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Catholic school covers ‘suggestive’ statue of a saint handing a loaf of bread to a boy


Over the past 2000 years many christian priests/bishops/cardinals/popes had sex with young boys.
Why are they trying to cover up the truth!!!

It's time the church confessed, repented and asked for forgiveness.
100 million Our Fathers and Hail Mary's should be enough penance.


Mathew 6:5-8
“And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are. For they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the corners of the streets, that they may be seen by men. Verily I say unto you, they have their reward.
But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father who is in secret; and thy Father who seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.
But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions as the heathen do, for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.
Be not ye therefore like unto them, for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of before ye ask Him."
I guess conservatives will applaud this move : a statue of a priests offering free stuff to poor people, that's outrageous, that's just plain communism !
You have to admit, that's pretty bad.

And Johan, communism would be the government giving your stuff to poor people, and not just offering to.


Republican capitalism is the government giving your stuff/money to the rich.

Will E Worm

You have to admit, that's pretty bad.

And Johan, communism would be the government giving your stuff to poor people, and not just offering to.

Listen to Animus, Johan.

Republican capitalism is the government giving your stuff/money to the rich.

No, a true Republican would follow the Constitution and be for a small government.

“The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened), against domestic Violence.”

Article IV, Section 4



Hiliary 2020
Well it does look a little messed up.
Bad enough the loaf of bread is about the same size as a penis and he's holding it like one would hold their penis.
But the look on the Friars face is like , " Oh yeah that's nice".
Its a shitty sculpture anyway.

Fucked up

Representative democracy (also indirect democracy, representative republic or psephocracy) is a type of democracy founded on the principle of elected officials representing a group of people, as opposed to direct democracy. Nearly all modern Western-style democracies are types of representative democracies; for example, the United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy, Ireland is a unitary parliamentary republic, and the United States is a federal republic.

It is an element of both the parliamentary and the presidential systems of government and is typically used in a lower chamber such as the House of Commons (United Kingdom) or Dáil Éireann (Republic of Ireland), and may be curtailed by constitutional constraints such as an upper chamber. It has been described by some political theorists including Robert A. Dahl, Gregory Houston and Ian Liebenberg as polyarchy.[4][5] In it the power is in the hands of the elected representatives who are elected by the people in elections.

This is where your mistake is. Every of th modern civilised country is a ruled by a representative democracy and has a constitution. The leaders of these countries have the mission to keep and protect the constitution.
Democracy with no law, where the people can decide anything don't exist, never did. When Athen created democracy their first move was to create laws to define the role of the different institutions (he Boule, the Ecclesia), some kind of "constitution". They had courts and magistrates to judge criminals according to the law.

This is not the place but there would be much to tell about the (voluntary ?) mistakes in this video about Ancient Greece and Rome, their respective form of government and how they transitioned from democracy to tyranny...
The author is either poorly informed about these topics or knowingly torning the facts to better serve his point.

Now, seems to end with Obama painted as a dictator, what would the Founding Fathers think about a president who puts his daughter and his son-in-law in his administration ? Isn't that another form of oligarchy : nepotism ?
What would theink think about a president who said he could shot someone in the middle of the 5th Avenue, peope would stil lvote for him ?
What would they think about a president who publicly said that not being in contro lof the FBI saddens him ?
What would they think about a president who used his power to fire the FBI director because he was investigating him ?
What would they think about president who asked to be thanked for protecting us citizens from a foreign government ?
What would they think about a president who's constyantly attacking the medias who are not 100% on his side ?
What would they think about a president who promised to "name a special prosecutorto look into [his opponent's] situation ? And if they think it' fine, what would they think if he doesn't deliver on that ?
What would they think about a president who, during his campaign, publicly asked a foreign government ot send him damaging intelligence about his opponent ?

And what would they think about US citizens who for, 8 years, said their president was a dictator and still stayed on their couch, drinking beers, eating donuts, whatching Fox News and writing "Impeach Obama" on Twitter, Facebook, forum board, etc. instead of using their 2nd Amendment right to get the dictator out of the White House ?

Will E Worm

A Republic, Not A Democracy

Dan Smoot Report The true form of the US Government is a Republic, Not A Democracy. Not merely a symantic difference. The Founding Fathers despised democracy. They formed a Republic to guard against rule by majority. First we were told we were a democracy, then the republic was transformed into a democracy. Now we are witnessing the democracy collapse into dictatorship.

A Republic, Not A Democracy


Again misconceptions of what Democracies and Republics are
In the ancient world, Democracy and Republic meant two distinct things. Democracy meant Athens, Republic meant Rome. In Athens, citizens could vote by lot and approve or disapprove certain politicians, policies and other legislature. This is considered “direct democracy” where the people themselves vote and have a say on the legislation. In Rome, the Senate, the Consul, the Tribune, and other posts were voted in by the people, and these representatives decided on the legislature amidst themselves. Here the people did not directly have a say in the legislation and institutions.

In both Athens and Rome, only a small portion of the population had a vote. Women couldn’t vote, only elites could vote. If you were a foreigner or an immigrant you had very little chance of becoming a citizen. Both their populations had large numbers of slaves. In Athens, the franchise became so restrictive that the elite voting people were called the “Aristoi” because they represented the Power of the Best Citizens. Arete means Best (i.e. citizens of oldest families, most influence and so the best virtues), Kratos means Power…this led to the word Aretekratos which became Aristocracy. Contrary to belief that originated not in feudal kingdoms but in Democracies and Republics. The Roman Senate called themselves patricians and optimates, and more ridiculously, boni (which means good). In the Renaissance and Enlightenment eras, everyone debated the merits of Athens versus Rome, with everyone realizing that both systems were flawed and not really practical. So they drew on other inspirations, Sparta, or the English Parliament.

Democracy did not get its modern definition until 1794, when Maximilien Robespierre first voiced it:

"Only a democratic or republican government— these two words are synonyms despite the abuses in common speech—because an aristocracy is no closer than a monarchy to being a republic...Democracy is a state in which the sovereign people, guided by laws which are of their own making, do for themselves all that they can do well, and by their delegates do all that they cannot do for themselves"