Changes to Identify / Name the Babe

The Identifier

Staff member
Platinum Member
We are excited to bring you a new trial version of Identify / Name the Babe and we hope you like it!

It comes with a number of new features and benefits, as explained below.


The first thing you will notice is the new filters at the top which allow you to easily navigate between the threads within this section.

  • Latest updates - the default view, displaying the question threads with the most recent post, ordered from the newest to the oldest
  • Popular - the threads which have proved to be the most popular and have had the most interactions and replies
  • Newest - the most recently posted queries, ordered from newest to the oldest
  • Unanswered - queries which have yet to receive any response at all. Can you help them?
  • Unsolved - queries which are yet to have been marked as the solution, even though they may have had some replies or guesses/suggested answers
  • Your questions - all of your ID threads that you yourself have created
  • Your answers - threads you have posted in, irrespective of whether your answer was considered to be THE answer

You now have the ability to upvote or downvote any answers other members have given to the query in question. Often, even after someone has posted the correct answer, the original poster might not be convinced that it is actually right so you upvoting someone else's answer will help to assure them that it is indeed the answer they were looking for. Conversely, if you know that the answer someone has posted is wrong, you can downvote it. We recommend that you post in the thread to make it clear to them and everyone else that you think it's wrong and why, but please keep things respectful at all times.

You will also see a new option to 'sort by votes' which orders the posts in the thread by the number of upvotes they have received from most to fewest, rather than just the traditional chronological ordering.

Mark as solution

If you are satisfied with the answer that you have been given, you can click the big check/tick icon to mark the answer as the solution to your query. This both marks your question thread as solved and awards the user who answered it with the 'solution' credit for it. This counts towards their 'solutions' total which is viewable on their profile page. The users who have contributed the most solutions can be tracked on the member index along with various other stats and information regarding users on the forum.

This new way of marking threads as solved replaces the old [SOLVED] and [NEEDS ID] method which has been in place for the last few years.

Please note that only one answer can ever be marked as the solution, so in instances where you or another user has requested more than one ID in the same thread, any credits will be neutralized and be awarded to the FreeOnes Community which denotes that it was a team effort! Well done, team! However, if one person does indeed solve multiple queries by themself, then they can of course still get the credit.

In such instances where a member cannot be awarded a solution credit, we recommend lavishing them with likes and/or loves ((y) / :love:) to show your appreciation. Indeed, we actively encourage this for ANYONE who helps you out in any way at any time. Upvoting is not a substitute for reaction score. Whatever you do, please DO NOT mark an answer as the solution without saying thank you in some form, whether it be a post to say thanks or a positive reaction in the form of a like. Anyone making a habit of asking questions without giving credit where it is due or showing gratitude will result in you no longer being able to ask questions and get help. We feel it should go without saying that you should show your appreciation to anyone who helps you out, but sadly we have witnessed a few too many people who do not see fit to say thanks and seemingly take the help they receive for granted. This is a free "service", so the least people can do is say thanks!

Also, please take care when nominating the post which you mark as the answer as it is then pinned to the top of the thread which allows people to see the answer quickly and easily. Folks can click a link to 'view full post' if it is too long to read the entire solution at a glance. It also doesn't matter which page of the thread you are on, as both the initial query and answer will always be pinned to the top of the page, assuming the thread consists of two pages or more.

The other reason why you need to take care to select the correct post to mark as the answer is so that the right person is credited with the answer. In the event that two members have posted the answer in quick succession, the person who "got there first" should be awarded with the solution. Moderators will step in to settle any disputes regarding this or to correct any mistakes people may have made when awarding credits. We're sure you're an honest bunch, but if anyone edits in an answer after someone else has posted the answer to make it look like they were the first to answer then this won't go unnoticed, and you'll get yourself into bother... so don't even try!

Summary of the key benefits of this new version
  • No more need to select the [NEEDS ID] prefix when creating a thread!
  • No more need for you to ask your threads to be marked as solved - you can do it yourself!
  • Show your support for an answer someone has given by giving it an upvote
  • Sort posts within a topic by the number of votes they have received in descending order
  • Users get awarded 'solution' credits for coming up with the right answer, a new metric specifically for solving ID requests which is separate from reaction score
  • Once a thread has a solution, the answer is clearly visible at the top of the page underneath the original query for easy reference at all times
  • Make use of a number of new filters available to you; e.g. 'Unsolved' enables people to quickly and easily find threads which haven't been solved yet meaning the resident experts on the board can focus their efforts on solving queries that haven't been dealt with yet
  • In the event that a query goes on for so long that it reaches a second page or consists of a series of "bumps" - the original post will remain visible at the top of the 2nd page, 3rd page or however many pages it might have meaning you don't have to keep going back to the first page which, most importantly, increases the chances of you getting an ID given its increased prominence! If your original link stops working, ask a moderator to edit in a new working link into the first post so that it doesn't reduce your chances of getting the ID you seek.
Any questions, let us know!

