Britney Spears Bodyguard Quits Over Her Horny Nakedness??


Lord Dipstick
Remember when she first turned 18 and this would have been the majority of men across the country and world dream job?

Now it's like... that whore? Hell naw!!!

I honestly don't know if I would or not. It'd be highly tempting. He probably thought about it but then he did claim she is emotionally out of control so she could have turned around and screwed him for life legally. Not to mention if this guy has a family or or married, anything like that. I say he made the right decision.

Though he should have taken photos and sold them off for someone to sell to a publication... :dunno:


Lord Dipstick
I'd have stole her skidmarked panties and sold them......:nanner:
Wow I guess it's his turn for 15 minutes of fame now. Why would any one care if a persons naked in their own house. I am no one complains though I don't go around all crazy like yelling at people and I don't have a body guard I'm harassing..

Maybe its a ply she's using if I'm naked and I yell they won't be as mad.:dunno:
....the fuck is he supposed to guard her body without her showing him what he's supposed to be guarding??:cool:
Wow I guess it's his turn for 15 minutes of fame now. Why would any one care if a persons naked in their own house. I am no one complains though I don't go around all crazy like yelling at people and I don't have a body guard I'm harassing..

Maybe its a ply she's using if I'm naked and I yell they won't be as mad.:dunno:

No offence, sweetie, but it's not the same with you and me (especially me, I guess). She's got body guards, house staff, stylers, handlers, agents, etc. etc. in her house/life. If you've got a 30 something room house full of staff and employees, likely a good idea to get dressed and treat everyone with respect.

Also, you won't spread your crabs to your staff that way.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Why the fuck does she need a bodyguard? I think that every guy who wanted a run at her already had his turn. She's just nasty now. What a whore...
No offence, sweetie, but it's not the same with you and me (especially me, I guess). She's got body guards, house staff, stylers, handlers, agents, etc. etc. in her house/life. If you've got a 30 something room house full of staff and employees, likely a good idea to get dressed and treat everyone with respect.

Also, you won't spread your crabs to your staff that way.

I think your confusing the crabs that's you remember sweety. We talked about it last night you were sad but you can get rid of them remember.

I would never want all the staff and stuff as I would probably feel for them I should be clothed and I really do hate clothes. Your right respect is something everyone should give everyone else. I wonder how clean brittneys supper really is when they bring it to her.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
But Andy Ry, how do you really feel? Can she be redeemed? Can she be redeemed by your virginity?

No, nothing can save her now. I'd say that she just needs to be shot, but it would truly be a waste of a bullet. I wouldn't touch that gutter trash with a 10-foot pole.
I think your confusing the crabs that's you remember sweety. We talked about it last night you were sad but you can get rid of them remember.

I would never want all the staff and stuff as I would probably feel for them I should be clothed and I really do hate clothes. Your right respect is something everyone should give everyone else. I wonder how clean brittneys supper really is when they bring it to her.

an excellent question. you should see what cooks do to food when customers disrespect them. Turns out that Brittney's likely been eating poop and gravel sandwiches for a couple of years now...


Hiliary 2020
What a waste.
What a waste that all that money is wasted on this person (her).

If this is true I don't blame the guy.
Not every guy has a fuck anything with a wet hole mentality.
Also I hate to say it, but he should sue her.
If it was a male employer doing the same you now how this would go down.
Whats good for the goose is good for the no talent product of the so called music industry.
Sure, it would be cool for a while, but you'd end up just wanting to put a bullet in your head dealing with her strange ego.