Chick Owned by Rifle


This girl tries firing a gun for the first time ... and I don't think she liked it.


what the fuck you lookin at?
:1orglaugh thats funny.

Look at her stance it was all wrong from the beginning, someone should have at least showed her how to hold the damn thing!
Why the fuck did that guy let that happen? He couldn't see that was going to happen? Jesus fucking Christ, is it any wonder why this country has so many freakin' gun accidents every year?

For fucks' sake!
Maybe the jackass flapping his lips constantly with instructions should have instructed her on how to do that properly, so that something like that doesn't happen.

Thanks, teacher...

her dad looks like he might have been a hunter. the jackasss shoulda showed her how to actually hold a rifle. the butt stock was barely in her shoulder. it was askin to pop out, just as it did.


Closed Account
her dad looks like he might have been a hunter. the jackasss shoulda showed her how to actually hold a rifle. the butt stock was barely in her shoulder. it was askin to pop out, just as it did.

and it doesn't help matters he stood behind her placing her head between a rock and a hard place
Maybe the jackass flapping his lips constantly with instructions should have instructed her on how to do that properly, so that something like that doesn't happen.

Thanks, teacher...


Exactly. That guy is a fucking moron.
Instead of recognizing the butt's nearly on top of her shoulder, he's busy instructing her. Dip shit, remembering to squeeze vs pull on the trigger isn't going to matter if it kicks right out of her hands. :rolleyes:

Reminds me of this: