Beverly Hills Doctor Uses Human "Lipo Diesel" To Power His SUV


:laugh: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :laugh:
BeverlyHills Doctor Uses Human "Lipo Diesel" To Power His SUV

Dr. Alan Bittner, a Beverly Hills (<- model entirely unrelated to story) doctor who specialized only in liposuction, has been converting the leftover liposuctioned human fat of his patients into biodiesel.

Although this type of fat-recycling may at first seem like a somewhat morbid but environmentally-friendly practice, it's illegal in California to use human medical waste to power vehicles.


Why do I find this story to be such a riot ?
.....................:rofl: :rofl2:
:pukey: Pretty sick fuckin' doctor.

Gas is cheap again, what the hell! Live it up while you can! Gas is so cheap now compared to what it was, I'm buying it for no reason at all and lighting it on fire in my back yard while drinking a beer.

Mmmmmm beer.


The Doc has the right mindset for practical conservation during tight economic times and the govt has to step in and say NO ! :nono:


Will E Worm

That must sell good.

He should have enough money for gas, he's a lipo "doctor" in LA.
If he's smart, he would patent that idea and then make some real green. With all of the liposuction done on a given year in 90210, you could probably fuel the entire public works fleet and then some.
Why does the movie "Soylent green" come to mind from this.But instead of eating the corpses we use them to power our vehicles.
Sounds like a good use of corpses after you have harvested the usable stuff.Take the rest and put a human in your tank.If only we were non polluting when burnt.:eek::1orglaugh
Do not see any problem with that.
To my mind this Doc is a smart motherfucker (in good meaning)! What is the difference what will happen with sucked out fat? If people care so much about the "future life" of their fat, and love it so much, why did they decide to visit plastic surgeon and cut it away? To keep your fat inside your stomach/ass is the best way to keep it safe and sound. And no one will ever use it to create fuel! But they betray their fat, and now cry crocodile tears... cheap!