Can you fall in love with a pornstar?

I know this sounds odd, but I'm wondering about this because the strangest thing happened to me recently.

So can you fall in love with a pornstar?

I think it is possible to fall in love with a pornstar without meeting her.........It happened to me recently and it sucked.
I didn't think it could happen at all, but it can. (I'm a normal bloke I've had girl friends in the past and stuff. I'm normal.

I've watched loads of porn I must admit but nothing like this has ever happened before.

I find this new porn star her names is Riley Reid, and I think wow she's a lovely looking girl, just really sweet looking.
So anyway I start a twitter account and start sending her emails and messages and stuff, and I stop watching her films.
After about 30 emails over a period of 2 months or so, I have told her everything about me, I have got to know her abit, from her messages to me and her twitter videos.
Without realising it I have now got an emotional connection with her.
So I then download one of her movies and I see her with a guy on a sofa and she kisses the guy, and my heart just breaks.
It was so mental, I was worried about it, cause I thought it was crazy how this could have happened.
I'm sat in front of the monitor crying, broken hearted, I couldn't sleep all night, just felt crushed. And I couldn't eat.
It actually scared me, I felt like I had gone mental or something.

The only time this has happened before was when I was with ex girlfriends.

So I fell in love with a pornstar I think it can happen easily, and I don't think it's that odd either, you just have to email them talk with them and give yourself away to them.

The more you give yourself away, the more connected you are becoming, and the more it will hurt after.

Sounds crazy I know, But it can happen.

I hated it.

Anyone else had anything similar happen?
Tell her how you feel. Send her an email about it or talk to her on Twitter as you said.

She will just see you as a fan. Famous people on twitter reply to their fans, just because she was talking to you doesn't mean she has an emotional bond.

Tell her about it though, it's unlikely to go anywhere, but at least you will have tried. If you send her a message about it, she will be humbled, give it a shot


I'm so horny, even the crack of dawn isn't safe
Jenna Jameson fell in love, did she not? Of course it can happen!

I don't know if I would consider something like your situation love. Just very strong lust.

It has been thus since the begaining of time.
2 genders, 2 different ways to fall in love.



persona non grata
Who said the talk section was getting boring? This is the funniest story i have read anywhere on the web all year.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Fall in love with whoever you want that is all I can say, unless your me. I wasn't programmed by The Higher AI to feel this emotion you humans call love.

Briana Lee

Official Checked Star Member
Of course it can happen. What is the difference between falling for a model online than any other girl?! Believe it or not models are real people to.

Although I don't see it going anywhere personally I still think you should give it a shot. What have you got to lose babe? There's always that chance.....

I have made some fantastic friends online that were fans to start with but over time things change. :D
Just to clarify I didn't fall in love (get an emotional connection with Riley Reid) I fell for the real Riley Reid,
What I mean is I fell for her personality on her twitter videos when she was just being herself, not when I watched her in her movies.

I know people are like how old are you and stuff.

But I know all that, It's not something I tried to make happen, I didn't want to get emotionally connected with an active pornstar cause that's just asking for trouble.

Sometimes stuff just happens, I see it like this, sometimes when your out in town or something and you see a women and for some reason she just stands out over all the other girls in the room.
You haven't talked to her yet and you haven't met her. But there is a stronger feeling towards her then any other women in the room.

Well Rileys personality was like that to me.

I really don't think it's that weird.
Thx BrianaLee,

I agree with you, I don't think it's that odd, especially when the girl in question is showing you her actual self on twitter videos and your exchanging emails for ages and things.
If you go about it in a real way, like being honest in emails and stuff, then a connection happens, sometimes it will just be friends, and sometimes it could be a bit more.
Quite normal in my opinion.
Of course it can happen. What is the difference between falling for a model online than any other girl?! Believe it or not models are real people to.

Although I don't see it going anywhere personally I still think you should give it a shot. What have you got to lose babe? There's always that chance.....

I have made some fantastic friends online that were fans to start with but over time things change. :D

We've got ourselves a deal here honey. :D :thumbsup:
Just for the record, I do see the funny side of this.
I can watch her now no probs in her movies.
But the initial emotional reaction was intense.
I knew I would get a bit of slagging off for this.

But I'm honest enough to post what happened regardless.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
Met her. There's nothing like wanfdering up to a pretty girl on a night out only to hear her spout mindless drivel that cures love at first sight.

But if there IS a spark, she'll get the spark too. Then it's all gravy.

BTW, when I say meet her, I mean, meet her consensually and in public and don't take weapons with you.