Breaking News: Time has come for me to leave FreeOnes

that is from tomorrow till the 4th of January to celebrate new year in Barcelona!!!!!



Happy new year people :hatsoff:

Happy New Year.


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
Fuck! He'll be back. :crash:

At least I get the office to myself for 2 days. Maybe I'll run around naked or take FreeOnes_Alan's suggestion and bring a slip and side and spend the afternoon playing in the hallway of our FreeOnes Mansion.
have a safe trip. happy new year. will u be visiting the Nou Camp?

Did that before already, impressive stadium :)

At least I get the office to myself for 2 days. Maybe I'll run around naked or take FreeOnes_Alan's suggestion and bring a slip and side and spend the afternoon playing in the hallway of our FreeOnes Mansion.

Thank god for hidden webcams!!!
Live well, brother :glugglug:

(Psst. Did you leave the spare key to mansion under the rock like you told me you would? This is my chance to FINALLY bang Petra!!! Shhhhh! :nanner:)


Lost at Birth
No one likes a quitter, even if its only for a few days, sir.

Have a great time Roald


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Let's ban him while he is gone.


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
I'd ban him, but the result is my having to do ALL the work around here.


Nevermind. Ban his ass! :ban:


Postal Paranoiac
Barcelona? Ha! Real Madrid will catch them!!! :1orglaugh
When you try to trick somebody it works better if it's believable. Nobody is going to fall for it if you say you're giving up the baby oil and babes. :tongue:
Haha, Roald will be chasing the women in Spain while Petra is running naked around the office.

The heck with banning him, thats punishment enough.