Congressman Eliot Engel: "If I didn't have a primary, I wouldn't care."

Sounds like an asshole who deserves to lose. Nobody should support a shitty representative just because that rep is a member of the party they support. If they're not doing their job, get rid of them, regardless of what letter is beside their name on the ballot.
I don't understand the reasoning behind the idea that term limits will improve government. If they're limited to 2 terms, they're going to spend the first one trying to get re-elected and the second one trying to set up a cushy job after they get out. There's no incentive to perform.
Theoretically, without term limits, there is incentive to represent your constituents to avoid them finding someone else who will. It's up to the people and whatever honest parts of the media are left to keep an eye on them and make sure they're doing it. That's the part of the system that's been failing for too long.

Hopefully after the damage that trump, mcconnell, barr and the rest of the republican party have done to America in recent years, people will start paying a bit more attention to what their elected representatives are doing, and get out and vote (assuming republicans haven't closed down all of their polling places or purged them from the registry).
LOL at Eliot Engel. Good riddance. I'm so happy for Jamaal Bowman. Huge win for progressives. It's time we vote out these dinosaurs like Engel. Next target: Pelosi. Take. Her. Down