Did you achieve Black Friday Nirvana this year?

Meaning, did you not have anything you wanted this year during the BF/CM weekend?

Usually the days following cyber Monday I'm dealing with all the deliveries and sorting through stuff I bought on B.Friday.
This year... nothing The only things I got were Xmas gifts, but nothing for myself, simply because for the first time in a while, I really didn't have a "wishlist".

Not to say I'm totally material-free. During the pandemic we've gotten used to buying stuff for our homes, probably to the point where we might not even have the space for much more. So that might have to do with it, but I ended up skipping this year's shopping weekend as I literally didn't have anything I was chasing for myself.

Anyone else find this year's BF different from usual for them?
Interesting. I was catching up with a friend of mine last night, and she asked me something comparable towards the end of the convo. If I was going to get my self something for Christmas this year. Nothing came to mind, at the time. But, I was on Staples website the other day looking for a new desk chair - I got an EM advertising a sale. I couldn't find one locally, and thesale indicated it was for items in-stock "only." I might spend some time shopping for a new chair. Mine (the armrests) is beat up, from working at home since March 2020..


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
I bought my daughter a gamer chair off wayfair, check them out before you buy! Besides the chair, she's getting a Wacom graphics tablet. I got my wife some stuff she's been wanting for years, there's nothing I really want, I'm already too busy to fool with the stuff I've got.