Little Red Wagon Repairman
What causes Black people to kill each other? I know there are many reasons but state why you feel it happens and how these homicides could be greatly reduced.
What causes people to kill each other? I know there are many reasons but state why you feel it happens and how these homicides could be greatly reduced.
End the fucking drug war. Decriminalize - or flat-out legalize - all drugs.
End direct-to-consumer marketing by the pharmaceutical companies to the "patients" er, customers.
Drug companies never used to be allowed to do that, and the fact that they now can has changed the patient/doctor dynamic. The "customer's always right" bullshit has poisoned the whole process. Also, I'm not saying that the doctors are always right,but the fact that patients can essentially request (demand) their own prescriptions has corrupted the whole process, and helped turn some doctors into dealers.
Kill the demand for illegal drugs, treat drug addiction as a public health issue - not a criminal one - and a side-effect is that you essentially cut off the gangs at the knees.
Granted, they still have gambling and prostitution, but that's for a whole different thread.
Also, stop pushing the narrative that the only choices for students today are college, the military or crime. College and the military are valid choices yes, but they're not the only options.
There's more, but it's too late and I'm too damn sober.
What causes Black people to kill each other?
What causes Black people to kill each other? I know there are many reasons but state why you feel it happens and how these homicides could be greatly reduced.
No offense to Elwood but I knew before I scrolled down that libs would be wetting their panties over your post and the suggestion to decriminalize or legalize all drugs. The direct marketing point is well taken, and I think that lawyers and physicians should have to go back to not being able to market themselves. I'll disagree with the war on drugs is the problem as it assumes the answer to Dino's question is solved by your suggestion and doesn't take into account that whites and other races are addicted and trafficking but aren't killing each other at the same rate.End the fucking drug war. Decriminalize - or flat-out legalize - all drugs.
End direct-to-consumer marketing by the pharmaceutical companies to the "patients" er, customers.
Drug companies never used to be allowed to do that, and the fact that they now can has changed the patient/doctor dynamic. The "customer's always right" bullshit has poisoned the whole process. Also, I'm not saying that the doctors are always right,but the fact that patients can essentially request (demand) their own prescriptions has corrupted the whole process, and helped turn some doctors into dealers.
Kill the demand for illegal drugs, treat drug addiction as a public health issue - not a criminal one - and a side-effect is that you essentially cut off the gangs at the knees.
Granted, they still have gambling and prostitution, but that's for a whole different thread.
Also, stop pushing the narrative that the only choices for students today are college, the military or crime. College and the military are valid choices yes, but they're not the only options.
There's more, but it's too late and I'm too damn sober.
No offense to Elwood but I knew before I scrolled down that libs would be wetting their panties over your post and the suggestion to decriminalize or legalize all drugs. The direct marketing point is well taken, and I think that lawyers and physicians should have to go back to not being able to market themselves. I'll disagree with the war on drugs is the problem as it assumes the answer to Dino's question is solved by your suggestion and doesn't take into account that whites and other races are addicted and trafficking but aren't killing each other at the same rate.
Joe's got a cough, sounds kind a rough,
Yeah, and the codeine to fix it.
Doctor prescribes, drug store supplies,
Who's gonna help him to kick it?
No offense to Elwood but I knew before I scrolled down that libs would be wetting their panties over your post and the suggestion to decriminalize or legalize all drugs.
Yeah, that was a bit uncalled for. Despite what my avatar suggests, I haven't smoked cigarettes in years, rarely drink, and even more rarely fire up herb. I've got a child I want to set a good example for, hard drugs don't even enter my consciousness. But hey, whatever, I don't take the, "libruls are _________" personally, I realize it's just a caricature, and again, until we can TALK about issues without defaulting to one of the political perspectives, shit won't get any better.
I think it would be,advisable for you to come up with better solutions than just legalization before you start accusing others of being simplistic. My vantage point on a daily basis gives me a little more insight to the problems we face, in that I am confident. I had a whole other lengthy post but decided against posting it. The first insult exchanged between us is yours toward me since your return if anyone is keeping score. Your bull in a china shop routine is not going to get the reactions that they used to. Good luck with future postings.A typically crass and simplistic generalization. I can obtain any drug known to man right now. I don't do drugs at all. I can buy alcohol 24 hours a day, I'm sure I'm in the lowest 10th percentile of people that drink any alcohol at all. A few years ago I received a legitimate prescription for 50 cyclobenzeprine. Even though I was in constant pain, I took four of them (over many days) and never opened the bottle again. Nothing above Tylenol, Unisom, and pot, period. So acting like us libs are one law away from a heroin binge is ridiculous. Acting like our motivation is self-serving and has nothing to do with the abject failure of the fake War on Drugs is also ridiculous.
And more seriously, a 75% illegitimacy rate which is fucking insane.
End the fucking drug war. Decriminalize - or flat-out legalize - all drugs.
And more seriously, a 75% illegitimacy rate which is fucking insane.
All human beings are equal in their inherent value but some cultures are shittier than others.
The way spaceretard99 reacted you'd have thunk someone replied with "chimp DNA" instead of well thought out (with the exception of my boy Elwood's post) responses. Chill out man. Fuck. Everyone's on edge about everything, looking for a reason to be offended. You're offended? I don't fucking care.
Care to post a link to all of this "volatile" commentary about African Americans? I assume "volatile" is code for racist remarks. Being critical of a culture and the deterioration of society and the family makeup isn't racist. It is social commentary. Learn the difference.You are not a moderator. You and your friends have a pattern of making volatile statements about African Americans. You posted a gif of someone shooting a black person, so shut the f up.
Care to post a link to all of this "volatile" commentary about African Americans? I assume "volatile" is code for racist remarks. Being critical of a culture and the deterioration of society and the family makeup isn't racist. It is social commentary. Learn the difference.