She also posed nude for artist Garry Gross at age ten. Boy...that chick sure got an early start. She does all this nudity before she's 14 but not a hair of it after she became legal!!:dunno:
The nude parts in the movie is actually of her 30 year old milf stunt look alike. If you watch the movie with the comitary on you find that out, it's heart breaking. Then you realize who the hell is the naked girl i want more stuff of her.
Look for more cancellations probably at a greater rate than we're used to. I remember way back when I had a friend with a big crush on Brooke. I didn't get it. Back then, there was a whole ocean of celebrity hotties to choose from. Brooke ain't bad, but I can say I fantasized about a lot of sexbombs that I thought blew Brooke away. Although I can say without reservation that I wouldn't mind if she blew me away.