Chicago Police Use Excessive Force, DOJ Finds

The Chicago Police Department has “engaged in a pattern or practice of unreasonable force,” violating the civil rights of citizens by unnecessarily shooting at suspects and failing to adequately investigate or punish officers who break the law, the Justice Department announced Friday.

Speaking at a press conference in Chicago with Mayor Rahm Emanuel and police Superintendent Eddie Johnson present, outgoing Attorney General Loretta Lynch said the city’s police officers unnecessarily escalate situations, leading to incidents that endanger both cops and civilians.

“One of my highest priorities as Attorney General has been to ensure that every American enjoys police protection that is lawful, responsive, and transparent,” Lynch said in a statement announcing the findings. “Sadly, our thorough investigation into the Chicago Police Department found that far too many residents of this proud city have not received that kind of policing.”

The press conference coincided with the release of a lengthy DOJ report about misconduct and civil rights violations by Chicago’s 12,000-officer police force, the second-largest in the United States.

With regard to unlawful use of force, the DOJ report found that Chicago cops:

Shot at fleeing suspects “who presented no immediate threat.”
Shot at vehicles “without justification.”
Used tasers and other types of “less-lethal force” against “people who pose no threat.”
Used force to “retaliate against and punish individuals.”
Used “excessive force” against juveniles.
Employed tactics that “unnecessarily endanger officers and result in avoidable shootings.”

The investigation was prompted by the October 2014 fatal police shooting of Laquan McDonald, a 17-year-old African-American teenager. The shooting was initially found to be justified, but footage of the incident that was made public in November 2015 showed a white police officer firing repeatedly at McDonald as he walked away from police. The video sparked outrage, protests, and calls for reform, and led to murder charges against Jason Van Dyke, the officer responsible.

The Justice Department said in the report released Friday that Chicago police fail to “fully document and meaningfully review officers’ use of force” and that officers who break the rules are rarely held accountable.

With regard to police accountability, the investigation found that the city:

Routinely “fails to investigate the majority of cases it is required to investigate by law.”
When it does investigate, “the questioning of officers is aimed at eliciting information favorable to the officer, and investigators do not confront officers with inconsistent physical evidence.”
The city “does not take sufficient steps to secure accurate and complete witness statements, including preventing officers from concealing misconduct.”
Discipline of officers is “haphazard, unpredictable and does not deter misconduct.”

Mayor Emanuel has already overhauled the city’s police oversight body and outfitted officers body cameras. The DOJ also said it’s clear that the city and police department are “committed to reform.”

The city and DOJ have already signed an agreement to enact further reforms and plan to sign a consent decree that will set legally-binding guidelines on how to proceed.

The fate of any agreement will be in limbo, however, since the Justice Department will likely soon by led by Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions, President-elect Donald Trump’s nominee for attorney general. Sessions has criticized consent decrees as “exercises of raw power” that “constitute an end run around the democratic process.”

Under President Barack Obama, the Justice Department has investigated 25 police departments in major cities across the country, including Baltimore, Cleveland, Miami, and Seattle. On Thursday, Baltimore became the 12th law enforcement agency to enter a consent decree with the Justice Department.

Nothing in this report is new to me. As a lifelong Chicagoan I didn't need a report to tell me the police here routinely violate people's rights and constantly use excessive force

Will E Worm

Chicago is a battlefield. The police aren't doing enough.

Tasers are not less-lethal.
#1 lesson that every US police academy teaches to their students : Your gun is the solution to every problem you may face.
#1 lesson that every US police academy teaches to their students : Your gun is the solution to every problem you may face.

Ghetto gangsters and cop killers deserve the bullet. You don't make of a criminal and a thug someone respectable, never. Have you counted how many policemen and policewomen have been cowardly killed by thugs?
See the obituaries
The victims had families and were either mothers or fathers. You dislike the law enforcement personnel, you never had friends among law american enforcement agencies. You never put your life on duty, so you don't know what is to be a cop in America.
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Nothing in this report is new to me. As a lifelong Chicagoan I didn't need a report to tell me the police here routinely violate people's rights and constantly use excessive force

The question is who do you support thugs/criminals or law enforcement ? Very certainly you blame the police for the thugs's misery but the thugs and the ghetto gangstas are just pure and evil scum and criminals which can't be respected. Maybe you live inside the 10worst neighborhoods of Chicago that you dislike cops this much
I bet you must hate the show Chicago PD which shows the hard reality of what kind of town is Chicago and you can't deal with the reality.
The question is who do you support thugs/criminals or law enforcement ? Very certainly you blame the police for the thugs's misery but the thugs and the ghetto gangstas are just pure and evil scum and criminals which can't be respected. Maybe you live inside the 10worst neighborhoods of Chicago that you dislike cops this much
I bet you must hate the show Chicago PD which shows the hard reality of what kind of town is Chicago and you can't deal with the reality.

Um, the thugs and criminals of course. Duh.

