Big titted dark haired girl named Amy...

Yup,I'm very jealous of Alana. :)

This Amy chick has to be a model of some kind for a living,just look at her! Hopefully someone on Freeones has seen her...maybe she just uses a different name than Amy or something.:cool:
This just a little bump...maybe if more people see how hot she is they'll join me in my quest.:)

(I'll try not to go crazy with the bumps...but she's just too damn hot to give up on...)
We still need more info on this gorgeous lady, Amy Wittke might be her real name but there is nothing to be found of her with that name. A hot chick like this has got to have more info on her online somewhere :)

Your link is dead (bandwidth exceeded? :tongue:).

Rep's coming your way, good job!

Here's a few links I found: (Click on the gray links « back enlarge next » for more/bigger pictures!) Wittke/ (Private profile)

Edit: video together with Ron Jeremy ->
Damn,she even has a boobpedia page...wish there was more on her though. It says she's also known as "Am-EE"...where exactly? :confused:
Her Boobpedia page says she's an adult model, but where does she do her modeling?