Betsy DeVos brings the "right to bears arms" to a all new level

Betsy DeVos said there’s probably a gun at a Wyoming school to ward off grizzlies. There isn’t.

In a hearing that approached disaster many times, nothing education secretary nominee Betsy DeVos told Congress has been mocked quite as much as her comments on guns and grizzly bears.
“You can’t say definitively, today, that guns shouldn’t be in schools?” asked a very skeptical Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn).
DeVos couldn’t. The answer she gave instead provoked mystification and mockery across Twitter.
She cited comments made earlier in the hearing by Sen. Mike Enzi (R-Wyo.).
“He was talking about Wapiti, Wyoming,” DeVos said. “I would imagine that there’s probably a gun in the school to protect from potential grizzlies.


Sorry, this wasn't in the article but I couldn't help...

Say what?
Enzi’s speech that day had ranged across everything from the movie “Hidden Figures” to “women in the workplace in NASA.” But the Republican senator hadn’t mentioned Wapiti or grizzlies — much less the town’s small elementary school arming itself against bears.
Nor does it. Guns are banned from every public school in Wyoming, per state law.
“We don’t carry weapons on school property,” said Ray Schulte, superintendent of the Park County School District 6.

Next door to Yellowstone National Park, Wapiti School does in fact sit in “the heart of grizzly bear country,” Schulte noted.
A grizzly-proof fence went up around its playground several years ago to stop bears from wandering through. And like DeVos, Schulte would prefer if local school boards could set their own weapons policies — “as protection against whatever,” he said.
But they can’t. And there’s definitely no anti-grizzly gun on the Wapiti campus.

So what did DeVos mean? Enzi’s office wasn’t sure either.
DeVos had met with the senator in his office before the hearing, according to Enzi’s spokesman.
He said Enzi told DeVos about Wapiti’s bear fence during the meeting — but “it wasn’t in the context of guns.”
In any event, the school’s gun-free, grizzly-proof playground is in line with the best advice of bear experts.

Even putting aside the controversial issues of wether or not guns should be allowed in schools, this is pretty scary : Betsy Devos clearly doesn't know what she's talking about, she is clueless on a number of issues that she will have to face. She's clearly incompetent as Secretary of Education.
Even putting aside the controversial issues of wether or not guns should be allowed in schools, this is pretty scary : Betsy Devos clearly doesn't know what she's talking about, she is clueless on a number of issues that she will have to face. She's clearly incompetent as Secretary of Education.

as opposed to who's been the secretary of education and the state of public education today.

Even putting aside the controversial issues of wether or not guns should be allowed in schools, this is pretty scary : Betsy Devos clearly doesn't know what she's talking about, she is clueless on a number of issues that she will have to face. She's clearly incompetent as Secretary of Education.

She is far more competent than the douche that was secretary of education under Obama, that is all I know
She is far more competent than the douche that was secretary of education under Obama, that is all I know

Despite two decades of charter-school growth, the state’s overall academic progress has failed to keep pace with other states: Michigan ranks near the bottom for fourth- and eighth-grade math and fourth-grade reading on a nationally representative test, nicknamed the “Nation’s Report Card.” Notably, the state’s charter schools scored worse on that test than their traditional public-school counterparts, according to an analysis of federal data.

The results in Michigan are so disappointing that even some supporters of school choice are critical of the state’s policies.

“The bottom line should be, ‘Are kids achieving better or worse because of this expansion of choice?’” said Michigan State Board of Education President John Austin, a DeVos critic who also describes himself as a strong charter-school supporter. “It’s destroying learning outcomes ... and the DeVoses were a principal agent of that.”

Facts are a stubborn thing
Conservaturds have proven how irresponsible and idiotic they were with 8 years of Bush's presidency, nuff said

8 years of diving racially and socially as well as ghettoizing some of the shittiest hoods of the USA with Obama Notrauma wasn't enough for you? Whole hoods filled with thugs, gang members and iliterate people is that the kind of America you want?
8 years of diving racially and socially as well as ghettoizing some of the shittiest hoods of the USA with Obama Notrauma wasn't enough for you? Whole hoods filled with thugs, gang members and iliterate people is that the kind of America you want?

You're a special kind of stupid. Explain how the president is in control of local policing? You're grasping for straws man. I suggest you visit your physician. You sound like you have a severe case of Obama Derangement Syndrome
You're a special kind of stupid. Explain how the president is in control of local policing? You're grasping for straws man. I suggest you visit your physician. You sound like you have a severe case of Obama Derangement Syndrome

Sounds like you are a special kind of stupid. The president can intimidate thus controlling local policing much in the way he utilized the DOJ to investigate and essentially take over departments. He can control police by saying that they "acted stupidly" when in fact it turns out they conducted themselves appropriately. Not to mention funding that can be held up to communities and their departments.

Obama was the most non LE friendly president of my lifetime. That is, unless they were protecting him and his family.
Sounds like you are a special kind of stupid. The president can intimidate thus controlling local policing much in the way he utilized the DOJ to investigate and essentially take over departments. He can control police by saying that they "acted stupidly" when in fact it turns out they conducted themselves appropriately. Not to mention funding that can be held up to communities and their departments.

Obama was the most non LE friendly president of my lifetime. That is, unless they were protecting him and his family.

Presidents don't run local police departments. Mayors/city councils do. Mayors choose the top cop. Mayors decide when to hire more cops. Mayors approve the police budget. Mayors have full administrative control over the police department and are essentially the commander-in-chief of the police. Is there anything you won't blame Obama for? SMH
Presidents don't run local police departments. Mayors/city councils do. Mayors choose the top cop. Mayors decide when to hire more cops. Mayors approve the police budget. Mayors have full administrative control over the police department and are essentially the commander-in-chief of the police. Is there anything you won't blame Obama for? SMH

You said "Obama doesn't control community policing" I demonstrated areas in which he affected it and when his DOJ takes over a department they are controlling it. They are also controlling community policing when they acquiesce to anti cop violence and it is already documented that cops have been reluctant to perform their duties as usual due to concerns about being accused of inappropriate action.

The president of the United States does in fact control community policing if they choose and Obama chose to become involved many times but thanks for the civics lesson.
You said "Obama doesn't control community policing" I demonstrated areas in which he affected it and when his DOJ takes over a department they are controlling it. They are also controlling community policing when they acquiesce to anti cop violence and it is already documented that cops have been reluctant to perform their duties as usual due to concerns about being accused of inappropriate action.

The president of the United States does in fact control community policing if they choose and Obama chose to become involved many times but thanks for the civics lesson.

It's your opinion that the president "affects" local police. It's a fact that the mayor/city council has administrative control over the police department
It's your opinion that the president "affects" local police. It's a fact that the mayor/city council has administrative control over the police department

Usually presidents stay the fuck out of local policing and allow local government to control departments. Black Lives Matter exists to control policing. And how many times did Obama meet with them in the White House? You can play this little game if you wish, Obama sought to control community policing nationwide. It was one of his top priorities, even if by proxy.