Best "Dark Lord" ?

Wich is you favorite "Dark Lord" ?

  • Darth Sidious/Emperor Palpatine (Star Wars)

    Votes: 33 62.3%
  • Sauron (Lord of the Rings)

    Votes: 19 35.8%
  • Lord Voldemort (Harry Potter)

    Votes: 1 1.9%

  • Total voters
Among those 3 "Dark Lords", wich one is you favorite ?
Note : It doesn't have to be the most powerfull...
Palpatine hands down one mean mother f*****


Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL.
I thought Palpatine was the most evil thing ever, til I realized he was a toned down version of Dick Cheney
Ozzie osbourne
You could say the same about the others.

Luke and Frodo were just little punks too.


not really. The Emperor wasn't defeated by a kid (although somehow the Imperial army did manage to get beat by ewoks :eek:). He was even kicking Luke Skywalker's ass, it was only because Vader betrayed him.
No, he's the Prince of Darkness!

And if anyone picks Voldemort, they should jump off a tall building... that douche can't even kill one little boy, much less be considered a "Dark Lord." :rolleyes:
In fact, Harry had been guided by Dumbledore, much more efficiently than Frodo by Gandalf or Luke by Obi-Wan and Yoda.

Dumbledore litteraly said Harry "To destroy Voldemort, you have to do this, and this and that...". Yoda told Luke "You must destroy the Emperor..." and Frodo just left Gandalf by his own.
Frodo just left Gandalf by his own.

Actually, Gandalf fell into the abyss while fighting the Balrog long before Frodo left the party. Gandalf fell in Moria. After Moria the party traveled to Lothlorien, where they spent a month in Carhas Galadhon, and then 2 weeks traveling down the Anduin river. Then Frodo left the group.

Also, Frodo wasn't a kid. If you go by the movies, then he was 33, which is the age at which Hobbits reach adulthood. If you go by what Tolkien wrote, he was 53. In neither of those instances is he a kid. :hatsoff: