DART suspends driver after she refuses to use bus bearing atheist ad

Yep, it's my hometown, again. I wouldn't have gotten worked up about this too much.

One thing about DART, the Des Moines Area Regional Transit that bothers me is the name they conjured up. Aren't area and regional essentially the same thing?

I couldn't care less. If she had been a muslim and would have been fired for the same reason, she probably would have been labeled a religious fanatic. But seeing that it was a christian woman, the satanic company violated the poor poor womans poor poor rights. Is that the theme I'm supposed to pick up here? Well, all right then, may they rot in hell!

Not as good as the athiest ads they put on the buses here:

And you know what happened when they did it? Everyone carried on using the buses...
Oh yeah, I saw that. Hilarious. Was on the news here, too. But more in the "comical section" amongst the "look at these crazies, yelling at goats and beating their heads with foam shovels" news. Know what I mean? Where I live, the only reaction you will get with something like that, is either a smirk or a sigh, and that's about it. Getting fed up about religion in that way is kinda beyond most Germans. I don't know how many crimes or scandals we have per year that stem from religious antagonism or fanatism...maybe a handful?...


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
Darn, I wish they had posted a picture of the woman, I wanted to verify my mental image.


This is an interesting story and I can see a lawsuit pending.

Oh, the whole world is in such great shape since we've become enlightened to the "fact" that there is no other possibility other than we just are all by ourselves. :rofl:

What the hell is a government bus doing posting ANYTHING having to do with religion, pro or con anyway ?


One thing about DART, the Des Moines Area Regional Transit that bothers me is the name they conjured up. Aren't area and regional essentially the same thing?

Hey, it's not limited to "DART", up in the Bay Area they have a "BART".
Anything to make a cutesy govt acronym I guess.

Oh, I was gonna say, the lady driver has a point - See how an atheist driver would take to driving a bus with a Christian church banner plastered on the side. :p
Hey, it's not limited to "DART", up in the Bay Area they have a "BART".
Anything to make a cutesy govt acronym I guess.

Oh, I was gonna say, the lady driver has a point - See how an atheist driver would take to driving a bus with a Christian Church banner :p

Except the R in BART doesn't stand for Regional it's "Bay Area Rapid Transit".
About 20 years ago nearby Santa Clara Co decided to call their expanded system SCAT Santa Clara Area Transit, then many people told them what else scat meant. ;-) They went with something else.

Will E Worm

What the hell is a government bus doing posting ANYTHING having to do with religion, pro or con anyway ?

I know. ;)

I hope she wins big.


area and region can be the same, but not in this case: they serve one area, and provide regional transport only, as opposed to intercity transport, for example.

as for the ads, i don't see what's wrong with them. is there a clause in her contract that gives her a say as to what ads may be displayed on the bus? i don't think so.

and as for atheists:
The stupid bus doesn't even say that there is no god. It just states the fact that some people don't believe in god and you can join their group, if you want to.

Don't wanna do your job? Fire this bitch. There's plenty of other people that want to get paid, don't give a fuck what is on the side of the bus.

You could put saddam huessain skullfucking santa claus, I guarantee you that you won't have a problem finding someone that cares more about having a city job with benefits.
Hey, it's not limited to "DART", up in the Bay Area they have a "BART".
Anything to make a cutesy govt acronym I guess.

Oh, I was gonna say, the lady driver has a point - See how an atheist driver would take to driving a bus with a Christian church banner plastered on the side. :p

I'm sure it happens all the time without comment. We atheists haven't fought for our rights sufficiently and therefore haven't got any

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
I'm sure it happens all the time without comment. We atheists haven't fought for our rights sufficiently and therefore haven't got any

:wtf: is that supposed to mean? By most accounts roughly %15 of the population doesn't believe in a supreme being yet they bully the %85 remaining with the removal of the 10 commandments from court houses; prayer in school; the drive to remove "In God we Trust" from currency; and the phrase "One nation under God" removed from the pledge of allegiance. They are more than equal than the other pigs in the regard of representation.

I see a direct correlation between the removal of any appearance of belief from schools and the steady decline of American society at large. That is, the landmark cases brought to the forefront by Madeline Murray O'Hare and her constituants follow the time line of our decay since the early 1970's.

You haven't got any rights? Fuck that! Your rights are infringing on the majority in this and all other instances.
One thing about DART, the Des Moines Area Regional Transit that bothers me is the name they conjured up. Aren't area and regional essentially the same thing?

