
I just saw a commercial on TV for this game just the other day. The release date is in January. I think it has a lot of potential and I'm probably going to pre-order it. What do you guys think?



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It just doesn't look that good when you compare it to others that are on a similar time of release like Modern Warfare 2 and Assassins Creed II.

In my opinion, I don't even find it fair to compare it to MW2. I mean come on, it's the sequel to the best selling shooter of all time; of course it's going to look pale in comparison.
It has alot of action-y games all mushed together in it. You see some God of War, some Devil May Cry, Barbie Horse Adventures. It looks interesting, but I wouldnt probably wouldnt buy it. Maybe rent it or get a used copy.
It has alot of action-y games all mushed together in it. You see some God of War, some Devil May Cry, Barbie Horse Adventures. It looks interesting, but I wouldnt probably wouldnt buy it. Maybe rent it or get a used copy.

If anything, I'd think it would be a good use of Christmans money.


what the fuck you lookin at?
and was, well ultimately unimpressed. It just doesn't look that good when you compare it to others that are on a similar time of release like Modern Warfare 2 and Assassins Creed II.

It looks a little dated to me and it isn't even out yet.

In my opinion, I don't even find it fair to compare it to MW2. I mean come on, it's the sequel to the best selling shooter of all time; of course it's going to look pale in comparison.

Exactly. You can't really compare it to AC2 for that matter. That is a highly anticipated release too. Both are set to be great sequels.

Still darksiders looks decent. I'll rent it, but then again I only buy games I KNOW I'm gonna like!


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
I saw a commercial for this game, and it looked pretty unimpressive. I didn't see anything that really set it apart from any other game out right now, and personally I thought the graphics looked pretty bad (course, I know that's not a way to judge a game).

Is there a demo out on Live for this? It seems like a game that could use one.
Darksiders, Bayonetta and Dante's Inferno are just to handle the masses until God of War 3 hits in March. I can't wait *in a school-girl voice* :nanner:

I gotta be honest,after playing both the GOW and Dante's Inferno demos,I'm way more exited about Dante's Inferno than I am about GOW 3.

Even though Dante's Inferno seems to be a clone of God Of War,I just find that after 2 games,there really isn't anything different that they've brought to the table with the 3rd installment.Of course I'm just speaking off of a demo and hopefully there is more to the game than just what I've played,but the one thing that probably won't change is the story,and that's where I think Dante's Inferno might have God Of War 3 beat.
I do like the zelda platform aspect of darksiders.
Although it is a decent game, its nothing groundbreaking but then again what is these days?
im not that into as i have lost my taste in those kind of games but for those that like the zelda style games it should be great!!!!
i personally loved the first two god of war games, and although it seems like the third won't be much different than the others, i'll still buy it just to see how the story line finishes. but i'll rent darksiders and dante's inferno here soon, they both look worth the 5 dollar rental fee


what the fuck you lookin at?
I gotta be honest,after playing both the GOW and Dante's Inferno demos,I'm way more exited about Dante's Inferno than I am about GOW 3.

Even though Dante's Inferno seems to be a clone of God Of War,I just find that after 2 games,there really isn't anything different that they've brought to the table with the 3rd installment.

dante's inferno is a clone. Damn near identical. Difference being at least the GoW story is interesting.
dante's inferno is a clone. Damn near identical. Difference being at least the GoW story is interesting.

Have you even played the demo?

Yes,the game engine is pretty much the same,but to say that Dante's Inferno doesn't have an interesting story tells me that you haven't bothered with the game at all.

Sorry,while GOW 3 will undoubtedly be a great game,I just find that they are recycling the same story that they have done in 3 other games.

At least Dante's Inferno is doing something that I don't recall has been done on any console,with the brutality and maturity that they are presenting.For fuck sake,there are religious groups protesting this game because of the story content.


what the fuck you lookin at?
yes I played the demo. Wasn't interesting to me. I'll rent it some time but not till after I'm done with GoW III
yes I played the demo. Wasn't interesting to me. I'll rent it some time but not till after I'm done with GoW III

Well,if you are waiting until after GOW 3,to play it,that kinda doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me,considering that Dante's will be out a full month before GOW 3.If the demo really wasn't that interesting,why bother playing it at all?

Sorry if I sound to presumptuous,and please don't take this the wrong way,but I'm getting the feeling that you probably just don't want to like this game already because of the similarities to GOW,and are a little afraid that you might end up liking it just as much,if not more than GOW.