Dippy Broad Of The Week: What's-Her-Face Who Helped Those Fellas Escape From Prison In the New York

Calling Joyce Mitchell a dippy broad almost seems like a besmirchment to regular, garden variety dippy broads.

New York prison employee in custody, to be arraigned

Supposedly one of the 34 y/o guy pretended to "love" her. How anyone can look at her and think she is HOT and wanna be with her is beyond me. Makes me feel bad for her hubby. I am not the best looking guy out there but I am not this butt fuck ugly

Not in custody was Mitchell’s husband Lyle, who is also suspected of aiding in last Saturday’s dramatic escape from the Big House in Dannemora.

Lyle Mitchell has not been arrested, said Guess, who declined to discuss a State Police document obtained by several news outlets which said that he “may have assisted with the escape.”

But the possible involvement of Lyle Mitchell was a seamy sidebar to the unfolding story because he too works at the prison in Dannemora.


"... the fuck?"
Supposedly one of the 34 y/o guy pretended to "love" her. How anyone can look at her and think she is HOT and wanna be with her is beyond me. Makes me feel bad for her hubby. I am not the best looking guy out there but I am not this butt fuck ugly

Sounds like yet another job acquired with cock sucking skills outside porn... They should have a proper background check and regular psychological tests as a minimum requirements for having such a job or anyone carrying a gun, no? She must have been really desperate for cock and couple screws loose in her head to help prisoners escape instead of just paying for some gigolo... or maybe gigolos too have a higher standards than whoever she managed to get a job.
I have driven by that prison (well the entrance to a long road leading to it) on my way up to Montreal. That is where Son Of Sam is incarcerated.
2pac was in CCF when his album Me Against The World went platinum. While there, he read a lot of books by Niccolò Machiavelli which in turn is where he got the idea "Makaveli."
"Is y'all ready for me?
Picture me rollin roll call
You know there's some muh'fuckers out there I just could not forget about
I wanna make sure they can see me
Number one on my list: Clinton Correctional Facilities
All you bitch ass C.O.'s
Ballin on y'all punk ass, ahhaahahah!
Picture me rollin, baby"


"Hey, ya hear about this thing? Did'ja? Now they're saying Dr Joyce wanted to take the
Mitchell Brothers to Niagra Falls then throw in Mr Taylor who runs a sweat shop making dick mats."
Kinda tired of them comparing this to Shawshank.

These motherfuckers had help. Except for the the tools that Red helped him get and that little pick the Warden let him keep that was it.

And Andy was innocent.

This was more like Shawskank.
Kinda tired of them comparing this to Shawshank.

These motherfuckers had help. Except for the the tools that Red helped him get and that little pick the Warden let him keep that was it.

And Andy was innocent.

This was more like Shawskank.

Anyone that goes to the Ralph's in Century City will notice this one hobo who hangs out in the parking lot all day who looks exactly like Morgan Freeman right down to the freckles.

I want to talk to him...talk some sense into him.

If you talked him into making dick mats at a sweat shop it would be less humiliating than the confusion his loitering is causing already. If you found a wino version of Clint Eastwood and brought him there he could be easier persuaded.


"I see making dick mats 18 hours a day in your future you worthless sack o' shit!"
There was a rash of serial killers in the early to mid 1980's. I blame the after effects of disco.

Ramirez was a scary looking dude. Looked more Asian than Hispanic.
There was a rash of serial killers in the early to mid 1980's. I blame the after effects of disco.

Ramirez was a scary looking dude. Looked more Asian than Hispanic.

Between disco and crack, the first 20 minutes of CBS Action News' 30 minute broadcasts were chocked full'a serial killing and drive-by shootings. News will never be that delightfully politically incorrect again.


"No matter whether blue or red I'll make sure they find you dead."


Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
I'd be willing to bet Will has a dungeon, replete with pit, in his home.
