Brittni Carlini Beaten to Death w/ Baseball Bat, then burned by Friends


Postal Paranoiac
That Vigil dude should be arrested just for looking like a douchebag.
I don't see much point in these "true crime" stories for the most part, as the vast majority of us simply aren't directly effected by them. It's just awful, and sad, and depressing to read of them.

One note though. On one of the endless threads here at FO forum from the right-wingers about how "The Mexicans are coming!!" I recall one of the regulars writing about what a sick, violent culture the Mexicans have, and we must prevent their culture from infecting "our" good, (relatively) wholesome culture.

So, I look at this page about this sadistic crime, and it was committed by a white guy. At the top of the page are links to a story about a white couple who live-streamed the molestation of a 4-year-old, and a white mom who ran a "concentration camp for animals".

I don't wanna derail this thread; just want to note that "white culture" to the extent it exists, is far from pure and wholesome, and it never has been.
It DEFINITELY is sadistic.