Best PS2 baseball game?

Any recommendations on a PS2 baseball game?
I like the sport of baseball, the game itself; I don't care about the 'business' of baseball, and I don't follow it in real life, so I don't care if the rosters are right or what-not. I would like it to look nice and be somewhat easily playable [no pain-in-the-rear control schemes.] It does not have to be a current game, in fact, it's probably better if it's not. I've got a little bit of credit at EBgames, and there's not a whole lot I'm waiting for right now, so I thought I'd spend a few bucks on a preplayed PS2 baseball game.
The last one I played was RBI Baseball 95 on the 32x, and before that, Baseball on the Atari 2600. So you can see where I am coming from.
I know old sports games can be had for very cheap, so I thought I'd pick up a baseball game, but would like some recommendations.
thanks in advance.
MLB 08 the show comes to mind
its pretty good....nowhere near as good as the old MVP series
but itll do
good call ARABJAMES

yea MVP05 is the best bb game IMO
but newer more updated rosters would be MLB08
you can play as just yourself in a career just play your at bats,and certain fielding situations, you also have to do certain goals from the manager to gain points to improve your player. like hit and run,drive in runner from 2nd,steal bases.
create,play spring training,depending on how good get contract for majors or get offer to minors,play good get called up to majors if you don't make the big club right out of spring training.

i don't know the difference of the PS2 or PSP versions. i have been playing PSP @ work and have been finally called up to the majors after 1 1/2 seasons.
and i was ripping up the minors! .400+ batting average,solid hr,rbi,sb totals but called up to AAA and played the rest of the season in AAA.
so im not sure if it takes as long if you do the "road to the show" mode
good call ARABJAMES

i don't know the difference of the PS2 or PSP versions. i have been playing PSP @ work and have been finally called up to the majors after 1 1/2 seasons.
and i was ripping up the minors! .400+ batting average,solid hr,rbi,sb totals but called up to AAA and played the rest of the season in AAA.
so im not sure if it takes as long if you do the "road to the show" mode

dude same!

my guy in the minors (AAA) hit .433, hit 17 HR, 89 RBI, and 22 SB
dude same!

my guy in the minors (AAA) hit .433, hit 17 HR, 89 RBI, and 22 SB

i didn't want to post too much regarding this so to take away from the original post/question.
but here is the whole story i posted in another thread.

MLB08 the show. i finally made the pros!
i started with the Mets. AA team kicked ass,got called up to AAA and ripped it up.....then after the season they released me!
i batted .527 in 34 games with 15hr and 47rbi on the AAA team
so i signed with Milwaukee and had an awesome spring training and was offered a 1yr deal for AAA bench player! fuck that i sat out a whole season.
then signed with the Twins. had a decent spring training. got offered 2yr deal as AAA starter.
after 48 games got called up to the Bigs and have been killing. had 7-for-9 1hr 5rbi 4 sb's in my first 2 games.
still batting .480 with 4 hr 19 rbi in a bunch of games hope to help them to the playoffs.