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just curious.... mine are lexinton steel and preston parker, for some reason i just like watching girls munching on there cocks.
If a heterosexual man has a favorite male porn star he needs to stop lying to himself and change teams.
the question "who is the male porn star you can't stand at all" could be more correct. there might be no favourites, but there are definitely male porn stars that are more/less distrurbing to watch.
Some type of guys, when I see them in porn, even if they are doing quite pretty girl are such a turn off, that it spoils the impression from the whole scene.
As in many other cases, the negative emotions are more strong than positive, and got more significance. I'v read in some psychological survey analysing feedback effect that people in general are more peculiar to give negative responses on some goods and services, rather than praise it. That's just people nature. When something is OK, it's normal. You might not even pay attention on it, and have no impulse to talk about it. But when something disturbs you, you will not be silent. The amount of negative responses is usualy higher, even if there are quality goods/services, just cuz the desire to express negative emotions is more strong and intense. If this amount is equal, or even positive responses are higher, it is the sign that something is unfair, trick shuffling is going on, and it can be a reason for investigation.
So, the "favourite male pornstar" in my understanding is "the least repulsive". I really can't stand some faces/bodies, and I'm neutral with others. But after all that preface, I can't call no names, cuz I just do not know male porn stars by names! :dunno:
All I know, that I hate skinny frail teenager-lookalike boys with *tons of little pimples* (no matter where :1orglaugh), old decrepit gyus, and some particular faces with self-enamoured expression. Good male porn actor gotta be ordinary, unsophisticated and simple enough not to arrest much attention.
But I would not say the least repulsive, there are not many repulsive ones. The kind of sex they do may be, but the guys do their job. Besides Max Hardcore that uses porn to satisfy his own tendancies to dominate and beat women, and some niche internet amateur sites where this attitude is obvious, I would not use the word erpulsive. As you wrote they have to be ordinary looking, not too bad not too good.