Can You Eat An Entire Box Of Salt?

I can't eat the whole thing. I admit it. Can you eat an entire box of salt? If so, how many times have you done it and what is the most salt you've ever consumed in one sitting?


Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
I can't imagine even trying to consume that much salt. I can't imagine it would be a pleasant demise either.
No wonder. I was spending hour after hour on YouTube trying to find a video of someone eating an entire box of salt. Even LA Beast didn't try it.

Check out these two awesome dudes from Bangladesh. This might have been good enough for a World Record but since they don't speak English it doesn't count. Rulebook.


Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
On the plus side at least there is a better chance one's corpse will be better conserved after the attempt.
Did you mean preserved? If not, I need an explanation please.