I do, say two face was more of a slick, slimey, evil, creepy looking out for his own well being type, two tone, driving his force to be the most intolerable hurtful pain known to man. And I thought he was indispicable. Which gives him the worst reputation. Starting from plain skratch of course. Without conclusions. Now, if you were to say, who would win a fight amugst them. They don't fight unless it is in a video game. WHo would win? my best guess, is posion, unless someone is amuse to that. Posion ivy from batman has the best chance. Point blank, no bullshit. scratch the surface. Your looking at the envy of all envy. SHe could of killed batman, but she didn't why? It should of happened. Someone changed the skript, batman was supose to die. Oh, I don't think to much about it, because there isn't anything to think about. Look at that, who would of thought it would come to this. OH, gee wiz, what a great human being she is. Poision ivy, the greatest known to man. My hero, we'll by the narrirator who created all the batman heros, which you can see is foot, in some of the images. but< i might say, it got published before hand. and should of taken place. along after but people are completely dumb, with a side kick missing a head, and now are stuck in glue, and rueing the pot and everour adventure of Robin. What do you know? what do you know. It all comes down to this... this final moment, this magic moment. When I say, corruption, or deciet, I mean it. These guys are made to ravish. Not to expose. We'll what do you know. Maybe it happened the way it should of, whos legg and I pulling. who gets the last laugh? I'd say. Freddy kruger and posion ivy would make a hell of a duel, if they only had an extra month. Things could of been billionly surpision, but I like star wars. SO Darth vador is cool, but hes not all that hes doing. He does more then what they hand to him. This is a diffucult decision. I am going to go with postion ivy for my final anwser.