We will run a poll in a few weeks time to gauge whether you guys prefer this new version or prefer the old way of going about things.


The Identifier

Staff member
Platinum Member
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Does upvoting or downvoting a post count towards a member's reaction score?

No, it doesn't. Upvoting or downvoting a post is only a means of indicating whether you think someone is right or wrong when they suggest an answer, so please do not confuse it for being anything else.

In other words, it is a way of you declaring "yes, I agree" or "no, I disagree" without actually saying it. It does not reward or punish the user in any way.

The user who has their answer selected as the solution will get one solution credit awarded to their account for which their running total will be viewable on their profile.

If you would like to reward them with a like or a love for their assistance, you can do so - just like you can do with any other users who may have contributed some useful information to the thread. We advocate you displaying your gratitude the those who provide help, whether it be in the shape of a like/love or a simple reply of "thank you".

Why can't I create threads like I could before?
Posting new threads in the "old" version has temporarily been disabled during this trial phase. You can still reply to those threads, just not create new ones there. It is also fine to ask for your threads to be marked solved as before if your thread was created before this testing period began.
So what are the requirements before someone can start posting queries/questions in the "Changes to Identify / Name the Babe" and the scene ID sections? Just for kicks, I tried posting and it indicated insufficient privileges. It's likely I missed something. Thanks!

The Identifier

Staff member
Platinum Member
All you've got to do is click through to the sub-section at the top. You can create threads in there but not outside of it.

It wouldn't be much of an improvement if you couldn't create threads at all now, would it? :giggle:

Everyone was sent a notification of this by the way. You must have closed it down without reading it.
No, I read it, I go into the BETA - Identify section but it shows me a message at the bottom that reads: "You have insufficient privileges to post threads here."
I don't see a link to post a new thread. I'll check back later to figure out what I might be doing wrong.

The Identifier

Staff member
Platinum Member
Please try again.

Turns out you belonged to a certain type of user group which didn't have the permissions turned on. It should work now.

Sorry about that, and if anyone else is having the same problem - let me know.

No wonder some people got the wrong end of the stick with this! ... because others have asked why they couldn't do it, even though they actually could in those instances... so that threw me off the scent in itself.
Hi, I cannot post to the section, it says "you have insufficient privileges" ...

Any help greatly appreciated, thank you very much ! :)

The Identifier

Staff member
Platinum Member
Hi, I cannot post to the section, it says "you have insufficient privileges" ...

Any help greatly appreciated, thank you very much ! :)
See post #4 of this thread, buddy.

You are clicking into the section but not the new sub-section at the top as illustrated in the screenshot... which is the only place you or anyone else can post threads at the moment.

If anyone else reading this still thinks you can't create threads, you can - you've just got to follow the instructions outlined above.
See post #4 of this thread, buddy.

You are clicking into the section but not the new sub-section at the top as illustrated in the screenshot... which is the only place you or anyone else can post threads at the moment.

If anyone else reading this still thinks you can't create threads, you can - you've just got to follow the instructions outlined above.
Thank you so much, it works.

Sorry I had not understood, english is not my usual language.
I cannot attach an image or drag and drop. Has this changed? Example, I can click insert image here and I can drop an image, in beta all I have is a url or link option.

The Identifier

Staff member
Platinum Member
I cannot attach an image or drag and drop. Has this changed? Example, I can click insert image here and I can drop an image, in beta all I have is a url or link option.
This is actually a bit of a quirk you have uncovered here because it's not anything to do with the new ID sections but this FreeOnes Updates part of the forum which was allowing everone to upload stuff here and nowhere else for some reason.

Users like yourself who have either just signed up or haven't got many posts don't get the option to drap & drop until much later down the line so you should find that you are no longer able to see it no matter which part of the forum you are in... until such a time as you become more established, of course.

Thanks for flagging this up.