Gotta love you partisan hacks :1orglaugh
Um, the thugs and criminals of course. Duh.

Gotta love you partisan hacks :1orglaugh

Please spare me your cheap sarcasm cheapshot. We all know who Loretta Lynch is , just another Obama shoewaxing pos as much was Eric Holder which was nominated by the Obama's administration to fix the "supposed" police violence founded on lies and utter bullshit by a president who hated law enforcement and the military. I know you loved the Obama no trauma land, but it is gone permanently.
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I am going to miss Loretta Lynch . She epitomizes what a person can achieve when they set their mind to it. Proud to be able to call her a fellow North Carolinian.

I also really like several liberals on this board. When I grow up, I want to be me just like them.

Iceman is a good dude

Please spare me your cheap sarcasm cheapshot. We all know who Loretta Lynch is , just another Obama shoewaxing pos as much was Eric Holder which was nominated by the Obama's administration to fix the "supposed" police violence founded on lies and utter bullshit by a president who hated law enforcement and the military. I know you loved the Obama no trauma land, but it is gone permanently.

Folks, you're getting a good look here at how the partisan hack's mind works. The partisan hack is one who lives in a black and white, either/or world. For them it is not possible to hold two competing thoughts at the same time. To the partisan hack, one cannot criticize the actions of police officers and at the same still say that they support law enforcement. No, no, no. If you criticize law enforcement, then you hate cops and you want dead cops in the street. To the partisan hack, one cannot criticize the military and at the same time still support the troops. No, no, no. If you criticize the military, you do not support the troops. To the partisan hack, one cannot criticize private business and at the same time still be pro business. No, no, no. If you criticize private business, you're a socialist.

With that I leave you with a quote:

"The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function"
-F. Scott Fitzgerald
Folks, you're getting a good look here at how the partisan hack's mind works. The partisan hack is one who lives in a black and white, either/or world. For them it is not possible to hold two competing thoughts at the same time. To the partisan hack, one cannot criticize the actions of police officers and at the same still say that they support law enforcement. No, no, no. If you criticize law enforcement, then you hate cops and you want dead cops in the street. To the partisan hack, one cannot criticize the military and at the same time still support the troops. No, no, no. If you criticize the military, you do not support the troops. To the partisan hack, one cannot criticize private business and at the same time still be pro business. No, no, no. If you criticize private business, you're a socialist.

With that I leave you with a quote:

"The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function"
-F. Scott Fitzgerald

You don't know how the mind works cheapshot. Not everything is grey. Not possible to hold competing thoughts??? Before claiming someone is not able to do something, just make sure that you have got a job, are not living from social helps, pay for your own healthcare (but not leech for it) and that you own your own house/appartment. Perhaps you should tell to people who lived under a socialist regime how positive it was for them when it wasn't the case at all. They will just laugh at you. I have lived under 19 years of a socialist governement, and I severely dislike socialists
Like Churchill said it well:"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery."
Norman Mailer also said :"The function of socialism is to raise suffering to a higher level. "
Thomas Sowell also said: "Socialism in general has a record of failure so blatant that only an intellectual could ignore or evade it."
Alexis de Tocqueville said:"Democracy and socialism have nothing in common but one word, equality. But notice the difference: while democracy seeks equality in liberty, socialism seeks equality in restraint and servitude. "
David Horowitz said: "In practice, socialism didn't work. But socialism could never have worked because it is based on false premises about human psychology and society, and gross ignorance of human economy."
All those statements are quite correct regarding socialism and its values. I don't really recall you posting about supporting troops nor law enforcement. Have you seen the budget cuts of the US Defense?
Which firms bring the most money to a country? The ones which are held and managed privately. I don't think you like the managers of the fortune 500 but without them there would have been no employment
Folks, you're getting a good look here at how the partisan hack's mind works. The partisan hack is one who lives in a black and white, either/or world. For them it is not possible to hold two competing thoughts at the same time. To the partisan hack, one cannot criticize the actions of young black males without wanting our prisons full of young black men or wanting them gunned down.. To the partisan hack, one cannot criticize the first black president or the first female nominee for president without being a racist, sexist, misogynist pig. No, no, no. If you criticize minorities and women you don't support equality,American ideals, or equal opportunity and you are certainly not patriotic. To the partisan hack, one cannot criticize professors and institutions of higher learning as leftist indoctrination camps without being anti education. No, no, no. If you criticize academia you are a totalitarian. To the partisan hack, you cannot exhibit scepticism over unproven science and a theory of man made climate change that is based upon computer modeling without being a knuckle dragging mouth breathing science denier. To the partisan hack, one cannot be for sovereignty and not letting third world street shitters cross our borders at will and putting a strain on our welfare system and healthcare system and driving down wages without being a xenophobic deplorable fascist.

With that I leave you with a quote:

"The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function"
-F. Scott Fitzgerald
Getting really tired of Ice's phony conservative persona.

Fuck,do something.