Batman: The Dark Knight possible SPOILERS

I got this from another site (the superherohype message boards), and it seems pretty legit. It basically runs down the characters in the film.


Heath IS the Joker from the movies opening shot. However, his character becomes more and more demented as the film progresses. There is no "origin" (There may be a vague montage that explains why the Joker is the way he is, but not necessarily how he came to be)

The minions are unaware of Jokers' whereabouts for much of the first part of the movie. They speculate whether he's dead, in jail or Arkham. (Joker is actually hiding from his henchmen in plain sight. They don't know he's with them when they do the robbery.)

At one point we get to see what Joker looks like to someone under the influence of Fear Gas. (Joker looks much more in lien with his comic book counter part at this point)

The characterization is spot on for Nolans' vision, and the character is exactly how it should be portrayed, tragic, funny and completely psychotic, sometimes all in the same scene.

Joker threatens to kill all the people on Gotham's "A-list" unless he is given Batman on a silver platter.

After Jokers initial plan falls through Joker threatens to destroy the city. Gotham is then evacuated on to boats. It turns out that this was Joker's plan and the boats are rigged with bombs.

One boat is filled with prisoners another with upstanding citizens. There is a timer counting down to the bombs going of. There is also a button on each boat. If the criminals push the button on their boat the timer stops and they are saved but then the upstanding citizen's boat blows up. And vice versa.


Maggie has a bigger role than Katie did in Begins. The whole film really builds on what groundwork was laid in Begins. Many story lines are set up for the third film, and Maggie will play a big part in that.

Rachel is dating Dent

Unable to capture Dent at Bruce's penthouse party the Joker kidnaps Rachel instead (perhaps becuase of her relationship with Dent).


Attempts to Blackmail Fox in order to get Batman's identity.

May be responsible for a break in at the research and development section of Wayne Enterprises. (Fox's former division)

Portrayed by Joshua Harto


Gordon has more screen time than he did in BB

At some point Gordon FAKES his death. When his wife Barbara is notified of his death she blames Batman.

After an argument with Harvey Dent Gordon SMASHES the bat signal with an axe.

Gordon and Reese talk

After Joker's truck flips Joker is arrested by Gordon


A money launderer from Hong Kong with ties to Wayne Corp. He is prosecuted by Dents office

Bruce has a "plan" for Lau

Harvey Dent/Two-Face:

Dent claims to be Batman in order to save the A-listers. Because of this the Joker crashes a party at Wayne penthouse which Harvey is attending. Bruce is able to hide Harvey before Joker gets him. Joker then kidnaps Rachel.

Dent is scarred by Rossi during a court scene ("Rossi" may not be the characters name in the film)

Two-Face goes after Maroni.

Moroni's driver is killed but Two-face's coin spares Maroni.

Ramirez calls Barbara and gives her Two-face's instructions


One of the earlier scenes in the film involves the Scarecrow and other gangs. The bat mobile bursts through the wall but Batman isn't in it. Bats then comes down the middle of the parking garage and lands on top of Scarecrows van.

"Fake" Batmen

A vigilante (or maybe an effigy) is hung from a street light. (It hits the window while Dent is talking to the Mayor about his plan for 18 months crime free)

Now seriously, how can anyone not be hyped for this movie! Joker, Two-Face, and Scarecrow? I will definitely see this opening day.
Barbara Gordon is Commishionor Jim Gordon's daughter, and the best known Batgirl, not his wife.

How can I not be hyped about this movie? because it's not only been done before in the relative sense, but it's been done before EXACTLY with Batman movies featuring Joker (most notably the first and some say best one) and Two-Face villians.

The appeal of Batman Begins is that it presented Batman's origins in a way that hasn't been previously shown and that most comic fans would feel to be more authentic in spirit compared to the 60's TV series and later movies especially. I always thought that Begins was meant to be a prequel to the first film, and set up nicely that way. Making more of them will be stupid.
Barbara Gordon is Commishionor Jim Gordon's daughter, and the best known Batgirl, not his wife.

How can I not be hyped about this movie? because it's not only been done before in the relative sense, but it's been done before EXACTLY with Batman movies featuring Joker (most notably the first and some say best one) and Two-Face villians.

The appeal of Batman Begins is that it presented Batman's origins in a way that hasn't been previously shown and that most comic fans would feel to be more authentic in spirit compared to the 60's TV series and later movies especially. I always thought that Begins was meant to be a prequel to the first film, and set up nicely that way. Making more of them will be stupid.

