Did any porn movie make you puke

nope...i've never puked as a result of a video or picture, i can't think of anything i've seen in real life that has caused me to puke either, excluding being sick anyway...i've felt queasy before, never puked though, i have a pretty strong anti-vomit reflex


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I haven't puked but saw this one porn scene with an old washed up mature lady getting fucked in the ass in a dirty washroom. She cummed out of her pussy and made a cum mountain. I thought that was just disgusting.
I didn't puke, but that video of the chick banging 3 dudes and she can like blow out her asshole (perforated anus or something) made me question the reason for living.


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Nope. But the first porno I ever saw almost made me sick because I never saw a cumshot in a woman's mouth before and I had no concept of that even though most porn scenes feature the cumshot. I was young and just didn't know about it. But I didn't actually throw up.
Yeah I forgot the name of that one but now that you've mentioned it I remember viewing the film and it's pretty disgusting.

Didn't make me puke. I'm not saying I would do it, but it turned me on at points.


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I think what eeyoresfan is reffering to is a nasty porn film that made him/her puke was a movie called(I could be wrong) "Chomp".