Im 18 now and Im quite ashamed of my height. seems like I stopped growing up when I was 9th grade, since then I never been taller at least 2 inches, so anyone help me solve this problem, and btw im not gonna take some risky solutions
p/s: my aim is 6' anyway
Growth hormone may help if you are in 9th grade, but now it is too late.
There are some athletes try to induce "low blood sugar" around 30-40 mg/dl, this will allow the brain to secrete growth hormone.
I know "some" people are using "low dose" growth hormone (so-called off-labeled use) for other purposes--to increase muscle strength and suppose to regenerate cells and live longer. But there is no scientific proof.
Just be happy with yourself.
Misuse/Abuse of growth hormone will "NOT" make you to be more than 6 feet tall, but develop arthritis, impotence, heart problems, diabetes, coarse facial hair, protubance of the jaw, disturbance of your bone (especially facial bones).
Don't go for herbal med, it is a scam !