Cities, Places, Monuments

I don't know, if there's already a thread with something like this, but I thought it'd be a nice idea and a fresh breeze between all the word games and movie quizzes.

This quiz is about recognizable or famous cities, places, buildings, monuments etc. You post a picture and ask a question.
It shouldn't be too easy (like posting a picture of the Eiffel Tower and asking "Where is this?"), but it shouldn't be too hard as well (like posting a picture of a muddy shed in the hinterland of Alabama and asking who broke his left pinky during construction in 1765 may be too hard ;) ).

I'll just start with one that isn't that easy, but shouldn't be too hard as well.

In which city can this road-side monument be seen?


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
Ye gods that's awful. Looks like something a Novi Russki would commision. Don't recognise it tho.
Sorry for the late response. I thought this thread had died...

That's in Detroit Michigan right.

I don't know I'll figure out something I'm sure later.

That's the correct answer. :hatsoff: It's the "Memorial To Joe Louis" in Downtown Detroit.

I thought with that many Americans on this board, that someone would recognize it. I mean, it can be seen on TV regularly (in documentaries or in tv shows like Hung or Detroit 1-8-7 for example). Didn't think this would be that hard.
True its very well known. I've seen it on TV many times.

Maybe it should have said so in the opening post, but whoever brings the right answer first get's to post the next place.
So, please, Alisa, do continue. ;)