Dick Morris Predicts...

Will E Worm

Former Clinton Adviser: 'Very Possible' Obama Will Bow Out of Presidential Race - For Now

In an interview with conservative radio icon Sean Hannity, former President Clinton adviser and campaign manager Dick Morris stated that, after speaking with a Democratic strategist, he thinks it is “very possible” that President Obama might acquiesce to requests from the Democratic leadership in Congress and bow out of the 2012 race, leaving the door open for him to return sometime in the future.

"I asked a top Democratic strategist the other day and he thought that it was possible that, in January, Harry Reid comes to Obama and says, ‘Look you cost us control of the House last year, you’re going to cost us control of the Senate this year. For the good of the party you have to step aside’” said Morris.

"And, then, (Obama) pulls a Lyndon Johnson, he says ‘I’m fighting to solve the recession, and problem is because of partisanship and my re-election people reject everything I say because of partisanship, so I’m going to not run for president and focus my full time attention on solving this recession’ and then go out popular,” Morris added.

The strategy proposed here is an interesting one. With his approval ratings at an all time low, Obama is looking at a very high likelihood of a defeat in the 2012 elections and forecasters, using the examples of the 2011 special elections in New York City and Nevada, have forecast a very high probability of losses across the nation for the Democratic Party because of Obama.

Morris added that he thinks that this strategy could also set up Obama for a presidential run in a later election.


He can't come back. :nono:

Bow out now and go away.
I want Oboba gone forever. Please don't come back and take your insane politics with you.


Hiliary 2020
I like Morris, especially when he tells secret stuff about the Clintons like how Janet Reno blackmailed Bill into getting re-appointing her because of info she had about Waco.
But I think he is wrong. Obamer may get asked to step off but he'll never do it.


I'm sure that this is all quite fascinating but I'm scopelocked on the fact that there was a pornstar named Lyndon Johnson.


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
I like Morris, especially when he tells secret stuff about the Clintons like how Janet Reno blackmailed Bill into getting re-appointing her because of info she had about Waco.
But I think he is wrong. Obamer may get asked to step off but he'll never do it.

Obama's too vain to do it! He will completely drag the party down with him.
I predict Dick Morris will continue to play GOPer fools all the way to the bank who line up to gobble every-single bit of tripe this scramble-brain, toe-sucker drivels past his crooked soup coolers.

:2 cents:
I predict Dick Morris will continue to play GOPer fools all the way to the bank who line up to gobble every-single bit of tripe this scramble-brain, toe-sucker drivels past his crooked soup coolers.

:2 cents:

Morris' predictions are actually pretty shitty. He had Meg Whitman over Jerry Brown and Carly Fiorina over Barbara Boxer in California. He was so certain... certainly wrong. He's 3/4 of a fag too.
Thank God this is only a Dick Morris prediction. He makes a lot of predictions and is wrong more often than not. He says outrageous things so that the right wing echo chamber will pay him a fortune.

Oct 28: Undecideds Should Break For McCain: "As Obama has oscillated, moving somewhat above or somewhat below 50 percent in all the October polls, his election likely hangs in the balance. If he falls short of 50 percent in these circumstances, a majority of the voters can be said to have rejected him. Likely a disproportionate number of the undecideds will vote for McCain."

Oct 21: The Populism Divide: "Then came Obama’s conversation with Joe the Plumber, possibly the decisive moment in the election."

Oct 14: The Nuts At ACORN Could Cause Obama’s Fall: "At the very least, the negative publicity ACORN will attract will paint Obama as a radical with questionable judgment. At the most, it might cause voters to wonder if he is not himself involved in electoral fraud."

Sep 16: Candidate and Party: The Obama Deficit: "How odd that Obama, with a world-class personality and an incredibly charismatic speaking style, should be losing the mano-a-mano contest to McCain, who is 25 years older and a foot shorter. But McCain has opened up a decisive lead over Obama, actually using the Democrat’s articulateness against him."

