Do you ever get pissed off with shit?

Do you ever get pissed off with people taking the piss out of you, using you, pretending to be your friend or blowing hot and cold all the time?
Do you ever feel like turning round to these people and saying "FUCK OFF!"?
Or are you one of those cool Karma kind of guys, who stay relaxed and calm through any situation?
Are you afraid to tell people to "FUCK OFF" in fear it causes you more problems?
Have you ever done this, and then felt bad afterwards?
Or are you one of those cool Karma kind of guys, who stay relaxed and calm through any situation?

Almost always.

Im able to tell someone to fuck off if its very necessary but thats very rare. I tend to feel guilty when i do.
Yeah it's good anger management I do when the person deserves it. :mad:
Tell us how you really feel!
I used to, but my boss (at the time) put us through an assertiveness course that, despite my misgivings, ended up pretty useful. Here's a link for the book we used:

The Assertiveness Workbook

I could easily see someone going through the course on their own just using the book. It really helps.


Postal Paranoiac
I'm used to being used by women. And employers. And friends. Oh, the uses I have! :rolleyes:


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Do you ever get pissed off with people taking the piss out of you, using you, pretending to be your friend or blowing hot and cold all the time?
Do you ever feel like turning round to these people and saying "FUCK OFF!"?
Or are you one of those cool Karma kind of guys, who stay relaxed and calm through any situation?
Are you afraid to tell people to "FUCK OFF" in fear it causes you more problems?
Have you ever done this, and then felt bad afterwards?

I'm like that in a lot of ways. People walk all over me and take advantage of me on a constant basis. I find that a lot of people don't truly care about me, but they treat me as a convenience, making very little effort to actually care for me. I just recently lost my so-called best friend to something like this.

She was my best friend for the past 8+ years and I loved her, supported her and cared for her as if she was my sister. I even told her that I considered her to be the sister I never had. Originally, we lived only a few streets away from one another. For lack of a better description, our relationship was that of "boyfriend/girlfriend" without the physical stuff. We would hang out all the time, talk to eachother on the phone almost every day, we knew everything about one another, etc.

When I lived a few streets away from her, she made an effort to be my friend. Then, when I moved here to Chicago a few years ago, the phone calls stopped coming, she somehow became impossible to reach and I wouldn't get in touch with her for months at a time on occassion. Well, long story short, she ended our friendship because I called her out on how shitty of a friend she was being and told her that I felt like nothing more than a convenience to her. She pretended to be offended that I would think such a thing, got "mad" at me and ended our friendship.

She said, and I quote, "I don't understand how you can still care about me so much and still want to be my friend. You live in another state now, so, I guess I've just moved on."

How do you "move on" from a long-term friendship, just because you don't live right next door to eachother anymore? How :bs: is that?

People treat me like that all the time and yeah, it fucking sucks. You know that saying "nice guys finish last"'s the most honest and true statement that has ever been said. If it wasn't, then I wouldn't have been used so many times throughout my life. Fucking bitches.

Eh, I guess I vented a bit there. Sorry. :dunno:


Do you ever get pissed off with people taking the piss out of you, using you, pretending to be your friend or blowing hot and cold all the time?

Or are you one of those cool Karma kind of guys, who stay relaxed and calm through any situation?

If you stay relaxed and calm when "friends" are taking the piss/using you then you are not cool.

I'm pretty relaxed, but only when it comes to problems I have no control over. If the problem can be fixed and is caused by another person, they will get a piece of either my mind or my fist.
I get pissed off with shit!

I mean who needs it, why do we have to shit? I know why in a biological sense but come on if we were all perfect being that some people say we are we really wouldnt have this funtion to begin with. God is not smart enough to create an entire digestive system. So all of this is just accidental. So fuck you God you dumb motherfucker, none of this :points to himself: was created by you. SO hands off.

Another thing that pisses me off is......piss, yeah its very satisfying when you take a long piss after you have waited a while but come on what the fuck is this, huh?

It reminds me of a conversation I had with Jimmy Boon one fine summer morining he was trying to explain to me why Mike Tyson in his prime could beat Ali and I was dying to "drain the snake" but I couldnt go because I didnt want to be rude, so I held it and held it and held it, until I passed out and started to hallucinate about big fat overgrown trolls with think New York accents, who whilst I was in there presence talked about was the dying art of throwing a football, which I didnt really undersatnd because you kick a football dont you?

Anyway, when I awoke Jimmy Boon was gone and so were my trousers :dunno:
I don't get pissed off with shit, but I do like to piss on shit.

Nothing arouses me more than entering into a public bathroom stall only to discover there are some leftover "logs" in the toilet! I proceed to rifle my forceful stream at the turds and delight to watch them bobbing up and down in the increasingly urine-filled bowl.

:sing: Heaven, I'm in heaven.....
If you are going to depend on others for your happiness, then you are asking for disappointment.
Depend on yourself only. Everything else is a bonus,

So 'no', I don't get that pissed off at others anymore. I expect them to stab me/others in the back when push comes to shove. No exceptions.


Tell us how you really feel!


Seldom has shooting off my mouth been beneficial in the long run.

The "satisfaction" of a pointed quip, a "fuck off" or a good comeback has temporary rewards. Holding my tongue and biding my time OR just letting the situation blow over has proven more rewarding for my own interests in the long run.
I have developed a kind of cold way of assessing my friends, any relationship whose costs far outweigh the benefits I deem worthless and abandon it. Some people like to bring drama, need to be constantly reassured of their friendship, require constant gestures etc etc, not worth my time.
End result, I don't have many friends, but they're the friends who'll be standing in my driveway at 6am on the day I have to move house, and there's not much I wouldn't do for them in return.

To Chef: I have many good friends in Australia who I don't maintain regular contact with, some I haven't spoken to in years, but I can guarantee that I could go back and find them and it'd be instantly like old times. Real friendships don't need to be refreshed.
I have developed a kind of cold way of assessing my friends, any relationship whose costs far outweigh the benefits I deem worthless and abandon it. Some people like to bring drama, need to be constantly reassured of their friendship, require constant gestures etc etc, not worth my time.
End result, I don't have many friends,
No surprise there.
but they're the friends who'll be standing in my driveway at 6am on the day I have to move house, and there's not much I wouldn't do for them in return.
That's not a sign of friendship. That's the sign of someone who wants to get his/her things moved by you one day.

They may indeed be good friends. But I wouldn't use your example as a barometer.

Real friendships don't need to be refreshed.
I agree.


Take a Hit, Spunker!
For the most part, I can take people talking, as long as they know what they're saying and trying to sound intelligent. Any person that knows me around where I live will tell you I can strike up a conversation at anytime, with anyone, about anything. I love a good talk or debate, but I, unlike most, do know when to stop talking.


That's not a sign of friendship. That's the sign of someone who wants to get his/her things moved by you one day.

So you think friends only do good things so they get it in return?

I'm so glad I don't have friends like yours.
So you think friends only do good things so they get it in return?

I'm so glad I don't have friends like yours.

I did not say that.
I was referring to the example given.

But if you offered to help a friend move and they said 'Great. And thanks, but I should warn you that I will never help you move. Not because I can't. Just because I hate moving other people.'
Would you still want to help them move?
Do you ever get pissed off with people taking the piss out of you, using you, pretending to be your friend or blowing hot and cold all the time?
Do you ever feel like turning round to these people and saying "FUCK OFF!"?
Or are you one of those cool Karma kind of guys, who stay relaxed and calm through any situation?
Are you afraid to tell people to "FUCK OFF" in fear it causes you more problems?
Have you ever done this, and then felt bad afterwards?

keep it inside