Unofficially, that's called a 'backronym' where an organisation's priority lies in the acronym that represents them rather than the name of the organisation itself. Other such examples are A.S.H. (Anti Smoking Heritage) and my own personal one S.A.N.D.W.I.C.H. (Spiritual Atheist Not Down With Irrational & Conditioned Hatred) ;)

Many a fun minutes can be spent talking about the World Health Organisation

"The WHO?"

"I just told you, The World Health Organisation"

"Sorry, the WHO?"

"ah, forget it..."
You're simply the bus driver - it doesn't mean you endorse the ads.
:wtf: is that supposed to mean? By most accounts roughly %15 of the population doesn't believe in a supreme being yet they bully the %85 remaining with the removal of the 10 commandments from court houses; prayer in school; the drive to remove "In God we Trust" from currency; and the phrase "One nation under God" removed from the pledge of allegiance. They are more than equal than the other pigs in the regard of representation.

I see a direct correlation between the removal of any appearance of belief from schools and the steady decline of American society at large. That is, the landmark cases brought to the forefront by Madeline Murray O'Hare and her constituants follow the time line of our decay since the early 1970's.

You haven't got any rights? Fuck that! Your rights are infringing on the majority in this and all other instances.

Well, we don't have all that religious stuff. There are no religious symbols allowed in our classrooms (aside from those the students themselves wear like for example a hijab over your head or a cross around your neck) but still OECD studies about the efficiency and the progressiveness of educational systems place us well ahead of the US. Our members of government don't have to swear on the bible or say "in god I trust" or "so help me god" either. In court you don't have to swear on the bible any more. Some christian holidays have been "antiquated" (meaning business is no longer suspended on those days). And even sundays are off limits in many businesses.

But guess what, we're still here. ;) And strangely, most studies about moral integrity, education, contemporary family values etc. say that we are far from degenerated.

There are no doctors being shot in churches because they perform late abortions, there is no muslim discrimination just because they're "towelheads", there are no christian parents associations who force their will on the television program of the entire nation,...
:wtf: is that supposed to mean? By most accounts roughly %15 of the population doesn't believe in a supreme being yet they bully the %85 remaining with the removal of the 10 commandments from court houses; prayer in school; the drive to remove "In God we Trust" from currency; and the phrase "One nation under God" removed from the pledge of allegiance. They are more than equal than the other pigs in the regard of representation.

*Ahem* Please tell me you're joking? Otherwise I'm sorry but that's absolute crap. All of us have just experienced 8 years of George Bush putting the "fun" back in fundermentalist. Where belief took over from logic to become the main policy maker "I believe God wants everyone to be free"

Wow, that's great George now tell us how God "told" you this proving that this wasn't just old Dick whispering to you as you slept or just you being, you know, you. And please tell us what "he" is going to do about it? Oh, he wants you to start another war . . . . right :rolleyes:. Thanks "God" :thumbsup:.

Anyway, aren't these bullies as you call them just trying to uphold your constitutional right:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof . . .

All of the places you have listed above are government controlled, if there are religious aspects depicted on or within any of these establishments it could and should be seen as government endorsement. Which as you very well know was not what was intended.

After all, if you remove one right, why not remove them all. How about that 2nd Amendment everyone around here seems to be so fond of?
While the founders wanted religion and govt to be seperate it didn't stop people from pushing their views through govt in many ways.People want prayer in schools back(only christian ones though).How that is different than those muslim countries where religion is pushed escapes me.

The best one is the "under god" in the pledge.That was only added in the 1950s after years of lobbying by the knights of columbus.It was a statement that we were godly while those no good russian commies weren't.I don't want it removed though (which would be what the 1st amendment would probably say about it,if we had judges who followed that),I just want the word "no" added so it reads "under no good".When atheism gets to be the majority we will have that lol.Since the beleivers have not been repectful of our rights(atheists) while they are the majority why should we respect theirs if the shoe is ever on the other foot?

Thats why america is a republic, to protect the rights of minoritys.Works most of the time but not always.

On this case when you read the link the women has not a leg to stand on.The bus sells ad space and she does not get to decide which she approves of or not.
:wtf: is that supposed to mean? By most accounts roughly %15 of the population doesn't believe in a supreme being yet they bully the %85 remaining with the removal of the 10 commandments from court houses; prayer in school; the drive to remove "In God we Trust" from currency; and the phrase "One nation under God" removed from the pledge of allegiance. They are more than equal than the other pigs in the regard of representation.