Sep 9: Obama vs. Obama: "Now that McCain has definitively, and I suspect irreversibly, separated himself from Bush, he has become an acceptable alternative to Obama for voters seeking change...Obama was wrong to invest so much in the Bush-McCain linkage...The Obama campaign doesn’t seem to get that it is running against McCain, not Sarah Palin. They spent the entire Republican convention and the week since attacking the vice presidential candidate. That’s like stabbing the capillaries instead of the arteries. Nobody is going to vote for or against McCain because they want Sarah Palin to be vice president of the United States, or don’t."

Sep 3: Dems Pounce Too Soon: "If Palin emerges from her [convention] speech in good shape, the Democrats will be falling all over themselves trying to explain to alienated women why they attacked her on such personal issues, blaming her for her sister’s messy divorce, her daughter’s pregnancy and her husband’s DWI of 20 years ago. Women — and men — will be impressed that Palin is the kind of anti-Washington establishment candidate for whom they are yearning. She’ll explain what she did in Alaska and what she’ll do to the power elite in Washington. Her integrity, courage and commitment are going to shine through."

Sep 2: Stick With Sarah, Who Engenders Empathy, Inspiration: "Sarah Palin’s selection will end up as a big win for John McCain. ...The attacks on Palin mirror the problems that tens of millions of American women find in their everyday lives. To attack them would be to condemn themselves and their own choices in their own lives. Watching Palin standing strong and McCain backing her up will be inspiring to many of them. And the identification of the Democrats with the attacks on her will turn them off...The Republicans, McCain and Palin, will come through this crisis in great shape."

Sep 1: Palin Pick Hurts Obama Bounce: "The young governor has yet to prove herself in the hurly-burly of a national campaign, but the early indications are that her story, as well as her beliefs, will have broad appeal in this unsettled year."

Aug 26: The Better Hillary Does, The Worse For Obama: "By not putting Hillary on his ticket and then giving her a primetime speech at the convention on Tuesday, Obama has the worst of both possible worlds. The better Hillary’s speech, the more people ask why she was passed over for vice president...He didn’t help himself with these women by not choosing Hillary. Now, when Hillary spends all of Tuesday night showing what a grievous omission leaving her off the ticket really was, the electoral consequences for Obama are likely to be horrific."

Aug 5: Bad Economy May Hurt Obama: "It almost doesn’t matter that McCain is not an economist and avows ignorance of what Thomas Carlyle called the “dismal science.” We know McCain. We know he will surround himself with some pretty capable people. And, above all, we know that he won’t raise taxes. Were these calmer times, with less of a threat from abroad and less economic danger, we might indulge our penchant for change and elect a neophyte in the hope that he will offer something different."

Jul 29: Obama’s Women Problem: "But a bigger problem may be a cultural alienation older white women feel toward Obama. The Rev. Jeremiah Wright may linger as a worry in their increasingly gray heads as they contemplate an Obama presidency. This fear of the unknown and the gap they seem to feel with Obama is so strong that it is overcoming their normal proclivity to back Democrats...Of course, McCain is a uniquely attractive candidate to the Democratic and independent base. Long regarded as a maverick Republican, he attracts these swing voters and is ideally positioned to exploit the estrangement between older women and Barack Obama."

Jul 8: Obama Would, In Fact, Govern From The Left: "Even if Obama means what he is saying as he moves to the center trying to win the general election, the fact is that he will be forced to move very far to the left should he become president, forced by the liberals in his own party...Obama will not be able to help himself. The Democratic majority in Congress won’t settle for triangulation. They will make the Obama of November into a liar and the Obama of the primaries into an honest man."

Apr 8: Obama’s Weakness Is Weakness: "McCain can use the predisposition of voters to see Obama as weak, coupled with the Iraq issue, to make the strength issue his key advantage."

Jan 23: How Clinton Will Win The Nomination By Losing S.C.: "Obama has done everything he possibly could to keep race out of this election. And the Clintons attracted national scorn when they tried to bring it back in by attempting to minimize the role Martin Luther King Jr. played in the civil rights movement. But here they have a way of appearing to seek the black vote, losing it, and getting their white backlash, all without any fingerprints showing. The more President Clinton begs black voters to back his wife, and the more they spurn her, the more the election becomes about race — and Obama ultimately loses."

Dec 5, 2007: Hillary, Rudy May Know Life After Death: "There is only one way for Hillary to shift the focus onto Obama or John Edwards: lose. By losing in Iowa and New Hampshire, she makes the key question not her veracity but Obama’s or Edwards’s ability to win. Democrats are going to be reluctant to nominate someone they know so little about as Obama and will wonder if the nation is ready for an African-American candidate (it is) or for a man who has been senator for 104 weeks before running for president (it’s not)...But recover they both [Clinton and Giuliani] likely will. Remember how Gary Hart beat Mondale in New Hampshire in 1984 and Mondale came back to win? And how Paul Tsongas beat Clinton there in 1992 and Clinton eventually won? And how McCain defeated Bush in New Hampshire in 2000 but how Bush came back to win? Different year. New candidates. Same deal.

Feb 7, 2007: Hillary and Rudy Could Wrap It Up This Year: "The nominees for the 2008 presidential race will be selected in 2007. The tempo of the new political process, driven by 24-hour cable news, Internet bloggers, conservative talk radio, and liberal NPR is so rapid that the nomination race cannot exist in stasis waiting for Iowa, Nevada, New Hampshire and South Carolina to get around to holding their votes in early 2008. Well before they open their caucuses or polling places, this nomination, in each party, will have been decided by the national media coverage during 2007...Right now, neither Rudy nor Hillary has a front-runner’s lock, but they are clearly the man and woman to beat in their respective parties. If they hold their leads through Labor Day, my bet is that it will be all over."
Morris' predictions are actually pretty shitty. He had Meg Whitman over Jerry Brown and Carly Fiorina over Barbara Boxer in California. He was so certain... certainly wrong. He's 3/4 of a fag too.


Thank God this is only a Dick Morris prediction. He makes a lot of predictions and is wrong more often than not. He says outrageous things so that the right wing echo chamber will pay him a fortune.

Begging the question, why do GOPer fools continue giving this Bozo airplay?

I believe it's like anything else with this lot. They don't give a shit about fact or reason when it comes to entertaining a dopey audience frothing at the mouth for the slightest nugget of malarkey to bat around amongst themselves.

How sad is it when Dick Morris talks, people listen..??:1orglaugh :facepalm:

The only question is which "Dick" some of these people fawn over has less credibility, the Morris one or the Cheney one?
Begging the question, why do GOPer fools continue giving this Bozo airplay

I was wondering the same thing. Morris' segments must get high ratings. O'Reilly rolls his eyes at him often when Morris runs his mouth. Hannity nods his head and takes notes though. I'm a Moderate Conservative myself and I can't stand that fat, mushy poof.
I'm a Moderate Conservative myself and I can't stand that fat, mushy poof.

Which one....oh.. the Morris one.

Well again, the whole exercise just plays into the right wing media narrative though....serve up empty calorie cotton candy to their audience then unleash them (their audience) to go out, be fruitful and perpetuate the BS.
Which one....oh.. the Morris one.

Well again, the whole exercise just plays into the right wing media narrative though....serve up empty calorie cotton candy to their audience then unleash them (their audience) to go out, be fruitful and perpetuate the BS.

I got a bunch of family in West Texas that drink the Kool-Aid of the Right. Fucking idiots. Fringe either way is bad. No freedom of thinking. Just copy and paste.
I got a bunch of family in West Texas that drink the Kool-Aid of the Right. Fucking idiots. Fringe either way is bad. No freedom of thinking. Just copy and paste.


Intentionally arming horses donning blinders then unleashing them to stampede malarkey into the discourse...just to see how far they can get away with it until exposed..then repeat cycle with another seems to be a pretty ingrained Faux/GOPer tactic.


I like Morris, especially when he tells secret stuff about the Clintons like how Janet Reno blackmailed Bill into getting re-appointing her because of info she had about Waco.

Seeing as Reno was never re-appointed by Clinton*, you are a lying sack of shit.

*The only way that she would have been re-appointed is if she had come back to serve as AG under another President. But that aside, being that the AG is the top law enforcement officer in the entire country, she not Clinton was in charge of the who Waco thing, therefore if anyone had anything on anybody it would be Clinton who had stuff on Reno, not the other way around.

You make morons ashamed.
BHO will not bow out, no way no how. I think he honestly believes he knows what he's doing and in his "vision" for America, despite the empirical evidence to the contrary.
BHO will not bow out, no way no how. I think he honestly believes he knows what he's doing and in his "vision" for America, despite the empirical evidence to the contrary.

:1orglaugh Like what? High unemployment?? Again, you realize the rate was a point higher at this same time during Reagan's term (awk!).

Or do you mean like whacking OBL 2 years after taking office??

Obama's biggest failing is in his assumption that he could just appoint any type of minion or underling then feeling his policy making would overcome some of their incompetence and/or ideologies.

Give the man a chance to finish his term C/S...you'll be pleasantly surprised and feel better. Well uh, maybe you won't be but the country will be better..:)
:1orglaugh Like what? High unemployment?? Again, you realize the rate was a point higher at this same time during Reagan's term (awk!).

Or do you mean like whacking OBL 2 years after taking office??

Obama's biggest failing is in his assumption that he could just appoint any type of minion or underling then feeling his policy making would overcome some of their incompetence and/or ideologies.

Give the man a chance to finish his term C/S...you'll be pleasantly surprised and feel better. Well uh, maybe you won't be but the country will be better..:)

I agree that many of our economic problems began way before BHO took office. The problem I have is his view that the Federal government can actually fix them by creating more "programs" and spending more money we do not have. It doesn't work... it's like paying your bills with a credit card... it keeps you floating for now but ignores the underlying problems that got you into debt and makes it much harder to face down the road. Believe me, Bush did the same thing and I was just as critical of his reckless spending.

The problems are systemic, and old solutions (i.e., spend more tax money to "fix" it) aren't working. We all need to wake up and realize the Feds are only hurting us, not helping, with the current economic policies in place including a retarded tax code and irresponsible Federal spending!
I agree that many of our economic problems began way before BHO took office. The problem I have is his view that the Federal government can actually fix them by creating more "programs" and spending more money we do not have. It doesn't work... it's like paying your bills with a credit card... it keeps you floating for now but ignores the underlying problems that got you into debt and makes it much harder to face down the road. Believe me, Bush did the same thing and I was just as critical of his reckless spending.

Just curious...how do (some of) you continue to erroneously arrive at the analogy of his actions equating to paying bills with a credit card?

I mean I get that it's reasonable to call a spade a spade when we're still borrowing to effect allot of our spending.

HOWEVER, borrowing in order to invest in activities which portend for increases in GDP IS NOT tantamount to borrowing for paying bills. GDP implications are not linear as some of you need it to be in order for your point to hold water.

'Bills' don't have any potential for monetary return...so it is a gross misstatement IMO to continue to characterize his economic acts as borrowing to pay 'bills'. In allot of cases we're borrowing to pay for things that have no (theoretical) monetary return but that isn't an Obama phenomenon and you can't even accuse him of exploding the spending per se because of massive spending he inherited on the wars and tax cuts.:dunno:

If I had a business and I was running temporarily lean and at a deficit, if my business model was successful but my business is suffering because of the greater economy, I would most assuredly borrow if I needed in order to keep operations running or trying to get business by a new method. What's the alternative...sink yourself in default then cease to exist just because of a bump.

Besides, I have been waiting to create another thread and see what the monetary eggheads have to say about it..stand by...::elaugh: