I don't think so.
With a brief review of a map of the U.S., one will find the cities of Columbus, Georgia; Columbus, Nebraska; Columbus, Indiana; Columbus, Wisconsin; Columbus, New Jersey; Columbus, New York; Columbus, Iowa; Columbus, Ohio; Columbus, Kentucky; Columbus, Kansas; Columbus, New Mexico; Columbus, Montana; heck, even two—count 'em—two Columbus Townships in Michigan, one for each peninsula! If some mariner sailing under the flag of China had in fact preceded the intrepid ol' Cristoforo, then certainly all of the above communities would be named for the leading Chinaman of the expedition. No question about it.
Incidently, there is a city in Ohio named "Canton;" long after C.C. had made his discovery and cashed the last check from the book-deal he subsequently made, and thought about making a movie about it, too (television hadn't been invented yet), some Chinese map-maker or politician happened to be looking at a map of the America so appropriatly discovered by Chris and came across the metropolis Canton, Ohio, and found favor enough with the name to beseige his sovereignty to invent a new town just to call it "Canton." (His first choice was actually Hamtramck, Michigan, but had difficulty in properly spelling it, unlike some people.) In later years, the usage of the name of the third most populous city on the Mainland has gradually been replaced by a more traditionally-sounding name more suitable for their locale, as they came to realize the rest of world had been getting wise to them for the indelicatly brazen act of cartographical plagiary. And to make matters worse, they don't even play football there at all or know what it is at all.