Bill Gates: Vaccine-Autism Paper "Killed Thousands of Kids"

Microsoft's co-founder lets loose in an interview with Sanjay Gupta

At the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland, one of the chief luminaries of the American tech industry, and perhaps its most recognizable face, Bill Gates, is hard at work pushing countries of the world to step up to the plate and increase their charitable efforts. Bill Gates knows a thing or two about charity -- he and his wife founded the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which will give away half of his $54B USD Microsoft fortune.

One of the foundation's biggest projects is to vaccinate children around the world. Bill Gates has pledged $10B USD to this effort.

CNN News Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta interviewed Bill Gates at WEF and asked him about this effort. Asked about the published-then-retracted autism-vaccines link, Mr. Gates responds:

Dr. [Andrew] Wakefield has been shown to have used absolutely fraudulent data. He had a financial interest in some lawsuits, he created a fake paper, the journal allowed it to run. All the other studies were done, showed no connection whatsoever again and again and again. So it's an absolute lie that has killed thousands of kids. Because the mothers who heard that lie, many of them didn't have their kids take either pertussis or measles vaccine, and their children are dead today. And so the people who go and engage in those anti-vaccine efforts -- you know, they, they kill children. It's a very sad thing, because these vaccines are important.

Mr. Gates points to the eradication of smallpox as an example of how a worldwide vaccination effort can succeed. He says that polio vaccination efforts, while ongoing places like Afghanistan, are also showing signs of success.

Optimistically, he states:

Over this decade, we believe unbelievable progress can be made, in both inventing new vaccines and making sure they get out to all the children who need them. We could cut the number of children who die every year from about 9 million to half of that, if we have success on it. We have to do three things in parallel: Eradicate the few that fit that profile -- ringworm and polio; get the coverage up for the vaccines we have; and then invent the vaccines -- and we only need about six or seven more -- and then you would have all the tools to reduce childhood death, reduce population growth, and everything -- the stability, the environment -- benefits from that.

When asked about questions of corruption and fraud at the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, one of the largest vaccination efforts in the world, Mr. Gates states that he believes this to be limited to 3 to 4 percent of grantees. He says that he knows that the Global Fund cut off some grantees due to abuse, and that the fund is seeking alternative ways to get vaccines to those nations' members.

When it comes to vaccines, Mr. Gates is amazed there's not more interested in the developed world. As one of America's greatest visionaries, he see it as a no-brainer. He comments:

This is saving lives for well less than 1% of what you would spend in the rich world. And if you think lives are created equal -- this at least says well, are they at least worth 1%. And that's ignoring the sickness you avoid.

There was a survey recently that showed half the kids in Africa, because of infectious disease, have IQs of 80 or lower. That's cerebral malaria, that's malnutrition because their brain doesn't fully develop. And if you want them to be stable and on their own, you have got to make sure that terrible sickness, that permanently hurts them their entire life, is not there.

By and large, it is the one health intervention that can get to everyone. In fact, it is so simple, people often forget what a big deal this is. The 2 million people that would have died from smallpox now don't think, "Wow, I'm alive today because of vaccinations," but that's the case
I suspect Bill Gates only gave so much to charity because he had to...

I suspect you really don't want to admit rich people are human beings as well... and that many of them do more good than you ever will.

Hurts the pride doesn't it... not only are they filthy rich... they are better than you too. Meh... can't have that. So let's make some shit up... like... like... oh, I know: like "he only gave so much to charity because he had to..."

Petty... real f'ckin' petty.

I suspect you really don't want to admit rich people are human beings as well... and that many of them do more good than you ever will.

Hurts the pride doesn't it... not only are they filthy rich... they are better than you too. Meh... can't have that. So let's make some shit up... like... like... oh, I know: like "he only gave so much to charity because he had to..."

Petty... real f'ckin' petty.


So is reading too much into what was probably a sarcastic post on a message board.

And while we're on the subject, fuck Bill Gates... :cool:
I suspect you really don't want to admit rich people are human beings as well... and that many of them do more good than you ever will.

Hurts the pride doesn't it... not only are they filthy rich... they are better than you too. Meh... can't have that. So let's make some shit up... like... like... oh, I know: like "he only gave so much to charity because he had to..."

Petty... real f'ckin' petty.


I wonder how many people Bill Gates ended up screwing over in his life and how hurt society was with his company's near monopolistic practices and just the general way that all large businesses use their influences to make society get worse for normal people. Because he's trowing the public a bone at the end of his life doesn't somehow negate all the damage that he was a part of bringing about.

With that said the vaccine paper was pretty stupid.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
I suspect you really don't want to admit rich people are human beings as well... and that many of them do more good than you ever will.

Hurts the pride doesn't it... not only are they filthy rich... they are better than you too. Meh... can't have that. So let's make some shit up... like... like... oh, I know: like "he only gave so much to charity because he had to..."

Petty... real f'ckin' petty.

As far as pride goes, I have very little to hurt.
I suspect you're arrogant and have your head so far up your arse you can lick your own tongue.
Are you sayingtaht as a rule the rich are generally warm, kind, loving and concerned for the lot of their fellow human beings? Because the evidence suggests otherwise.

You think you're so smart, signing off with /S because it's the opposite of a big, massive, flashy sig, posting like a feminist in the what women should say thread and being all "sensitive".

But you can't even get one thing right: It's not "he only gave so much to charity because he had to", it's "I suspect he only gave so much to charity because he had to".

When I read your early posts I could see you thinking through what you said to make sure it was "advanced" enough and showed your "superior intellect".
Kindly leave me alone and rethink your style. Why not be authentic to yourself rather than posting what you think you should, that displays you as some kind of advanced, sophisticated modern man.
He did not have to, he wanted to. Lots of wealthy people are not very giving.
I know lots of wealthy people aren't very giving. That's what made me suspicious. But thanks for not being "always correct /S"
Bill Gates is slime. His millenium scholarship is available to EVERY SINGLE RACIAL GROUP, BUT disadvantaged White kids.

Why are disadvantaged White children worth less than disadvantaged minority children? Funny how the alarms don't sound when White children are the victim of racism and discrimination.

The Gates Millennium Scholars Program
The Gates Millennium Scholars Program (GMS), funded by a grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, was established in 1999 to provide outstanding African American, American Indian/Alaska Native*, Asian Pacific Islander American**, and Hispanic American students with an opportunity to complete an undergraduate college education in any discipline area of interest.

Who’s Eligible?
Students are eligible to be considered for a GMS scholarship if they:

* Are African American, American Indian/Alaska Native*, Asian Pacific Islander American** or Hispanic American

They aren't even sugarcoating with the "inner-city" scholarship BS, they are explicitly stating every single race, but White children, are welcome to apply. He is one racist, hateful piece of human garbage and I hope he burns in the pits of hell.
I like Bill Gates. That's why I'm using Windows 7. It's my choice.