Democrats spreading the wealth


This must be what they men by spreading around the wealth and fighting social injustice. Nothing like RAISING taxes on everyone BUT the policitians.

The Chicago Sun-Times reports that property taxes in Chicago have increased an average of 9.6% this year. The property taxes on President Obama's home at 5046 South Greenwood Avenue increased 1.0%. Other Chicago politicians with below average property tax increases include:

Alexi Giannoulias (Illinois Treasurer): 1.0%
Richard Daley (Chicago Mayor): 3.5%
Rahm Emanuel (President Obama's Chief of Staff): 3.7%
Lisa Madigan (Illinois Attorney General): 4.4%
Dan Hynes (Illinois Comptroller): 4.9%


what the fuck you lookin at?
Not surprising really. Just further proof that politicians don't give a fuck about us. Other than to fatten their wallets!
To be fair you can't compare Chicago politics which are some of the most corrupt, fraudulent, underhanded, nepotistic, and involve more backdoor dealings, mutual back-scratching, skimming of public funds, and cronyism than pretty much anywhere else in the country to the entire country as a whole. (Even if politicians are generally bad everywhere if not quite at that level.)


To be fair you can't compare Chicago politics which are some of the most corrupt, fraudulent, underhanded, nepotistic, and involve more backdoor dealings, mutual back-scratching, skimming of public funds, and cronyism than pretty much anywhere else in the country to the entire country as a whole. (Even if politicians are generally bad everywhere if not quite at that level.)

yet a chicago politican is OUR POTUS.
Wouldn't this statistic fit the definition of a figure without any context? The Obamas and the politicians on this list probably live in million dollar mansions. The average Chicago homeowner doesn't.

What is the actual dollar relation of the Obama's 1% versus the Chicagoans 9.6%? And what are the property taxes? If the Obamas pay $500 a year in property taxes and the Chicagoan pays $15000 a year...than this might actually be something to investigate?
Not surprising really. Just further proof that politicians don't give a fuck about us. Other than to fatten their wallets!

Reason number one I hate politics. Those fuckers are in it for the money and power. They don't give a fuck about the people they are supposed to represent.
Why is it people are so bent out of shape over politicians and their antics but anyone suggests "modernizing" the Constitution and everyone thumps their chests and ROARS out a NO WAY.....

We CAN have a modern representative gov't that works for the majority of people you know...
Why is it people are so bent out of shape over politicians and their antics but anyone suggests "modernizing" the Constitution and everyone thumps their chests and ROARS out a NO WAY.....

We CAN have a modern representative gov't that works for the majority of people you know...

Because the constitution was created "by the people, for the people". if you "modernize" the constitution who will be the ones in charge? The government, who the people already don't trust. Therefore DO NOT MODERNIZE THE CONSTITUTION:mad:
This must be what they men by spreading around the wealth and fighting social injustice. Nothing like RAISING taxes on everyone BUT the policitians.

The Chicago Sun-Times reports that property taxes in Chicago have increased an average of 9.6% this year. The property taxes on President Obama's home at 5046 South Greenwood Avenue increased 1.0%. Other Chicago politicians with below average property tax increases include:

Alexi Giannoulias (Illinois Treasurer): 1.0%
Richard Daley (Chicago Mayor): 3.5%
Rahm Emanuel (President Obama's Chief of Staff): 3.7%
Lisa Madigan (Illinois Attorney General): 4.4%
Dan Hynes (Illinois Comptroller): 4.9%

Under Obama, the national debt increased 3 fold over what it was when President Bush was in office. Obama tripled the debt in 9 months! Some change!
Because the constitution was created "by the people, for the people". if you "modernize" the constitution who will be the ones in charge? The government, who the people already don't trust. Therefore DO NOT MODERNIZE THE CONSTITUTION:mad:

I agree with you, but there is one problem: the government already reads/interprets the Constitution in whatever way allows the government to do what it wants. Maybe the Constitution could me modernized, and maybe it couldn't; however, this doesn't and shouldn't detract from the obvious point: governmental intrusion and control must be heavily curbed.
Wouldn't this statistic fit the definition of a figure without any context? The Obamas and the politicians on this list probably live in million dollar mansions. The average Chicago homeowner doesn't.

What is the actual dollar relation of the Obama's 1% versus the Chicagoans 9.6%? And what are the property taxes? If the Obamas pay $500 a year in property taxes and the Chicagoan pays $15000 a year...than this might actually be something to investigate?

Remember this line of thought so when people talk about taxing the rich to medicate the poor, we have a line of reference.
I agree with you, but there is one problem: the government already reads/interprets the Constitution in whatever way allows the government to do what it wants. Maybe the Constitution could me modernized, and maybe it couldn't; however, this doesn't and shouldn't detract from the obvious point: governmental intrusion and control must be heavily curbed.

Agree with you 1000%. They hold way to much power and do not give enough of it back to the people. We have got to step up and show them that this is unacceptable, and I don't just mean from the Dem's, the republicans are just a guilty. Do your homework next election and encourage others to do the same!