settle U.S. government claims that he refused to rent his apartments to Latinos and blacks in Koreatown), and give him a lifetime achievement award. But after what's her name released the recording to TMZ(?), they've had to withdraw their (meaningless) award - and now they're under scrutiny too
. Sterling/Tokowitz loaded up the L.A. NAACP chapter with cash and his Jewish friends allegedly suggested that the NAACP should help him, and they did... or tried. Now they're all fucked (again :clap
The thing about this story that makes me chuckle is that the only NBA game I've ever been to was a Clippers game back in the 80's. They sucked back then but a family member wanted to take me to a game, so I went. I knew their center, Benoit Benjamin, in a Six Degrees of Separation sort of way, so I wanted to see him play. The game was nothing memorable. And now I have to think that the only game I ever went to was one where the team owner was some old piece of shit.
As for his right to freedom of speech, some people need to (finally) understand what the 1st Amendment is all about. You come to work for a company or buy into a private ownership group and sign a contract, then you will follow their rules. And if there is a morals or ethics clause, you will abide by it or they will show you the door. The 1st Amendment does not, and was not designed to protect people from private consequences to public comments. Has any federal or state government put a muzzle on Sterling/Tokowitz? No. So why are people talking about the Constitution? :dunno: