Hahahhahahahahahaha I just found that question. She wrote more.
Additional Details
He is not a homosexual, we have thaught him from The Bible and he has learned through our church that this is not in God's plan.
I want to speak to our pastor about this but I am very afraid of what he would think of what we are teaching our son if he's sneaking girls into his bedroom. That is clearly inappropriate and we are good parents.
6 months ago
I am absolutely positive he is NOT a homosexual. Homosexuality is a temporary state of mental illness and only happens to non-believers, and my son believes in God, so please don't point in that direction because it is clearly the wrong one!
I have been devoted to God my entire life, and He would never punish me with a homosexual and godless son!
This woman is obviously a complete idiot, there is no god and he didn't have any plans. She thinks that because they teach him the bible he is immune to being gay? What and idiot. Here's the link: