Dead Space

Just picked it up for PS3. Any thoughts on the game? Very impressive so far, FPS, but scary and interesting weapons..
was waiting 4 this but didnt know it was out now,im gona pick this up 4 the 360 at the weekend.looks like a sick game.


what the fuck you lookin at?
I've had people on my friends list tell me it's creepy as hell. So I'll rent it some damn time, if I can ever find it.
I will be buying this one soon, I think.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I'm getting it in 9 days, and many of my clanmates have it, and they say it's great, like a futuristic RE.
I have it on ps3 and all I can tell you is play it with the lights off , it's really scary and intense. Sometimes it's heart pounding , the creatures in the game are extremely disgusting . All in all , a great game .
I won't do an in depth review. All I will say is, if you enjoy scary games but want something more than a mindless shooter


I haven't played it, I might buy it when it is significantly cheaper, BUT... my brother got it on his PS3 and I watched him play it a few times... Definitely a terrifying game, I'm sure the fear is doubled when you're playing and not just watching.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
I didn't want to start a new thread for this, so...

Who here has played Dead Space? I just started playing it not too long ago and I'm stuck near the very beginning. I hate using walkthroughs for games that I've never played before, so I don't really want to look at one for this.

Anyway, I'm near the very beginning and I'm stuck in a room where I need to manually repear some claw arm to some machine. The thing is, I don't know what I'm supposed to do and I can't figure out where to go. Can anybody help me with this?

(Sorry for the lame description, but it's literally in the very beginning of the game, so I don't know much at this point. HA, I'm a Dead Space noob. Oh gawd...)
You have probably have to use the force grab kinda thing and align them together..
I've had people on my friends list tell me it's creepy as hell. So I'll rent it some damn time, if I can ever find it.

same with me, i want to rent it but im not in any hurry to HAVE to play it (being that i am playing like 6 games at once right now)
but every blockbuster i go to it's currently out (rented) been like that since the first day it was released.
I got my copy for my PC and the game freaking rocks! It scared the hell out of me! Same feeling when i got my hands on resident evil 1. . but much more intense.
scary as hell thanks to all the fkn sounds when a monster shows up, graphics are a bit edgy thanks to no AA, but its fkn great :D
still aint picked this up,its had alot of good reviews tho people saying its scary so will probably order it this week.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Exactly how I would explain it, kind of short but a good start because EA already confirmed a sequel.

While that's fine and all.. we all know how long it takes to make a game these days. I wouldnt be surprised if they had an early-2010 release date for DS2. Bah!

Good. Scary. Havent beaten it but as most games are these days.. I constantly hear it's too short.