I see a direct correlation between the removal of any appearance of belief from schools and the steady decline of American society at large. That is, the landmark cases brought to the forefront by Madeline Murray O'Hare and her constituants follow the time line of our decay since the early 1970's.

You haven't got any rights? Fuck that! Your rights are infringing on the majority in this and all other instances.

Oh please. If anything lead to the recent decline of our society it was creating an economic environment, which Republicans are more to blame, where it forced two parents to have to work instead of one actually being available to raise their children. Yet all those neocons and religious nuts don't even think twice about things like that.

Even if atheist aren't a majority they don't try to force their non-religion down other people's throats, not in the way fundamentalist and evangelicals do. All the religious people can do about doing what they have always done, just without government blessing of favoritism, as it should be. If people want to show some of our nation's religious background put it in a museum (and only a separate dedicated museum) somewhere where it belongs. If they want to show that some of our ideas came from the religion some of our founders had then show that in a technical way in a textbook using only the proven facts and truth, and don't make a bigger deal out of it other than stating the plain facts about it.

I'm a religious person but I don't see any legitimate reason we need to purposely inundate our government with it or force people that aren't religious or of different religions than Christianity to have to be exposed to regions they don't believe in. In fact, the Pledge of Allegiance is a prime example of that. The phrase "One nation under God" wasn't even in it until 1956 when the Knights of Columbus got it in because of the fear from communist and their wanting to push religion on as many people as they could. (By the way this was also the time where people were persecuted in this country for even the accusation that one might be communist even when they didn't do anything wrong.) Today the Pledge of Allegiance is used as a minor form of brainwashing for school age children. It's especially bad considering at that age they have no concept of the gravity what "pledging your allegiance" really means or that they are almost forced to go along with it's religious overtones when they say it or face being a pariah to everybody else when they don't. Considering it's an almost mindlessly said bunch of lines now, it looses both it's original meaning, and ironically the one the religious fanatics wanted if for.

Finally, it doesn't matter how many people do or do not believe in a religion or religious concepts. People's rights are to have free religion and from that right to also be free from religion because it's impossible to have one without the other. Their is no right to force your religion on somebody else. I'm sure if instead of school prayers if the government was run by Islamist and forced it to shut down several times a day so people could pray towards Mecca all those Christians that want the 10 commandments in school, school prayer, or the Pledge of Allegiance would be yelling at the top of their lungs to change it.

Except the R in BART doesn't stand for Regional it's "Bay Area Rapid Transit".
About 20 years ago nearby Santa Clara Co decided to call their expanded system SCAT Santa Clara Area Transit, then many people told them what else scat meant. ;-) They went with something else.

Seattle has that beat. They once came up with South Lake Union Trolley for one of their mass transit systems. Of course then people started calling it the SLUT.
:wtf: is that supposed to mean? By most accounts roughly %15 of the population doesn't believe in a supreme being yet they bully the %85 remaining with the removal of the 10 commandments from court houses; prayer in school; the drive to remove "In God we Trust" from currency; and the phrase "One nation under God" removed from the pledge of allegiance. They are more than equal than the other pigs in the regard of representation.

I see a direct correlation between the removal of any appearance of belief from schools and the steady decline of American society at large. That is, the landmark cases brought to the forefront by Madeline Murray O'Hare and her constituants follow the time line of our decay since the early 1970's.

You haven't got any rights? Fuck that! Your rights are infringing on the majority in this and all other instances.

I just finished reading, "The Wordy Shipmates." It is a book about the Massacheussetts Bay (I know I got the spelling wrong) pilgrims. The badge they came here under had a picture of a native american on it with the slogan, "Please come and help us," written underneath. The pilgrims really did think they were coming to help the godless savages get saved. As many of you are no doubt aware, within a short space of time those natives were deemed to be in the spaces "belonging" to the pilgrims. And so the righteous got down to brass tacks and burned 700 of them alive in their village (Men women and children.) And so it went on. And on.

It is the native amereicans that I always think of when the usual gasbags are droning on about this country being founded on christian values. I always think that Christ would've pulled the nails out and got down off the cross if this is what people would go on to do in his name.