He named his daughter (Batgirl) after his wife in the comics I believe. I do kind of see your point though.....but I think Heath will play a better Joker in than Jack Nicholson in this one though. We'll just have to see if the Dark Knight will set up a decent continuity for Chris Nolan's Batfilms. Here's hoping.....
I am psyched for this movie. Barbara Gordon (Batgirl) is actually adopted in the comics and Jim Gordon had a son before he adopted her which is where this movie is taking place. This trilogy is also separate from the Batman movies that came before it. A reboot if you will. I love the Batman (1989) but I think I'm going to like Heath's Joker better than Jack's Joker because it is more in line with the comics. Joker isn't really much of a gangster, he's just psychotic and this new movie is going to show that. Another good showing of the Joker is Batman: Deadend which is a fan made film. The Joker is played by Andrew Koenig and he does a pretty accurate portrayal even though it's only like a few minutes long. A good read of Graphic Novels if you're interested are:
Batman: The Long Halloween
Batman: Dark Victory
Batman: Hush
Batman: The Dark Knight Returns
I think you would enjoy them.
In addition to dark warriors list, i'd also recomend Year One and Year two, both of which influenced the new Batman movie(s).
Cant wait fort his film. Im a HUGE batman fan. And im just as a fan of the joker (I always felt they showed the 2 main sides of my personality, to an exaggerated degree of course lol)

From the pictures I've seen they have got the Joker, and the new batsuit, just right.


knows petras secret: she farted.
batman is great, well at least it use to be.

what a waste of time that beginning shit was. talk about boring!
As long as it doesn't turn out like Batman Forever or Batman & Robin, I know definitely that I will see it. I heard they gave Heath Ledger a copy of The Killing Joke to prepare for his would be sweet if Mark Hamill from the animated series did the Joker's voice in the movie though. He pretty much made the Joker cool, funny, threatening, psychotic, and diabolical in that show.
I didnt think 'forever' was too bad. Not great, but it wasnt 'batman & robin' lol

And how was 'begins' boring? I know Chris Nolan dosnt put an explosion every 3 mins in his movies like some people *cough* michael bay *cough* but that dosnt mean he lets the pace slip.

Kept my attention through-out 'begins' and I loved it. Still prefer Burtons first but its a close second.

And like all comic-movie series, the first has to set up the hero. All other films after can move on with the character and introduce new aspects and villains.
batman forever was fucking horrible.

heath ledger as the joker? what a disgrace. i will NOT see this if he indeed does play the joker.
He is playing the joker, been confirmed for ages, pictures and everything.

And forever isnt bad in the fact that its actually watchable once, more than once if you like seeing batman in anything enough to stomach it. I dont watch it often, only if I've sat and watched the other 3 first and want to round off the series (B&R dont count, see below)

But even a big fan like me who wants to see batman on screen at every oppertunity cant stand to watch B&R ever again. Ever.

Cross thread linkage: Yea, AVP is better than forever lol Seen that plenty more times than forever. Can never get enough of slo-mo face huggers, they just own.

Both are pretty ass though lol Dumbing down series is what those 3 franchises do best lol But hopefully AVP:R will reboot those just as BB did for the caped crusader.
Neither can I lol

As much as I have faith in Nolan's judgement and the fact that he sounded ok in the teaser, Im still waiting for footage of him being the joker to convince me he's the right choice.

Though as my choice of avatar indicates, I think the look is great.
From the looks of the pic (and others from the scene) he is in a police interrogation room, and he is all wet. Looks as though he gets his head dunked in the classic 'hold em underwater till they talk' technique.

And yeah, his make-up is make-up in this one, not permenant. Suppose it does go with the whole 'real life' approach BB had.
I saw a few scenes while they were filming here in Chicago and I am extremely psyched about this movie.I happened to catch a few glimpses of Ledger in full Joked garb and he looks pretty damn cool.The good thing about it is that I don't believe that he will be this "clown" type Joker in the past.It seems like they are out to make him an all out murderous psychopath.The only then that has me a little concered it that Nolan may be introducing too many characters too soon.At least he said that as long as he is doing the series,there will be no Penguin,because he feels the character is too unrealistic,and that would eliminate a whole horde of weak ass characters.
You know what makes me laugh? All you lot complaining about Heath being the Joker will still go see it.

Oh and Jack Nicholson wasnt a good Joker. He was a mobster with a gimmick.
After being caught:

Obviously not sweat proof makeup

"You need to kick it up,Bats"